Skater Boy

Apr 22, 2009 17:11

Title: Skater Boy
Fandom: original fiction
Word Count: 1,224
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Author's notes: I don't even remember why I wrote this, being that it was written back in high school with characters I and a friend were roleplaying.

Everything happened behind the private high school. There was a playground that belonged to the elementary next door, but all the high school kids hung out there during their lunch hours. Across the street was a skate park, but only the public school kids went _there_.

Rook Lodge was the most popular girl in her school. She had it all: money, looks, and smarts. She could have any guy she wanted. But she wanted one in particular: handsome skater boy she saw every day at the skate park.

Her two brothers went to _his_ school and it was through them that she’d met _him_ for the first time.

His name was Arin Sidell. Although he didn’t act like it, he was as smart as well as good looking. His two best friends were a girl named Bree, who was dating Rook’s older brother Raayn, and Rook’s other brother Reed. Like Rook, Arin, with three of his friends, were the most popular guys in their school.

Today, the public high school had the day off due to parent-teacher conferences. So that meant that Arin and his ‘gang’ were hanging out in the playground because Reed and Raayn had to wait for their sister to be done for the day.

Arin was twisting a swing around, his feet propped up against his skateboard. He didn’t care for his stalker.... er.... admirer. The only reason he was there was because _his_ crush was there.

Reed knew that Arin was crushing on him, and truth be told, he was crushing back. The only thing stopping either of them was Rook.

At the moment, Reed was sitting in the swing next to Arin, hugging his board and watching his crush getting himself dizzy. ....watching was making _him_ dizzy....

Their lookout, Bree, was sprawled on the top of the slide, watching the school. “School’s out.” She sat up, sending her skateboard down the slide. At the bottom, Raayn caught it. “I see Rook.” The girl went on, getting to her feet.

“Let’s start a band.” Arin said out of nowhere. Everyone looked at him.

“A band, cutie?” Reed repeated dumbly.

Arin didn’t get a chance to answer him because just then, Rook was giving him a big hug.

Bree slid down the slide and gave her twin sister a hug. Butterfly hugged her back, then gave Rook a disapproving look.

It wasn’t that Butterfly hated Rook. She was actually good friends with the girl. And Fly didn’t hate Arin either because she adored him as much as Bree did.

Arin patted Rook’s head. “There’s gonna be this huuge party at my house tonight. Your brothers invited themselves, so you’re more than welcome to come yourself, Rookie.”

Rook nodded. “Of course!”


As the school year went on, Reed could do no more than watch as he slowly lost his crush to his sister.

Then summer came and his life crashed down around him. Rook had broken up with Arin mere days before Reed went off on summer vacation. Arin was shattered by that, so Reed swallowed his pride and asked Arin to go with him....


Time passed and Rook grew up, watching Raayn marry his girlfriend Bree, Reed moving out.... And she watched as all her friends got married or went off to college.

The only person she never saw anymore was Arin. After her brother and Arin came back from vacation, Arin’s parents were killed in a deadly car accident, so the boy had to move in with his father’s parents, who lived in another state. Rook knew that Arin still kept in touch with Reed, but he’d never sent her any more than a birthday card on her birthday.

Rook eventually married a guy she had liked in high school. Beck was... nice, but he wasn’t Arin....


A year later found Rook with her first born, an adorable boy they’d named Allen. She was flipping through the channels and stopped.

On tv was a new hit singer. Rook’s mouth dropped as she realized who it was.


She grabbed the phone and dialed the first number she thought of: Raayn’s house.

Bree’s cheerful voice came on the line. “Hello, Lodge residence.”

Rook swallowed. “....Bree....?”

“Rookie!” Bree sounded like she was smiling. “How’s Allen? And Beck?”

“They’re fine.” She blinked. “Have you heard from Reed or Arin lately?”

“Of course.” Bree sounded confused. “I saw them last night. Why do you ask?”

“....So Arin’s a hit singer now?”

Bree once again sounded confused. “Yeah. He’s got a concert in town tonight and I’ve got tickets and backstage passes. Do you wanna go?”



That night, Rook founded herself surrounded by screaming girls, yelling Arin’s name.

Then _he_ walked out. He was as handsome as ever and he’d filled out considerably.

She couldn’t help but fall in love again.

After a long concert, Rook followed Bree and Raayn dumbly as they headed backstage.

She paused when she saw Arin. His back was pressed up against the wall, in a liplock with the last person Rook would have thought.


For one brief moment, Rook thought Reed had forced Arin up against the wall and kissed him.

For one brief moment.

But then, Reed pulled away from the smaller boy and told him huskily, “You did wonderful tonight, lovely. You couldn’t have done better.”

Arin sighed softly, slumping against the wall. “Like always, I pretend that I’m singing to you, sexy.”

Reed smiled slightly, causing Rook to see red. “Mmm.” He gently kissed Arin again, then looked up. “Hey, bro.” He paused, pulling away from Arin. “Rook.”

Without his support, the young rock star slid down the wall, then quickly got to his feet. “Rook!”

Rook stared at Arin for a long time. He was dressed in a pair of old jeans, an open shirt, and a pair of battered sneakers. He was more muscular than he’d been in high school and he was a bit taller, but still as handsome as ever.

“’ve grown up.” Rook heard herself say.

He nodded slightly. “...yeah. So have you.”

“ goes life for you?” Rook wondered, chewing on her lower lip.

Arin glanced at Reed and Rook didn’t miss the shy smile the singer gave her brother. “...happy.” He turned back to Rook. “I’ve heard that you got married to Beck and that you two have a son.”

Rook nodded. Allen was her life. He was all she held dear any more. That and her husband. “Anyone special in your life?”

The shy smile again. “You could say that.”

Rook suddenly felt out of place. Even if she hadn’t been married, she knew she’d never have a chance with him. And she knew who Arin’s special person was.

Her own brother. Reed.

How long had they been together? Before she’d broken up with Arin? After?

Reed cleared his throat. “Your fans are calling, gorgeous.” He gently took Arin’s arm, causing the boy to look at him. “Don’t wanna keep them waiting....”

Arin nodded slightly. “...yeah.” He turned back to Rook. “ was nice to see you again, Rook. Best of luck to you and congrats.”

Rook nodded faintly. “Same to you....”

She watched silently as Reed steered Arin off. She’d never seen Arin or her brother look more happy.

....In a way.... She was happy for the both of them.
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