Black Heart Inertia

Jun 06, 2009 14:50

Yes I know my title is useless but I really like that song 8D

So I'm like not home for the whole weekend, except for now and I still have to study and shouldn't be here xD
School is quite good at the moment, the tests aren't as difficult as I thought they would be ^__^ (or maybe I just improved with studying the right things [or I improved because I'm actually studying and not only saying it like before xD]).
Next Friday I will have my theoretical driving test, I'm scared xD But I'm gonna do it somehow ~
I'm freezing here right now, the temperatures are incredibly low once again -shivers- And now I have to go out for my uncle's birthday D:
Mom's not here for this weekend, and dad's bothering me with all kind of things, so I better get out of here xDD
I have all kinds of countdowns in my head currently, such as the beginning of my holidays or my flight to France. Whee :) Makes me feel good~
I better be going now or dad will get mad :D

But the actually purpose of this entry was the meme I wanted to post xD -bricked- So here we go ~
Got it from dephi  :D

Comment, and I'll:
1. Tell you why I friended you.
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word, etc.
3. Tell you something I like about you.
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
6. Tell you my favorite userpic of yours.
7. In return, you must/can post this in your LJ.

And Acha is back ♥ -jumps around- Made me notice how much you can miss someone even though it's through the internet.

And Deby ~ take a look at my music. You've been a good/bad influence ~ (however you see it xD)

Oh but before, can you spot me here? ;D I'm kinda hidden, so I bet you don't. xD

Make it larger and look for me? :) Waah, I miss that time and those guys so much ♥

Can't spot me or want to check? :D Go here :)

I'm off :D

Edit: Why Yesung D: I loved your hair before. And Siwon ♥

I came home this morning around 5am? xD I'm kinda tired now ~
I spent my evening on that said birthday, or more on a surprise party and had a lot of fun. Especially with my little princess here :D

meme, photos, myself

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