Amazing day :D

May 28, 2009 21:27

So, today was a really enjoyable day :D I prayed all day that it would rain and it really did rain :D Yay, that meant a free afternoon because sport was cancelled because of it and I spent my whole afternoon with updating - and updating xDD
Only Friday, and then I'll have a long weekend ♥ That'll be fun! ~ Sleeping over for a KAT-TUN Concert night :D Shopping .. and guh, then I better start studying for the upcoming tests D; School is quite fine at the moment - but let's wait for the tests .. xD
Am slowly improving in driving school / driving school tests! :D Naah, I have to hurry up to be finished before I go to France ..
only 1 month 1 week and 6 days left! ~

Someone give me time? ~ I have like millions of fanfic ideas but no time to write them down D;

And everyone who wrote something here ~ thank you so much! I really couldn't believe it when I saw my own thread there O.O I was like dying inside of happiness T__T THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ♥

I'm like pretty sure KAT-TUN, or more Ueda is attempting to kill me or sth! O.O
I saw his new paparazzi pics and .. OMGGGGGG ♥ I have no words! Take a look yourself :D

WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM T__T I can't stop staring *-*

S VERY MUCH? xD I knew he was sadistic. But he looks so happy .. xD

And although it was raining today, I spent a lot of time outside ♥ Lazying around with my cat xD and observing people 8D

Yeah, I know I look like I had too much fun by myself in the first picture xDD
And my cat was lying there with me, though it rained slightly. And I thought cats are afraid of water :D

Better go to bed now :) Good night! ♥

ueda tatsuya, kat-tun, kame, photos, myself

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