
Feb 09, 2010 18:16

Because I'm listening to KAT-TUN's Heartbeat right now and it's a happy song and a heartbeat means life and well ~
isn't this my first life signal in a long time? XD
I actually don't have time at all to write something but since I feel like I have to inform Deby about what's going on, here I go xD

of love, friends and snow. )

school, photos, update, friends

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Comments 11

eragon22 February 9 2010, 17:37:11 UTC
Eyleen, we haven´t talked like forever T_T I miss you a lot :(
Your school and the loads and loads of homework sound tough, but good luck on them XD
Brazil sounds so so warm. We have a lot of snow here too, not to mention the cold.
Elli is such a good name XD I´m really glad that you´re happy ♥♥♥


cherrylady6 March 1 2010, 18:42:09 UTC
Kat! We really haven't talked in forever :x I wonder what's going on with you? Are you fine? I bet university life isn't getting easier, haha :) I miss you a lot too! ~
Thaaanks, I still need to start .. I'm such a pro at procrastinating, noes! XD
I'm so glad the snow is gone now :) Though only since 2 days or something? But it's March, so Spring should start NOW :o
Haha, thanks! ~ Hope you're happy too!


haizul February 10 2010, 04:33:02 UTC
OKAY LIKE FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAH i almost started jumping around when i saw your entry on my f-page XD ♥

again, i'm so happy that you have someone special now ^^ wish the both of you a long lasting relationship <3 -huggles- that's a really sweet necklace there! :D

omg you're going to Brazil *O* that's so interesting! though i heard its hotter than Singapore ;__; but have fun there with your friend!! one day i am so going to visit you in Germany :3 ♥

and... i'm sorry to hear what happened.. ;__; -hugs- stay strong bby. i love you so much, you know that ♥ have a lovely Valentines with your special one! \^^/


cherrylady6 March 1 2010, 18:47:12 UTC
Hazel-chan!! :* My loove. ~
Haha. XD But it's not even good. And now I could update again and write like nearly the same. xD Sorry for not updating with your entries. :x Link me to the ones you want me to read and I do so, okay?

Thaanks. ♥ I'm very happy too that I've found him keke. ~ Am wearing the necklace right now ^.^ And thanks, I hope it's long lasting too! ~ How are things going for you?

I hope so! XD The flights are so damn expensive, it's not funny :x I know, I will fucking MELT there. XD But I want to go there nevertheless. Singapore would take even more time to fly there x.x Bet Mum would think I'm crazy if I asked for Singapore. xD Haha you have to, definitely! In winter! ;D

I will stay strong, :3 I mean, I have my new friends now but it's nevertheless sad to see what happens to a close friendship. :D I know that, yes. And I love you even more!! :) -hugglessss-


sono_kiseki February 21 2010, 03:29:32 UTC
eljay still fails at stalking you /frowns/

you're super cute, and congrats!!!!!! /loves on you/

Your friend seems awesome YAY JROCK and you're just too cute!!!!!!! /tackleglomphuggles



cherrylady6 March 1 2010, 18:51:32 UTC
Kelly! uwaaah :D
Haha, it really needs to exercise a bit! I fail at stalking lately a lot too but LJ is still worse xD -kicks LJ- ;x

Aw .. thanks? :3 I don't agree with you because I'm not. xD And thanks again <33 hehe :) -smiles-

Haha :) She's a fan of Alice Nine and LMC and Dir en Grey(? xD) and so on and so on. I was happy to know someone who's into Japan too but she knows so much more about those Jrock bands than .. well, I know nothing at all about them. -dies- XD

I still miss you! :O -hugs- ♥


sono_kiseki March 1 2010, 22:18:46 UTC
What do you mean? Lj is the king of stalking, okay? KING. XD

pfft you. <3

and haha Alice Nine THIS IS A SIGN THAT YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO THEM, YOU HAVE TWO FRIENDS WHO THINK THEY'RE AWESOME 8D personally though, I dont listen to LMC and DeG since they kinda-sorta scare me :/


cherrylady6 March 21 2010, 12:33:01 UTC
Haha right! I haven't been here quite some time so I don't know how to value the king anymore, I have to be careful around here. xD

I know, it is. ♥ And I'm doing so. But why are they scaring you? xD


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