Mangaka: Sho Kitagawa
Title: Death Sweepers Vol. 1
This is one title that I picked up at the neighbourhood rental shop for 1) its red covers, 2) picture of youung man with a recycling sign tattooed on his chest lying in a coffin, 3) the idea of a manga about the people who clean up after messy murders, suicides and death by illness. There are
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Comments 5
The local rental shop doesn't carry further issues of Kurosagi beyond the story about the dead soldier of war. I shall have to check on the scanlations. Death Sweeper seems an interesting story, especially coming after the Japanese movie, Departures, about undertakers received good reviews. Sadly, I missed the screening of the movie when it was shown here. Perhaps you might want to wait till a couple more volumes of Death Sweeper come out before trying the series.
I think it is the sounds of distress baby makes that just kills me. AWWW
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