Happy Birthday Deby! ♥

Jun 22, 2009 14:39

Now it's official baby! Today is your birrrthdaaay ~ :D

Remember my awesome cam with all those functions? :D I finally found one for birthday xD
Though you opened your present earlier than you were supposed to, I still want to congratulate you! Like I did in my letters. I hope you liked them, you didn't really tell me about it eh? :D Ne, tell me what you thought :)
First of all .. Happy Sweet 17 Deby! :D I know, it's actually sweet 16, but who cares. For me it's sweet 17 XD
I never thought we'd be going to be so good friends. I always thought you were someone special but I never thought that we were going to be so close. And so precious to me. I realized only with time passing that you are really precious to me already. I got to know you in a quite unusual way ne ~ well, I've always been your stalker as you see. But seeing your journal after I followed a link to chibi scans I don't even like .. xD it just came over me. I told you that I was like "Wtf are the Wonder Boys?", right? :D And just like that, you've shown me a lot of new things I don't want to miss. I'm even thinking about going to Brazil in some way. I try to persuate mom though it won't be easy. I never thought so hard about going somewhere if possible to meet someone. Well, maybe Japan for the bands, but that doesn't count :D I so want to see you, really. Hug you, and mock you together with your dad :D Just thank you for everything you've done for me until now. I fucking hate our different time zones, just to let you know :O But you are nearly the same age as I am, and that makes you even more awesome because nearly all my friends are a year older than me :) I think I found a real friend in you, someone I can count on even in my real life. You make me stay up late though I have a test the next day because I just can't say goodbye to you. I wnat to know you that I'm always here for you. I'd like to say "Call me anytime" if it wasn't expensive as hell. Btw, I still don't get that sms thing 8D But I'd talk to you the whole night if you really wanted me to ♥ I hope we have still a lot of birthday left to celebrate together as I don't want to let go of you, everrr :)
And I shall greet you from mom xD She really likes you by now I guess ~ :)
I hope you have a happy day. Maybe the happiest? :D

Yours, Eyleen


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