Antibes :D

Aug 09, 2009 20:31

I just noticed that I write like one entry per month. Is that bad? xDD Well, I promised a friend of mine to write an entry sometime soon and I had to update for another one to show some photos, so here I am :]
A little while ago I wrote a very long text about planning to quit LJ because I couldn't see the time for it anymore. But I couldn't put it here .__. I'm not often around anymore but I'll definitely give my best to update with my friendspage and everything :) I love you guys just way too much, whee ~ :D I especially noticed it again on my birthday, when I read all those lovely messages. ♥
School started Thursday again. It feels already like an eternity! ~ And I have to take courses now, so I'm separated from nearly all my friends and I meet everyday new random people o.o How lucky that I learnt some time ago not to be that shy anymore, so it's fun :) But it's getting harder too, all the homework. And double lessons only now. D:
A lot of things are happening in my life at the moment :D But I won't write about that now, neither about fandom. I just put some photos from France here (because it'll need forever to upload them!) and explain them ^__^
Oh, and I'm also planning on writing more fanfction again. I got a lot of free hours in my schedule (so stupid x.x) and I got a lot of requests recently, so I may write more again. I hope so :D
Gaah, it's soo hot here .__. Oh, and I love F.T Island's new album! :D Okay, I'll stop now and post! XD

The awesome view from our second balcony xDD We were on the 7th floor and had 2 balconies. Isn't the view just beautiful? I like it a lot :) The apartment was really pretty :D

I was happy that our family had a cat, too! xDD It was fate ~ isn't she cute? ^^ And she slept all day in Sarah's bed and liked Sarah's things a lot too XDD And she kinda ignored me though I was the one who liked her and Sarah didn't 8D

The first picnic at the beach :D To get to know each other and so on ~ this is only our little group after some others left already ~ it was a very funny evening :)

Ah, that was after we finally reached the top of some stupid little mountain XD The view, behind us, is fantastic though :) We just didn't know before we would go there, so I hiked with my flip-flops. And it was so stony! D;

I love this view ♥♥ This is from the first balcony, directly in front of our room. There was this amusement park right in front of us and it was opened until 2am or something? xD We had always music in the evening ~ xDD

Monaco. All the rich people are supposed to live here ~ and you see all the yachts ne xDD

I still hate ships but I had to go on it to get to this one island ~ Sarah and another friend of us walked around on the ship but luckily I had Julia with me who stayed beside me xDD Though she made jokes about me and my ship-fear all the time xDD

Our room in France :D Yes, I know .. together, we're not very orderly when it comes to cleaning XDD But hey, the desk wasn't tidied up before! xD

This was in our classroom in the school ^^ We had break and were eating something. We were too lazy to go down as we were in the 4th floor, so we had to walk all the stairs up again xDD

In a Chinese restaurant :D I'm so glad I found Julia who likes also asian food and we persuaded the others to eat there with us xD

This was in Nice where we went shopping :) There wasn't much to see. I got new shoes there :D It was a funny day ~ xD Julia and I posed a lot ~ xD

We were eating crêpes, a french speciality, with the whole group on the last day of the first group :) It was fun but also sad because some left after 2 weeks, the first group, and we left after three weeks! ~

The place where we had breakfast :D Fantastic outside ~ ♥ Though I'm terribly grumpy in the morning XDD Sarah will verfiy this ~~

The Mediterranean Sea! :D I really love the open sea ~ And it was sooo warm ~ ♥

In the cinema where we watched Harry Potter in French. It was kinda funny because we understood like half of the movie and Marieke didn't get anything XDD I was so concentrated to understand something .. I was really into the film. So I ended up crying when Dumbledore died xDD But I think we took this picture when we went to watch Ice Age? xD

The last day in school ~ we had a challenge. We got this questionnaire and had to go around and ask some people ^^

This was our guest family ^__^ Well, at least the kids xDD They were so nice ~ :D

At the airport ~ even that time was funny (just look at Julia XD). Aw, I want to go back! :D

Marieke got a henna tattoo there! :D I got one too! ~ On my ankle this time ~ I'm so addicted to these things ^__^

These are from my birthday, you can tell probably :D Only two of my presents, but I really really loved these!~ Biggy's uchiwas omg, I stare at them day and night! :DD And Anisha's presents also .. -diess- ♥
Thanks guys! Soo much, I love you :D Thanks to everyone who gave me something, made me something, wrote me something or just congratulated me! ♥
And now, I go to bed. Tomorrow's school. Uh. Someone rescue me .__.
Bye Bye :D -waves-

holidays, photos, update

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