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Comments 17

eragon22 May 28 2009, 21:12:13 UTC
Hope your tests will turn out good as well :)
Ueda is sadistic, even scarier is the big smile he always has when he is torturing somebody XD
lol, want a better picture of your cat XD


cherrylady6 May 29 2009, 04:34:11 UTC
Thanks, I hope too D; It's just that I don't understand physics anyway no matter how much I study xD -bricked-
I know! xD I still think of him when I listen to Sadistic Love ^^ The big smile he has on his face when he shoots Junno with this bazooka thing .. xDD
Aw, okay :D I uploaded some for you ^_^
01 | 02 | 03 | 04


eragon22 May 29 2009, 07:54:34 UTC
Mhh..I didn´t understand physics at all but i just learned everything by heart?
I adore Sadistic love XD Lol..yes..clearly he loves to torture Junno XD
Your cat is really pretty and cute. I am not a cat person but she looks so cute <3


cherrylady6 May 29 2009, 12:16:38 UTC
I wish I could just learn it by heart xD But it doesn't help really because even though I learned I'm like helpless when I read the task -dies- I just hope I'll do 'okay' xD
Me too :D I really adore their album. I fell in love with Sadistic Love even more after I knew everyone's rapping there and after I read the lyrics .. xD He does! And then he's all cute with Kame after that. xD
Thanks ♥ I'm a total cat person xD I like dogs to and I love to take a walk with them but I'd never have enough time for one I think ._.


okiita May 28 2009, 22:05:18 UTC
lgjhoidtjhylçfdkjgfdijt YOU'RE SO PRETTY, THAT'S UNFAIR. :l In a good way, though ♥
Observing people, wtf XDD My mom always does that. When we go out, she's always like "Debora, look at that girl. She just got inside that room for the 3rd time". I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally cant understand what's so good about that. XDDD

You mean that in one month we aren't going to chat for an undefined period? DDDDDDDDDDDD:


cherrylady6 May 29 2009, 12:22:15 UTC
NAH, DON'T LIE :D I'm actually not. I just took like bazillions photos until my mobile exploded because it couldn't take it anymore 's battery was dead 8D
Idk xDD I keep on doing it, randomly. And they don't see me though they could and that's fun XD I just look at them when they walk by 8D Am not as extreme as your mom, oi! XD And I'm not looking into houses! xDD But my parents, uh. Like, we hear a tractor driving by our window right? So he's like "I bet that's xxx" and stands up and goes to look x.x Or when we hear voices, they both stand up and go look and U just sit there, bored xDD I know why I'm so stalk-erish .. xD

YEAH D; Actually, it's like .. 2 months xD But guh, then 3 weeks w/o you :/ Am gonna die :(


marielizangela May 28 2009, 23:13:42 UTC
EYLEEENNNN! you updated ne ^____^
I've missed your face bby you pretty person. Your hair got darker? :O Am i forgetting something? D:

Awwh, i should pray hard for the rain also ! I want rain again here ! Im glad your prayers of rain came true dear :) Good luck on everything when the tests comes ! I give you 1234567890 % fighting power & luck! ♥
A KAT-TUN concert night sleepover, uwah, how i wish i could go with you ! I can't really talk about KAT-TUN with anyone in rl so much, not so good D:

haha, since you spotted me, your welcome. ILU TOO ♥♥♥

OMG THE FIRST PIC asdfghjkl;
UEBO asfghjkl;
GAAAH, hahah, how did he become like that.
I love all the pics in which he looks happy, it's so good ! Ahh, im so happy for him. It's like true happiness asdfghjkl; Oh God, the last picture, oh dear asdfghjkl;' :DDDDDD so much ♥



cherrylady6 May 29 2009, 12:29:29 UTC
Maria :D Hai, I didn't update for quite some time ne, so I felt like I had to :D
Aw, thanks *-* I actually don't like me that photo xDD But yeah :x
I tinted my hair a little darker some time ago and it's not completely gone yet :) Will be soon though I guess due to the sun xD

It rained so much here the last days! It's like constantly storming x.x But yeah, the rain gave me a free afternoon xD
Thank you! I'll take 90% of that fighting power for my physics test which I will fail! xD I really need luck ~
Yeah, I'll be going and packing my things after that! Come along with me! >_< KT is actually the band I talk the most about? I can't really talk about all the other bands though .. except for Super Junior. And lately SHINee is okay too xDD
I want to talk with you about KT! >_< But I'm amazed you're still reading all their fanreports ♥ (I noticed I didn't even read one of NEWS' tour .. xD ( ... )


haizul May 29 2009, 04:52:16 UTC
HOMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM THAT YOU UPDATED KJSNDXJHXNEILEMFSJ do you know how sad it is when i think that you won't write anything coz you're on hiatus... ;___; I MISS YOU *CLINGS*

UEDA!!!! 8DDDDD DAMN HOT ♥ OMG IS THAT JUNNO ON THE FLOOR????! XDDDDD uh.. sorry, i'm thinking perverted stuff *coughs* -gets shot- XD He's SMILING!! XD HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE SADISTIC! XD faaaail LOL but damn that smile is ADORABLE!!!! ♥♥♥♥

ganbatte with all the tests Eyleen!! :DDD
watashi mo~ cheongmal saranghae yo! ♥♥♥ *HUGS*


cherrylady6 May 29 2009, 12:33:58 UTC
Aww you're so sweet :D I just felt like updating again xD I try to update more :) It can't even be called hiatus xDD It's more like .. weekend-journal because I check mostly on the weekend 8D -bricked-
MISS YOU TOO T__T Gah, always D;

AHAHA I KNOW ♥ He grew up D; He learned fanservive, damn xD
YES IT'S JUNNO AHAhAHA XD JunDa challenge! ~ And Ueda shot Junno with a bazooka before LOL :D There are actually a lot more photos! ~ (and Junno drinks poison before, like in Romeo&Juliet xD)
Ahahaha it's okay! It's JunDa! XD You could think of S-stories for that :p Aw I know ♥ He's so happy when he can torture people XD He's sadisic inside 8D
I love his smile ^__^

Thanks! I really need it for the physics one! ~ Ganbatte for you to ne, bb? :D
Ahaha, mixing languages? :D
Saranghaeyo Hazel-chan ~ ♥ -hugsss tight- ♥♥


haziology May 29 2009, 13:56:50 UTC
All the best for you tests!:D Viel Glueck! *does the weird hand motion her teacher taught her when saying 'viel glueck'*
I know that sounds weird, XD but my tchr showed us this hand motion where you give a thumbs up with both hands and then you sort of twitch your thumbs down. She said Germans did this when they say 'Viel Glueck'. Is that true? Did I even make sense?! XD
Oh! And give your cat a hug from me! XD What's her name again?
And, I'm sooo sooo sorry for totally ignoring your last letter. *fails* >.


cherrylady6 May 30 2009, 20:20:21 UTC
YOU'RE ALIVE ON LIVEJOURNAL ♥ Aw, do you know that I missed you? D:

Aw, thank you xDD I will definitely need it, especially for physics x.x
At first I was all 'O.O' when you mentioned the hand motion but I guess I know what you mean by now! xDD Yeah, actually we say/do that sometimes 8D When you say Ich drücke dir die Daumen it means I keep my fingers crossed for you, so Good luck and basically you have to do it as the saying says xD I bet you mean this when you put your thumbs kinda inside your clenched fist? xD Excuse my creepy like, I was about to go to bed xD Some people really do it though I don't know the part where you put your thumbs up xDD Ah, Germans are weird 8D
I WILL ♥ Her name is Momo ^__^
Aw, no, don't! ~ You're busy, and I wouldn't have time to answer it anyway D: -bricked-


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