OneShot: Lies Part 1

May 31, 2009 20:28

To admit something isn't easy for everyone. Even if you have to do it, want to do it for someone you like, it can be pretty hard to really admit something when you know you change something with it. Because change isn't always for the better. And Nishikido Ryo, known as a straightforward and kind of perfect boy, knew the best that sometimes, you ( Read more... )

lies, nishikido ryo, ueda tatsuya, one shot, fluff, angst, ryoda

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Comments 14

raixas June 1 2009, 17:50:37 UTC
*kicks ryo*
*shoots the reporters*
*kills the editor*
*gives tonnes of cookies to the author*

seriously Ryo, u shouldn't really care about people around you when you're in love~


cherrylady6 June 2 2009, 11:58:39 UTC
*kicks Ryo too*
He really shouldn't care but Ryo is too stupid to think that way D: -bricked-
-takes cookies- Aw, thanks :DD

Thank you for reading & commenting ^_^


jindaluver June 1 2009, 18:31:59 UTC
owh!!this is so good!
my heart keeps going doki-doki and fear what will happen next.
i knew somehow trouble will come when ryo was still not ready to tell the world abt their relationship.

i'll be waiting for the next part.
thanks for sharing~ (^_^)v


cherrylady6 June 2 2009, 12:00:09 UTC
Really? I'm glad you think so, thank you *__*
Ryo shouldn't care too much about what the others say :/ There had to be trouble D:
I'll update later :)

Thank you for reading & commenting :DD


pwoth June 1 2009, 18:34:06 UTC
...and don't lie to him either!!!
please update soon???


cherrylady6 June 2 2009, 12:01:29 UTC
I know D: Stupid Ryo :/ *kicks Ryo*
He should stand by Ueda D:
I'll update later :)

Thank you for reading & commenting ^__^


marielizangela June 1 2009, 21:37:19 UTC
EYLEEEENNN ! omgg, YOU WROTERYODA ! ! ! ! !! Remember when we were really loving all the Ryoda? asdfghjkl; yay yay yay ! i have to go out for a bit now, but when i come back home im definitely going to read this ! Uwah, im excited love ! :)))) And i like the title, like really !
Good luck on studying my dear !



marielizangela June 1 2009, 23:14:22 UTC
em back :DD

They were in the Jimusho, talking about an upcoming project. NEWS and KAT-TUN sat together since Johnny told them they would have a duet as single soon. OMG, if that ever happens, I WOULD GO CRAZY and like life would just asdfghjkl; They should totally do some kind of collaboration ! Johnny, THINK OF THE MONEY! HAHAHA.

Oh man, i totally laughed out loud when i imagined Tegoshi saying "“Shit, Ryo!”, " L0l0l0l. That image in my head asdfghjkl; Oh man. It's so cute how NEWS helped out though. hehe. It's so cute how Tegoshi is so into helping Ryo ! I wonder what will happen next :D



cherrylady6 June 2 2009, 12:19:24 UTC
I thought about it while writing ~ I'd love to have a song of those two bands together :D Not to speak of the performances and talks together *_* It would be such a success. Johnny, go ahead!! xD

XDD I know, Tegoshi is like way too innocent ♥ But lately, he really lost that image in my head xDD But it's hilarious ne xD
I guess I still can't let go of RyoTego? x.x After all, Tego is the closest person to Ryo. xDD And NEWS is cute ♥ But I guess they can't help Ryo's stupidness in the end 8D

I will update today :)
Thank you for reading & commenting Maria ♥ -huggles-


cherrylady6 June 2 2009, 12:15:47 UTC
Maria :DD ♥
Yes, I finally wrote RyoDa again ~ I really missed writing and I needed like ages to finish this xD
Of course I remember! We went together through RyoDa, KameDa .. RyoTego? xDD It's fun to remember it xDD
The title ~ I don't know if it's fitting but .. Big Bang owns my mind at the moment, I couldn't help it xDD
Thanks ♥ Explain physics to me 8DD


lil_brooke June 2 2009, 07:14:58 UTC
oh boy..cant wait to know what'll happen next..
would they break up?? uwaah~~ hope not...
baka ryo! he shouldve told tacchan about it in the 1st place..tsk tsk...
great job! update soon ne..
*gives ryoda cookies*


cherrylady6 June 2 2009, 12:03:09 UTC
Aww, I love your icon ♥ :)
I'm glad it's exciting :D
Ryo should've told him ne >_< Then there wouldn't be all this trouble -sigh- Baka Ryo ~
You'll get to know later, I'll update today :)

Thank you for reading & commenting! ♥


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