Skater Boy

Apr 22, 2009 17:28

Title: Skater Boy
Fandom: original fiction
Word Count: 1,453
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Author's notes: Written for a Creative Writing class in high school. Not to be confused with the story of the same name.

"The force of gravity is a strong beast." Tynan noted absently. The eighteen year old kicked his skateboard up, catching it. He surveyed the skate park. This was _his_ territory. No one messed with it.

It was the middle of the summer, and Tynan had graduated high school at the beginning of it. He wasn't set for college, which he?d have to leave for in another few weeks. The college of choice was a good one, one that he could draw for. Plus, it was far from _here_.

He?d be glad of the change of scenery. Green Bay was fine and all, but he was an LA boy, born and bred.

His Vans caught the brunt of his jump as he hopped down from his lofty throne. Tynan knew he wasn't bad looking with his messy red hair and brown eyes. As for how he dressed.... Well, he didn't dress like the preps at his old school. He was quite fine with his tanktop, baggy shorts, and Vans.

Tynan glanced up at the sun. Almost lunch time. He was starved.

Placing his board back down on the ground, he made his way toward home.


A few blocks from the skate park, someone else felt just the way Tynan did.

Byrd ran his hands through his bangs, trying his hardest not to look like a model for Ambercrombie and Finch. His stubborn black hair refused, and stood right back up.

He was ready to leave Green Bay and head to his parents' house in Brooklyn, New York. He would be leaving in a couple weeks or so for a talent school for acting. He'd already been accepted.

Byrd's blue eyes focused on the gray cement as he walked. He never saw the youth skateboarding toward him until they collided.

"Watch where you're going!" The skateboarder yelled.

Byrd picked himself off the ground. "Sorry." He apologized, brushing himself off.

The skateboarder frowned at him. "I bet you are." He paused. "Didn't you used to go to Southwest?"

Byrd nodded, blinking. He didn't recognize the skateboarder, but then, he hadn't noticed many people.

"You looked familiar." The boarder shrugged. "Your name is Byrd, right?"

"Mi nombre es Byrd, si." Byrd nodded again, still blinking.

"Thought so." The boarder said, balancing on his board. He pushed away and boarded off before Byrd could say anything else.


Later that week, Byrd was with a group of friends at the mall when he saw the skateboarder again.

"Would you look at his clothes?" One of the girls sniffed distastefully.

Personally, Byrd wished he had the courage to wear the baggy shorts and t-shirt the boarder was wearing instead of the American Eagle shirt and A&F shorts he was wearing. But he kept silent.

One of the guys in his group glanced at him, then at the skater. "I wonder if Byrd could catch that guy."

"Twenty bucks says he can't!" Someone else said.

"Thirty says he can." The first guy said and turned to Byrd. "I dare you to go ask that skater boy out."

Byrd's blue eyes widened. "What?"

"Ask. Him. Out." The guy repeated. ?Or are you chicken?"

"I can't do that!" Byrd replied. He stared at his friends as they all started clucking at him. "....fine...."

He sighed, getting to his feet. Forcing himself to walk over to where the skater sat, he tapped him on the shoulder.


Tynan blinked as someone tapped him on the shoulder. Taking a gulp of his smoothie, he turned slightly. "Yeah?"

He found himself staring up into Byrd's eyes. "Yeah....?" He repeated himself numbly.

"Can I ask your name first?" Byrd asked.

"Tynan." Tynan said, taking another sip of his smoothie.

Byrd repeated that silently, thinking it over. "Tynan, wanna go to a movie with me?"

Tynan stared. He barely knew this guy, beyond that he had had some classes with him back in school. It wasn't exactly that he didn't want to, but he barely knew Byrd and it was obvious that Byrd knew nothing about him.

Byrd shrugged. "You don't have to go with me. I mean, it's just a movie."

Tynan stared at Byrd again. "You barely know me and you're asking me out?"

"Well, yeah." Byrd raised an eyebrow at him. "It's a free movie for you. Or do you not like the choice of company?"

Tynan blinked at having words put in his mouth. He severely disliked when people did that. "Now, look, you. I never said I didn't want to go with you to a movie. Like I said, buddy, you barely _know_ me."

"Then let me get to know you." Byrd crossed his arms over his chest.

Tynan frowned slightly. "Why do I get the feeling that you're only doing this because of some preppy dare?"

"No dare." Byrd forced himself to lie. He already felt bad about this.

Tynan studied him quietly, thinking that over. He sensed a lie, but that feeling may have come from a lack of not knowing Byrd so well. Finally, he nodded. "Fine. One movie. If we dislike each other afterward, it's not like we're friends."

Byrd nodded at that. "You're right." He glanced at his watch. "The movie I was thinking of seeing starts in like half an hour, so we should start heading that way."

Tynan nodded himself, getting to his feet. "Lead the way, then."


Surprisingly, after the movie, Tynan and Byrd weren't disgusted with each other. Byrd was a prep, Tynan noted, but it was more a reluctant type.

Byrd knew that Tynan lived for three things: skateboarding, thrill in life, and art. He was surprised. Sure, Tynan looked like a skater with his baggy clothes, but he didn't quite look like an artist.

For all their differences, though, they made an odd pair of friends. Tynan ignored the fact that Byrd was every bit the type of guy he disliked while Byrd tried to not act like a prep.

They really did make an odd couple.


Tynan and Byrd hung out for a few weeks before one of Byrd's friends reminded Byrd of the dare that had started the whole thing.

Tynan stared at Byrd. "What dare?"

Byrd closed his eyes. "Tynan, I?m sorry...."

"Byrd here was supposed to ask you out," Byrd's friend told Tynan almost cheerfully, like the skater was some bug she'd rather step on than talk to.

Byrd opened his eyes to look at her. "Bianca, go away. The dare that started this has been over for a while now."

"I was a dare?" Tynan asked quietly, feeling hurt.

"Yes, skater boy." Bianca sneered at Tynan. She flipped her beautiful blond hair over her shoulder. "I mean, you didn't actually think someone like Byrd would so much as give you the time of date unless he'd been dared to?"

As Byrd watched Tynan's face fall with Bianca's words, he wanted to shave off every inch of the girl's hair and turn her so ugly, everyone would treat her the way she was treating Tynan right now. "Bianca, shut up. It's not a dare anymore."

Tynan frowned. "I'll make it not one, Byrd." He turned on his heel and hurried off.

Byrd watched him go. Bianca shrugged.

"I have no clue what got into him." She commented. "I mean, it's not like you liked him or anything, right?" She blinked over at Byrd when he didn't say anything. " didn't, right, Byrd?"

Byrd glared at her. "You're so caught up in talk of clothes and boys, Bianca, that you don't give a damn what others think."

Leaving her on that note, he hurried after Tynan.

"Tynan!" Byrd yelled after him. "Ty, wait!"

"Why?" Tynan growled as he stormed off. He wanted his skateboard now. He wanted the safety of his skate park. He wanted time to go back to before he'd ever met Byrd and gotten hurt by him.

Byrd caught his arm and tugged him back. "Look, Tynan, I'm sorry. I was dared to ask you out. But, then I got to know you and I forgot about the dare."

Tynan refused to meet his eyes. "I bet you did, prep." He lifted his head. "So what? I was just some toy or something for you to play with, wasn't I?"

"That's not true!" Byrd replied, looking at him. "I actually value your friendship!" He moved his hand down to take Tynan's hand. "Please tell me I can at least be your friend."

Tynan's brown eyes studied the tanned hand on his. He was hurt by a dare being the cause of their friendship. But he also still liked being Byrd's friend.

He'd give Byrd another chance. And that's exactly what he did.
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