Don't Say Goodbye (Chapter 8)

Feb 01, 2010 04:02

Don't Say Goodbye - Chapter 8
A/N: Jenny and InHwan make a special appearance. Jenny is micah88, by the way. And of course, enjoy this lovely chapter.

JaeJoong winced at the song choice his friend selected in the bar where he work. Luckily, they were the only one occupying the night bar. ChangMin called him earlier to tell him what had happened just about an hour ago and since he can't possibly make it because of an urgent meeting, JaeJoong took charge instead. And to witness YooChun downed three lagers in one go - the non stop tears streaming down his face - was far more devastating than anything he has ever seen.

"How are you feeling?" JaeJoong asked, seeing YooChun was just a stage away from total drunkenness.

"Like my dog died" YooChun mumbled, wiping his face harshly with the back of his hands before taking another gulp.

"You don't have a dog"

"But if I did, and it died, that's how I'm feeling" YooChun yawled, clobbering the bar top counter weakly.

"Oh" Was the only answer JaeJoong could utter. "So what are you going to do now"

"I don't know" YooChun shook his head slightly.

JunSu's pleading and tears were flooding his mind. It hurts, it does! To have finally found someone and before they could do something more, it ended just like that. And the worst, he had to do it! For his brother and himself, and JunSu.


"Huh" YooChun looked up to see JaeJoong was holding his phone. It was doing these buzzing sound and that took him a minute to wake up and snatched the item. He previously sent a message to his brother to tell him about the break up. Thinking it had to be his brother, he quickly answered the call.


"Hey, YooChun, it's me YooNa"

"YooNa?" YooChun removed the phone from his ear to see the screen, it wasn't YunHo. With a sigh, he put the device back to it was before and replied her in a happy tone. "Hey, what's up?"

"Just wondered if you wanted to go out?"

YooChun paused to think. Maybe YooNa will do him good for now, well, okay, maybe she did something in the past, but, so did he. "Um...sure. When?"

"What about tomorrow at seven?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Where?"

"You remember Corinna?"

"Okay, see you then" He said before hanging up the phone.

"Let me guess, you're going"

"Well, it's the best choice right now"

"Okay, whatever you say" JaeJoong sighed, too exhausted to say anything.


YooChun had to admit as he stepped into the restaurant, though ten years had passed, the place hasn't changed much, still the same types of people dining, still the same theme, and the same table he sat. There was only one tiny bit difference, YooChun had on a rather casual clothing whereas YooNa was the exact opposite.

"You look nice" YooNa smiled.

"So do you" YooChun replied politely. But anyone with eyes can see she was a little too old for wearing that kind of flashy dress. "So, what are we having?"

"Look Chunnie, I want to ask you something. And it's really important"

YooChun nodded, flashed her a smile and sipped his champagne.


YunHo looked through old boxes that had been cluttering the storage room. He was too upset to go to work, too pissed off at his friends and for some odd reason, he was starting to feel sorry for his brother.

Still, he didn't want to just sit down and think. He turned off his phone, answering machine and pretty much every single technology that was slowly making him insane.

Papers after papers were strewn all over the floor, crumbled as he read another of old newspaper cutting, it was YooChun's edited article when he was a trainee for the 'Daily Press'.

It was one of those days when YunHo had to fork out some pocket money for YooChun when he wasn't able to pay his monthly bills. It was also one of those days when they celebrated when he got into the company after many years of mental torture, and his baby brother never forgets the money he owed, not that YunHo even mind not getting it back. They are brothers, after all.

He took another box, much heavier than the rest. He opened the lid and groaned once he stumbled across some old unlabelled video tapes. "Sometimes I hate you, man"

He went over to the living room and came back with an old tape recorder which his mother was still using and put in the first tape. It was a video of him and YooChun when they were younger. He chuckled at how silly they were back then.


The apartment was completely empty. JunSu stood by the living room for the last time before turning around. The cab driver nodded from the drive way, signalling the suitcases were safely carried into the trunk.

A tear was in his eyes as he locked the door and got into the back seat, smiling to the driver - all the way to the airport.


After he put in the sixth tape, YunHo left the room to fix himself. His eyes were watery and started twitching that he knew if he didn't at least rest, he would be blind. He did, however, switched the volume a little louder so he could hear them from the bathroom.

"Hey, stop it you. I'm not photogenic"

YunHo stopped what he was doing to hear clearly.

"Well, you don't have to worry, This is a video camera. Let me see your big smile"

YunHo frowned. 'Sound like YooChun'.

"Now no matter what happens, I have your face to make me happy"

YunHo frozed at the sound of a cheesy love song playing at the background. YunHo chuckled at the sound of giggling which was a little familiar to him.

"This is my favourite song. You have to dance with me"

YunHo shook his head, chuckling as he rinsed his face with cool water, listening to his brother's reluctance to dance to the....

"I really like you, JunSu"

"I like you too, YooChun"

YunHo stopped and ran into the room. He grabbed the recorder, pressed the 'rewind' button and watched from the very beginning.

A pretty boy covering his face from the camera in a beautifully green park. "Hey, stop it you. I'm not photogenic"

"Well, you don't have to worry, This is a video camera. Let me see your big smile"

YunHo gasped at the boy who slowly removed his hands, it was......



YooChun nodded and smiled, not listening to whatever YooNa was blabbering about. He was thinking of JunSu...again. He frowned, sad that he didn't get to see JunSu today. The latter wasn't at his office, probably took the day off to avoid him.

YooChun bit his lips to stop the hot tears from reaching his eyes. He was deep in thought. Reminiscing the memories of them looking at the stars at night, that beautiful eyes that shine brighter than the sun. He smiled to himself as he suddenly remembered something...

"- and I want to make it up to you" YooNa took out a ring. "Will you marry me, YooChun?"

YooChun was in shock. What just happen? He stared at her for two minutes before his phone rang. Checking that it was YunHo's number, he excused himself to pick up the call.


"Had you met JunSu before I did?"

YooChun was confused. But when his brother told him to switch to screen mode and see what he just found.

"I really like you, JunSu"

"I like you too, YooChun"

YooChun's eyes widened. A sudden wave - the meeting, the feelings, the laugh - flooded back to him. "Oh My God!"


YooChun led his eyes back, his brother's face was occupying the whole screen.

"Go get him"

With a nod, YooChun shoved the phone back into his pocket and stepped out of the restaurant to look for his car.

"Where are you going?" YooNa called out.

YooChun paused and took a deep breathe. His heart was beating again - bleeding at the same time - no, not for YooNa. He smiled as and turned, meeting the eyes of the girl he used to love.....thought he loved.

"YooNa, you ripped me apart in this very place, a piece of me always loved you, always wished you would take me back. It's taken me years to get over you, because I thought you were the one. But then something great happened to me. It just took me a long time to remember"

YooChun drove off. Leaving YooNa speechless.


YooChun knocked on JunSu's door. No answer.

He knocked again. Still no answer.

"JunSu" YooChun screamed, crying as he continued knocking. "Please open the door"

"Oh, you again"

YooChun directed his gaze to the voice, JunSu's next door neighbour, Cutie was standing, leaning sideways at her door frame.

"JunSu moved out" She simply stated, stepping aside to close her door, but YooChun stopped her from doing so.

"Where to?" YooChun asked, struggling for a breathe.

"I don't know" She glared.

"But...but when?" YooChun asked again, confused at JunSu's sudden departure and he had a bad feeling about it.

Cutie sighed. She looked at the man looking back at her with a hopeful look and she felt so horrible treating him so badly. "A couple of hours ago. He said he was catching a plane"

"A plane?" YooChun gasped, running down the stairs in a rush.


The airport was swarming with people waiting around for flights and hurrying about.

JunSu sat down on the waiting bench looking at the clock.


YooChun looked through a drawer for a roll of money he kept for emergency. He stumbled across a picture of YooNa and threw it out the window. Once he found the stash, he put it in his pocket and made a mad dash out the house when he noticed a car blocking his way.

"YooChun, my friend"

"JaeJoong?" YooChun was surprised.

"Get inside if you need a fast ride" JaeJoong shouted, gesturing his friend to come in.

Without a second thought, YooChun hurried into the passenger seat. Before he could settle in for the seat belt and closing the door, the car was already fast on the road.

The ride was unbelievably slow. Cars were lining up in one line instead of two. JaeJoong rolled down the window and popped his head out to see what was keeping them occupied. Two cars apparently stopped in the middle of the line and once he saw two bickering idiots beside the vehicles, he knew that's going to take all night.

"Come on! Move your asses! We got a plane to catch!" He shouted but nothing happened.

JaeJoong got back into the car and looked at his friend. YooChun was already crying. Hating the sight of devastating YooChun, he popped his head out again to see the bickering idiots and back to his friend, it went back and forth before he swirled the wheel to the other side.

"I can't believe we're doing this" ChangMin drawled, both his hands spreading wide, making his palms sticking to either side of the windows.

"Why are you here again?" JaeJoong shouted, eyes searching for incoming cars as they were speeding at the wrong side of the road.

"My life is boring" ChangMin said. "Chun, just out of curiosity, do you know where he's going?"

"Proposing in front of the Eiffel Tower is romantic" JunSu clasped his hands together. "And it must be done on a red checkered blanket"

"You even thought of that?" YooChun asked in disbelief. "Not blue or pink or green or -"

"Red is the colour of love" JunSu argued, waving his hand - leaving no space for YooChun to fight back.

@@@End of Flashback@@@

"Paris" YooChun replied.

"Okay, I think we can make it there in ten minutes, so hold onto your seats, boys" JaeJoong informed, hitting the gas that the car moved with such velocity.

"Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!" ChangMin shouted, flailing his arms around and pointing right at something in front of them.

A truck was pulling out from a corner. JaeJoong smirked as he swerved away from it, almost hitting a lamp post as he skillfully wheeled them back on track...and continued speeding.

"We're going to die" ChangMin gulped, closing his eyes at another sudden horn.


YooChun and ChangMin ran into the airport and straight to the main desk, leaving JaeJoong with the authorities of his deadly speeding.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The desk clerk asked.

"Do you have any seats available for the Paris flight?" YooChun asked, looking at the name tag of the woman, Jenny.

Jenny checked on her computer, her fingers typing extremely fast but seeming to take an eternity for YooChun.

"Do you think you could hurry it up a bit?"

She raised her eyebrow and continued to type. This time purposely taking her time.

ChangMin leaned over to YooChun. "Wrong move, dude"

Jenny looked up. "One for the 2030 flight. How many seats would you like to book?"

"One" YooChun said, couldn't help but to bring out a finger.

She nodded and typed some more. "Okay, that will be $750"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Yes, sir. It's a joke. Haha." She said with a 'duh' look.

YooChun obediently took the money out his wallet and gave it to her.

"And can I please see your passport?"

YooChun didn't want to make her angrier so he fished out and showed it to her. He was making a humourous face in the picture. She looked at him sarcastically. YooChun scrunched his face a little to mimic the face.

She returned the document back to him and shook her head. ChangMin was doing a face palm.

"We are now boarding for our 8.30PM Paris flight. Thank you"


A sad looking JunSu sighed and got up, gathering his things before slowly moving.


"Looks like this is it. Good luck"

"Thanks" YooChun said, hugging his friend tightly before running over to the escalator. He must have been too excited to see JunSu that he didn't see a kid was standing right in front and knocked him over.

"Hey!" The kid squawked from the floor.

YooChun continued running and soon he reached the customs. They weren't that many people waiting in line. YooChun soon reached the front of the queue. A butch security guard was waiting to search him.


YooChun turned around to see the kid he knocked over earlier was smiling at him.

"He's got weed up his ass! He told me so"

YooChun's jaw dropped and looked at the security guard.


"Are you okay?" The ticket lady asked.

"Yeah, I just want to get away from here" JunSu said, a sad look on his face.


YooChun ran through to the boarding area, just spotting JunSu as he walked past. He ran over to the ticket lady and looked for his ticket.

"Tickets, please?"

"I just had it a second ago" YooChun said, hands frantically searching for the ticket.


The kid YooChun knocked over was holding the ticket in his hands. He smirked as he spotted YooChun standing at the boarding area.


"Coming, omma" The boy said before throwing the ticket into the nearest dustbin.


YooChun exited the airport, looking helpless. JaeJoong, who just got out from those trouble, was surprised to see his friend coming out.

"What happened?"

"I lost my ticket. I must have dropped it in the rush of trying to catch him" YooChun cried, hands covering his face.

"Why don't you call him?"

"If he wanted anything to do with me, he wouldn't have left" YooChun mumbled, wiping his tears.

ChangMin put his arm around YooChun as JaeJoong did the same, bringing YooChun in the middle of a group hug.

**@ Don't Say Goodbye - Chapter 9(End) @**

fic: dont say goodbye

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