Black Heart Inertia

Jun 06, 2009 14:50

Yes I know my title is useless but I really like that song 8D

So I'm like not home for the whole weekend, except for now and I still have to study and shouldn't be here xD
School is quite good at the moment, the tests aren't as difficult as I thought they would be ^__^ (or maybe I just improved with studying the right things [or I improved because I ( Read more... )

meme, photos, myself

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Comments 23

dephi June 7 2009, 02:46:35 UTC
And hey, driving is fun~


cherrylady6 June 7 2009, 14:31:21 UTC
Agree, driving is fun :D But you have to pay attention to so many things ~

1. Tell you why I friended you.
I think we got to know each other through your RyoDa fiction and you seemed so nice to me and we kept exchanging comments :) i thought you are a nice friend/person :D
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word, etc.
RyoDa at first. But somehow, Mizushima Hiro, too ^^ And of course I have a picture of you in my mind ;D
3. Tell you something I like about you.
I think you're very ambitious. And you're easy to talk to :)
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
Mostly I remember your fanfiction or our msn talks because those are beautiful memories ^^
5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
It's actually the same you asked me but I really want to know :D How did you get in the fandom?
6. Tell you my favorite userpic of yours.
This one. Because it's sweet though I don't even know him xD
7. In return, you must/can post this in your LJ.
I got it from you 8D


cherrylady6 June 7 2009, 15:09:36 UTC
For 5.: Which thing would you want the most at the moment?


dephi June 8 2009, 12:32:14 UTC
1. lol, thanks for the compliment ( ... )


marielizangela June 7 2009, 03:46:07 UTC
Eyleen:) Hi bby !
Im glad that school is going okay for you and that the tests arent being so difficult :D And that is a good thing that your really studying :) Good luck with the driving test on Friday!

*gives you blankets*

Uwah, beginning of your holidays and your flight to France is within your reach! Im even excited for you ! :DD Give it your best then before it all ends ne ! ♥

meme please:]

At first i couldn't find you. And then i saw that person in the back but i wasn't exactly sure, so i clicked on it, and it was you! Haha, it was so much easier to tell after I knew where you were xD



cherrylady6 June 7 2009, 15:08:43 UTC
Maria :DD Hey bby :] I like your icon xD
I'm glad too xD Only 2 more tests to go! ~ :D When I really study, then i do good 8D But I'm soo lazy :/ -shot- Thanks! I'm nervous x.x

Ah, I really need them xDD Thank you ^__^

Hai, it comes closer ^^ Though it's still so far away somehow xDD Aw, that sounds so final already xDD But yes I will give my best :D though you can't call the last weeks school because we won't do sth useful xDD

Whee, I'm glad you could spot me even w/o the solution :DD haha of course it's easier when you know it ne xDD
Here we go for the meme ~ :D

1. Tell you why I friended you.
We friended each so long ago xD But I thought you were nice, and then I remember our long comments. We talked about so many things! ~ I love(d) talking with you, so :)
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word, etc.At the moment, I associate you with SHINee. xD But you have your very own writing style, for comments, entries, anything, I kind of remember that always, too. And of course I have a picture of ( ... )


marielizangela June 8 2009, 20:43:41 UTC
:) Hehe, donghae icon, i like it too. Yay only 2 more tests! Ganbatte for the last two then ! ! That's how i was, always trying to study but i got so lazy a lot. Don't be nervous, im sure you will do/ did fine ! ^_ ( ... )


cherrylady6 June 11 2009, 20:36:13 UTC
I kinda ignored Donghae lately -bricked- xD Yay, tests are finished! :D Now it's waiting for grades ~ and having a lot more time ♥ ^__^ I need to work more for the upcoming year .. -sigh- Instead of lazying around <.<
Ah, it was actually a little pushed back xD So now I have a little more time. Theoretical is okay. But I will die before the practical one. xD

XD ♥ I just love it when we write like .. not-making-sense-sentences. xD So right eh ~ tomorrow I have 2 lessons in school. Why shall I even go, it's sooo useless 8D

1.Waah, a year sounds so long ne .. though I still remember it clearly. We talked about school and even .. erasers. xDDD It's so clear in my mind ~ :D though I forget everything else, I remember that!? xD We can celebrate our anniversary soon 8D haha they DID reach miles ne xDD -hugs ( ... )


underwearwolfs June 7 2009, 05:15:17 UTC
sweetheart you make me feel so loved! lol
thank you and yes let's have some fun together again just like before!! yay :D


cherrylady6 June 7 2009, 15:11:29 UTC
No wonder, I love you. -runs-
Haha yes, I really missed you mocking me xDD -runs faster-


underwearwolfs June 7 2009, 05:19:06 UTC
lol and I got you on the pic! XD


cherrylady6 June 7 2009, 15:12:05 UTC
Aw, am happy you could spot me! xDD though I'm half-hidden and talking. xD


eragon22 June 7 2009, 08:17:14 UTC
meme me?
I hope that you´ll do good with the theoretical test. I was so nervous when i had to do it *_*
We are having a cold period right now too *shivers with you*
I´m glad that you are doing well in school :) The beginning of your holidays is just around the corner so hang on there ♥♥


cherrylady6 June 7 2009, 14:45:01 UTC
I AM so nervous xDD I still need to practice for it today ~ 8D I hope I do good too ^^
Aw, it shall get warmer >_< It's June, damn xDD -comes to you with a blanket-
Just 2 more tests to go -sigh- Haha true :D Though .. still 2-3 weeks D: But the last weeks don't count anyway xDD
Here we go for the meme :D

1. Tell you why I friended you.
Because I first spammed you with replies on an Akame picspam (xD) and you seemed like a nice person/friend to me :D And I enjoy writing with you.
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word, etc.
For fandom, I associate you with Kame :> But I have always a picture of you in my mind ^^
3. Tell you something I like about you.
You're easy to talk to and have a good personality, and you're honest. And talented! :D
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
Of course your picspams AND your fanfic :) Because I love(d) both so very much. And our talks :)
5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.Are there other groups you listen to than JE? If yes, which? Or don't you ( ... )


cherrylady6 June 7 2009, 15:09:59 UTC
For 5.: What would you want the most at the moment?


eragon22 June 7 2009, 16:31:18 UTC
I´m sure you´ll do fine =) (lol, i hate it when people say that to me XD)
I know, it´s June and it´s like 10 degrees outside *_* Not fair!!
You know, you are one of the few who have friended me and actually meant it ( i mean they actually talk to me and don´t just stalk XD)
lol XD Kind of sad that i don´t post pic spams that often then XD Though even more seldom i post fanfics though i´ll post one soon, a new fic :)
Actually i am quite hard to talk to XD And i don´t open up easily to other people XD And not talented either XD
Mhh..i listen to almost all JE groups and have at least a couple of songs from them. The most i guess from Kanjani8 and Kinki Kids..How did i get into it? Long story XD
I KNOW...the turtle is so cute..
Ne, have been meaning to ask you but do you have a Msn account? XD


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