FanFic: The Bench At The Sea (Chapter 3)

Aug 14, 2009 22:18

He’s never been that mean to any other person before. He wasn’t always nice and he always said what was on his mind which was why he was called poison tongue, but this was the first time ever that he had followed someone just to insult him some more. Ryo sat again on the sofa in his bandroom where he had headed straight after the argument between him and Koki died down. The other members were also there but he didn’t really notice them as he was in his own world, thinking over the things that just happened to him. Could hate become bigger? Did he hate Ueda so much that he tried to hurt him in all possible ways? But there was this new feeling, a feeling he never had before. Guilt. Remorse. Why did he feel like this? He had never been the type to apologize to someone. Yet it made him feel guilty not to do so. He didn’t know how to deal with all the things bothering him, so he decided to get some fresh air.

“I’ll walk a bit!”, he said when he grabbed his jacket and left the room, leaving his stunned band members behind.


“This is my favourite restaurant!”, said Kame and pointed happily to an italian Restaurant which looked very elegant.

Ueda noticed that it was the first time he was going out with Kame alone.

Why were we never out before?, he asked himself. We’re so good friends and I didn’t even know his favourite restaurant. We were never out together although he knows everything about me. It’s crazy.

“Tatsuya, do you want to come in or do you want to stay there forever?”, asked Kame as he stood upon the first stairs and smirked.

“I’m coming”, Ueda answered and walked towards him.

“It seems to be very historic and elegant”, declared Ueda while the waiter lighted the candle on their table. The whole restaurant was kept in a warm red and elegant white shades. The light came only from candles which were everywhere in the local.

“I think I know why it’s your favourite one”, smiled Ueda while he eyed the restaurant.

“Yes, I’m really often here. The relaxing atmosphere is just so great. I like to come here after a long day of work. Maybe you want to join me the next time?”

Kame didn’t seem to ask him directly because he stared in the air but Ueda cherished Kame’s invitation and responded immediately.

“Sure Kame. I would really like to accompany you the next time.”

“Have you already chosen what you’re going to eat?”, asked the waiter polite after he approached the table.

Ueda didn’t have the time to actually look at the menu nor decide on a dish while Kame seemed to know what he was going to order.

“I’ll take a coke and number 67”, ordered Kame. He twinkled at Ueda.

“And you, Mister?”, the waiter asked again friendly after noting Kame’s order.

“Ano, you’ll take a water, don’t you? And number 41”, asked Kame, leaving a stunned Ueda in front of him.

Ueda was surprised, he was only able to stare at Kame. How did he … ?

“Tatsuya, didn’t you want water? Shall I call the waiter again?”, asked Kame with a worried look.

“No, no”, answered Ueda fast. “I was just astonished that you ordered my food for me. Ano, I don’t know what I’m going to eat now.” He grinned uncertainly.

“Oh, leave it to me to surprise you”, smiled Kame knowing.

The waiter came a few moments later and Ueda squinted at his food.

“Eh, pasta”, Ueda shouted out and gazed thankfully at Kame. “How did you know? I mean, it sounds funny, but I just thought of noodles for lunch!”

“Oh really? Yeah, you know, I thought .. When you’re going to eat italian, you would really like to eat pasta because if you think of italian food, you think of pasta, right?”

Kame knows me better than I thought, thought Ueda by himself. He looked at Kame’s plate and noticed that it looked also nice. He had fish, potatoes and salad.

„Itadaki-masu!“, said Ueda with a grin and looked at Kame. Kame did the same and they began to eat.

“Hmmmmm, so delicious!”, sighed Kame while he ate the fish. He twinkled at Ueda who ate his own noodles. Ueda knew just too good what Kame wanted to provoke.

A few minutes later when Kame had already forgotten about it, Ueda stole as quick as a flash with his own chopsticks a little piece of Kame’s fish. Kame pretended to be shocked by Ueda’s behaviour as he ate the fish slowly and said “Hmm, so delicious” to provoke Kame more.

While Ueda was eating his own pasta, Kame put his chopsticks into his noodles and stole some of them like Ueda did before from his plate.

“Kame! What are you doing? This is my food!”, scolded Ueda.

A few moments later Ueda tried to eat an especially long noodle but he couldn’t manage to do it properly so he decided to suck it in although he was in a restaurant. Kame couldn’t resist the temptation though and caught the end of the noodle. Ueda grinned while he ate the noodle and they started a competition to see who could eat more of the noodle in the same amount of time. They got closer and closer … until their lips touched. Ueda rebounded immediately and stared in shock at Kame who just laughed in amusement.

“Ah, that was fun, ne Tatsuya?” He giggled.

"Do you want ice as dessert? Why don’t we take one together?”

Ueda nodded slowly. Did Kame really not mind? Ueda couldn’t believe it at all. Kame acted as if nothing happened though he must have noticed how Ueda had reacted as their lips .. as they touched.

Kame beckoned to the waiter and ordered an ice for two.

The waiter came back soon with the ice, placing it on the table. He smiled at both of them before he put down the spoons for each of them.

“Enjoy your meal! You’re a very sweet couple.” He blinked at Ueda who gave him a shocked look. He was about to argue with the waiter when Kame placed his hand on Ueda’s to calm him down.

“He thought we’re a couple, didn’t he?”, grinned Kame. “Tatsuya, you’re so cute when you’re shocked!”

What’s up with Kame?, Ueda thought. He’s really happy. But - he is so cute when he’s childish like this …

“Tatsuya, here’s ice for you! Open your mouth!”, ordered Kame as he approached Ueda with a spoon full of ice to feed the other.

“Just as sweet as you”, piped Ueda with an adjusted high voice and fluttered his eyelashes. By now, he was also in the same silly mood Kame was in.

Kame smirked happily, causing Ueda to reach over the table to feed Kame as well but on his way he snatched the little umbrella who served as decoration off the ice. Kame and Ueda bent both down at the same time to pick the pink umbrella up. Their faces were even closer as before and they looked each other in the eyes.

And then .. Kame tilted his head a bit to the left before he approached Ueda slowly and pressed his lips sofly against Ueda’s. He kisses me.

Ueda backed off and straightened himself, blushing immediately as he sat down on his chair. Kame took the umbrella from the ground before he sat down again, too.

“Tatsuya - I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable with what I just did now.”

“No - it’s okay. You don’t have to apologize Kame”, stuttered Ueda and looked down. “And actually .. it felt good”, he added.

“You enjoyed it?”, asked Kame with a devilish smile. “Do you want more of this sweet taste, Tatsuya?”

Ueda didn’t answer immediately. It had felt good to kiss Kame, he didn’t lie about it. It had been soft and sweet, yet a little demanding. But - would another kiss mean that they would be a couple from now on? Would it mean that they would spend all their time together? Ueda was afraid, his heart was pounding as he noticed Kame’s waiting gaze on him. He had to decide. What about their friendship? If their relationship failed, would their friendship break apart too?

“Tatsuya?” Kame looked worried at him.

“Ano .. Kame?”, asked Ueda, not daring to look up. “Can you .. kiss me again?”

Kame smiled as he noticed how shy Ueda was and hunkered over the table to kiss Ueda gently. Their lips matched perfectly as they crushed together.

Kame felt the cold ice on his skin as he leaned over the table and touched the sundae with his t-shirt but he couldn’t care less about it. They both didn’t care for anything else than each other right now. The world had just stopped to turn around.


N/A: Again my N/A XD But if you read until here, I'll be really happy. I hope you liked the development of the story. I wasn't sure how I should make it turn out, Kameda or no Kameda? I never wrote that pairing before, so excuse me if I failed! Well, I may have failed over all, I really don't know how to judge over this story. xD I just wanted to publish this chapter to show that I'm still alive ~.~ *waves* Like I said before, I can't promise to update regularly but I will give my best though school's taking the most time right now ~.~ Please leave me a comment with your opinion. Criticize my former chapters xDD No really, I'd love to read feedback, like everyone I guess. It helps me to become better. And I feel loved ~ xDD I really liked the end by the way ♥ Yes, I love angst, but I'm still a sucker for romance and those things :) And now I'm off to watch a sad movie where I'll cry a lot xDD
Note: I really don't know why LJ decided to change the font colour in the middle of the story but I don't want to change it because I will mess up everything again xDD Sorry, fail. :)

Random note to a friend: Hazel-chan, I hope you read this. But I kind of wanted to thank you for staying up so late with me and just basically spending your evening/night with me because it was awesome and made me really happy. And now go to bed, it's nearly 6am for you! xD I love you ~ -huggles- ♥


kameda, fanfic, ryoda

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