Addendum - With Pictures!!

Jul 21, 2007 19:21

So apparently people are finding my post and Blue's post about our TOTALLY LIFE-WINNING EXPERIENCE LAST NIGHT.

Now that I've had a chance to find my camera cable,
I strongly suggest you read the first post first, lol, because otherwise little of this will make sense.

Also, I apologize for a) the size, and b) the quality of some of the pictures. I am wise in the ways of photoshop, but not when it comes to actually doing stuff with photos, not to mention that I really didn't want to spend hours fiddling when they pretty much look good anyway.

Firstly, here is the notice that blue_soaring found on her apartment building door on Wednesday:

I mentioned that we got Jared and Jensen presents. And here they are:

Both of them, plus bonus notice page.

And close ups:



I couldn't get any pictures of the set to turn out. We swore there were no cameras in our bags when we were on the set (though we did lie, but what they didn't know didn't get us kicked out, we took that as our cue not to ask for pictures with the boys). I tried taking some pictures from the balcony after we got back, but it was just too dark, so here's a picture of the location the following morning.

To put you in context, the parking lot in back of the building where the grey car is parked is where all the trailers were being placed. The filming with the cars took place at the right end of the street that runs across the picture from left to right. So the tents and the cars were set up approximately behind that far right tree there. We were all standing just slightly to the left of the lefthand tree, where that black SUV is in the picture. In fact, we leaned against that SUV most of the night.

Apparently the boys are supposed to run up to a door and find it locked in the episode and not be able to get in. That door is hidden by the leftmost tree in this picture, but I have no doubt you'll see that brownish wall in the episode. Unfortunately we left before they filmed that part.

That picture was taken from Blue's living room window, by the way, so as you can see we could totally see the activity going on from her apartment.

And here are the autographs:

Wide view of both cases, Blue's on the left, and Miko and mine on the right.

Close up view of one of the cases.

Jim's signature.

Jared's signature.

And Jensen's signature. XD

If anyone's having trouble seeing the pictures, I tossed a zip up on YSI:

I doubt it'll go to 100 downloads, but if it stops working and you want them let me know. Sadly, there's no pictures of the boys, just stuff and location.

supernatural, i win

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