
Sep 25, 2007 00:04

Had a migraine today, and I mean I proper, real migraine. Not one of those bad headdaches that make people say "OMG I HAD A MIGRAINE" just to up the pity. I had a damn big migraine today. And the worst thing? I had to go in to uni for a Microbiology test! I'm just glad it didn't get really bad until I was back at Chee's house later on. His dad even gave me perscription pain killers and it didn't work, wtc? What is the POINT of perscription pain killers if they DON'T KILL THE PAIN?! It REALLY hurt!

At least it did knock me out for a few hours. Damn Chee's bed for being so comfortable! It was torture getting up to come back home.

So I'm finally over that. To be honest I feel really really guilty that I even had a migraine today because Chee is sick aswell with a really bad cough and I was sleeping and in pain and he had to take care of me when I should be taking care of him! And he had to go to work tonight. Stupid head. I hate simultaneous sickness :(

Micro biol is blah. Human biol is too much. Two tests in the contact free week? Give me a break!

The most horrib;e, horrible thing happened on Sunday. I wrote half of this huge essay I have to do for Sociocultural Perspectives on Health - I was pleased with it and planned to finish it off when I came into ni on Sunday. I went into uni, and apparently it wasn't there. There was no file. Somehow my entire half of my essay had disappeared and I had to write the ENTIRE thing again by today... I actually went outside and cried my eyes out, how embarrasing. But really... I honestly felt like giving the whole thing up right then. I was so upset and frustrated with everything and just... bleh. It took a good hour to stop crying and get back in there and do my essay :( Wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for John's awesome words and hugs. He seriously is the reason I carried on yesterday. I love my boyfriend <3

Made me stronger I think... how things will always go wrong but you can't give up. You have to keep striving to become what you want to be. Because it's sooooo easy to be a bum for the rest of your life, nothing to do but smoke and drink all day - but I know I'm better and smarter than that. And I'm passionate about becoming an ICU nurse so I have to keep going, no matter how shitty and frustrating uni can be. Or how many migraines it causes.

I feel proud of myself.
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