
Sep 25, 2007 00:04

Had a migraine today, and I mean I proper, real migraine. Not one of those bad headdaches that make people say "OMG I HAD A MIGRAINE" just to up the pity. I had a damn big migraine today. And the worst thing? I had to go in to uni for a Microbiology test! I'm just glad it didn't get really bad until I was back at Chee's house later on. His dad even ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

spacedlaw September 24 2007, 19:01:05 UTC
Yay you !
Migraine are the worst thing ever. I have seen people in pain banging their head on the wall (not that it helped, but it was still impressive).


cherrysorbet September 25 2007, 05:42:52 UTC
that'd work! pfft, i couldn't even raise my head to hit it on the wall... my face hurt too! wtf?!


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