
Feb 09, 2010 18:16

Because I'm listening to KAT-TUN's Heartbeat right now and it's a happy song and a heartbeat means life and well ~
isn't this my first life signal in a long time? XD
I actually don't have time at all to write something but since I feel like I have to inform Deby about what's going on, here I go xD

I wanted to update already around Christmas, then it became new year and now it's February. :> I'm sorry. ~
And just when I thought, wah, I can come online more soon, the teacher give us like 36474 things to do. I have to write a 'skilled work', idk if it's right translated and I have like 4, 5 weeks to finish it and it has to be quite perfect and I don't like my historical theme at all D;
Also, my Latin teacher whom I hateeeee decided to let us have presentations in oh, the next 4-5 weeks, each of us has to prepare 45mins, wtf!? plus homework. I won't have time to sleep anymore. o.o
The fuck, I have already dark rings under my eyes!! XD -hides-

So. Basically. I wanted to write down the main changes in my life since I wasn't on LJ so much anymore. ~ Keke :]

Well, I have a boyfriend now (: Since the 25.12.09 ♥ actually. :> One of the reasons I wanted to update around Christmas but I never did and rather spent time with him, sorry. XD He's cute and I'm just happy with him. ~ This weekend is Valentine's Day, I so can't wait for that day to come. Will be at his house, uwaah. (:
And he gave me this to Christmas, even though we weren't together ~!

He gave me that nickname. Because I had that thing with a friend, calling us Lela & Ela and he called me Elli after that, so cute. ~
I absolutely love to wear that necklace around, even though everyone asks me why there's 'Elli' written on it. xDD

Theeen. Um. Well, there are some major changes when it comes to friends. I'm not hanging around as much with Biggy and Sarah as before but I still love them. Just had a hard time in between with accepting that friendship isn't forever when you were so close before. :3
But therefore I gained a lot of new friends. One gave me these cookies today! ~ Anna :)

She likes Japan too though she's more into J-Rock. ~ I know, those cookies are korean haha XD But she was in this city with a lot of asian stuff and it's just too cute, I really jumped around in school and hugged her ^______^

In Summer, I hope I'm going to Brazil to meet Deby (okiita ) :D She invited me over and I gladly accept that. The flight seems expensive until now but a friend told me where I could look for cheaper ones so if I find them for like around ~500€, I don't even have to work wheee :D And and Brazil is warm. In contrast to ...

SNOW GERMANY! :> I mean, when I'm going there it's warm here too but I bet it's still hotter there. XD
Waah, it's so freezing here. I hope we'll have schoolfree or rather snowfree tomorrow again, I'm ill anyway hehe :)
Took that picture today when I had fallen down outside because I wanted to follow my cat, didn't see the ice and whaaaaam. 8D

Waah, so. Now ~

Made myself warm again with a cup of green tea ~ isn't the cup cute? ^^
And it's also good for my sore throat D;
This should motivate me to do my homework, yosh! I procrastinated already again. 8D And tomorrow I won't have time, so ...
I seriously should start working on all my upcoming school things like very soon. But I guess I'll wait until Valentine's Day is over. :D

It was super hard to draw this because the snow is FROZEN! ! :O
But I love you guys hehe, so I wanted to finish this entry with a heart for you! ~
-hugs all-

Eyleen ♥

school, photos, update, friends

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