FanFic: Forever Yours (Chapter 7)

Sep 14, 2008 20:11

„So, how about eating at my house, Tegoshi? Or do you still want to go in a restaurant?”

“No, eating at your house is fine, Massu. Thanks for your invitation!”

“Since when are you so formal?”

“Eeeh? I’m always polite!”

Tegoshi pouted while he avoided to look at his best friend. Massu knew this situation well. He grabbed the wrist of ( Read more... )

nishikido ryo, fanfic, koyashige, forever yours, ryotego, tegomass, tegoshi yuya

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Comments 24

knuddy September 14 2008, 19:03:32 UTC
Awwwwwwwww ♥
TegoMassu :D
This was sooo cute :)
I think I'm going to be a Tegomassu fan ;D

but poor Ryo :(
he wants to talk with tego who had no time for him :(
*hugs ryo* I'll listen whenever you want to talk :)

I'm curious about the next chapter...
I hope you'll upload soon :D

thank you so much for this..
it's sad that you don't like tegomassu as a couple...
I want to read more of them written by you xD

hmm okay...
i forced you to write Ryoda..I think this is enough for the moment xD

chu ^-^


cherrylady6 September 14 2008, 19:13:50 UTC
There's no way that you're a TegoMassu fan.
I'll end up killing Massu xD

xDDDDD Yeah, console Ryo-chan ^^
Tegoshi is busy with Massu. I thought you liked TegoMassu
-evil smile- ahahaha xDDDDDDD

Yeah, I'm curious about it as well xD
When I have time ne. You know that I'm a quite busy person haha xD

I liked them as friends, that's enough ne ^^
Or do you want to end this as TegoMassu!?
Oh, you won't. No chance xD

Yeah. RyoDa is hard enough. TegoMassu would be easier, though xDDDD

Chu ♥ Thanks for commenting ^^


knuddy September 14 2008, 19:19:28 UTC
don't yell at me :(

Don't kill Massu *crys even more*
you're so mean xD

I will console him ;D
and I really like tegomassu, that's why ryo needs another person to be with him xD
ahahaha :D

hmm take your time :D
I'll wait for it ;)

hmm...yay :D
tegomassu would be nice :)
but then you need somebody for Ryo ;)
ohh :(

then right tegomassu as well when this is easy xDD

you're welcome ^-^
chu ~


knuddy September 14 2008, 19:22:05 UTC
aww I'm so stupid xDD
I meant write not right xDD
gomen :)


yamapishige September 14 2008, 19:03:49 UTC
I love it~~ I don't really know what to write.
As much I like your Tegomass I also love your RyoTego ^^
I really hope that it'll end up as a RyoTego fic~ (gomen ne, Massu) But I really like the pairing when you write it~
Sankyuu for a really great chap <3
I'll try to update my very soon~


cherrylady6 September 14 2008, 19:10:41 UTC
Uwah, you're so fast!!
I'm really surprised xD
Eh? I didn't expect it to be so good ^^
Only okay xD
I'm so happy you liked it *-*
Thanks for reading so so much!!
Ah xD You like TegoMassu? ~
I like them only as friends xD
I wonder why I write them then <.<
Kyah :D You make me so happy ~
I hope it'll end as RyoTego as well.
RyoTego is win, they have to win ne ^-^
Hai, I'm waiting for your fic ne :]
-hugs back- ♥♥


laftkeichan September 14 2008, 21:11:56 UTC
waaaaaaaaa ehehehehe, it's tegomassu, ne
?? XD
me too hehe, i can't see them as a couple but you made them really cute! i like it^^
tegomassu is really cute, ne!!!

oooh poor ryo i really want to understand him XD
and i hope tegoshi realized that he should be with ryo hahahahahaha^^

but who's that man eating with massu??
nooo, massu can't be cheating^^ he's too adorable.. heehehehe.

omg it's getting really interesting^^
i can't wait to read more! heehe XD
ganbatttttttttte, ne!!!!!!


cherrylady6 September 15 2008, 19:08:25 UTC
Yeah, TegoMassu xD -slaps myself-
Shouldn't have written this xD
Thanks anyway xD I know you like their friendship more ^^
So I'm even more happy that you like them here as well *-*

Ah, I hope too! Tegoshi is the genius ne ~
So he should realize it now :D
Ryo is a complicated person ne >__<

You're sure? :D
I don't know. Massu is cute but somehow it's just something to hide the true personality ~
uwah, that sounds kinda mean T__T Gomen ne Massu .. :)

Thanks for reading so much :DD
Arigatou ne!
Ganbatte for you too!
I'm waiting for your chap ♥
-hugs back- ♥♥♥


marielizangela September 14 2008, 21:19:31 UTC

Gomen for not knowing that you had posted this until i read your comment!
uwah, i really want to read this.
I have to do my hw first, this is gonna be my prize today!
Ohman, i have so much fics i need to get to:DD
I was looking around communities and i was like IM SO BEHIND! cuz theres been so much ive been wanting to read. I want a 5 day weekend. seriously.

reading this a tad later:D


cherrylady6 September 16 2008, 04:46:10 UTC
xDD Well, I already commented on the other one ^^
But I laughed when I read your first lines ahaha xD
I could surprise you a bit :) -happy-

xDD You don't know how much I read yesterday.
It's like ~ I wasn't online a day and there were million people posting stories.
But I hated me so much for replying to your posts so late!!
Especially at your sad entry. Kyah >__<
xDD You really speak out of my soul!
I NEED a 5-day-weekend, so.
xDD I still have to read some stories and am coming late home. How can I dooo this kyah xD
But this evening I can answer your other comments ^-^
I'm so looking forward to it! :>



marielizangela September 16 2008, 05:41:51 UTC
Don't hate yourself for replying late!
Seriously, it's fine :D

Aws, no worries. You'll be answering comments whilst i sleep. Or when im in school.
AHAH, really it's fine. I always think that to.
Today when i came home and i knew i hd to go somewhere at 6 i was like "uwaaah, i have so much hw, + LJ stuff, how to do this!!" I felt like i was going crazy for some weird reason! aha.



haizul September 15 2008, 02:16:30 UTC
OMG tegomassu??? XDD
when i read the line And before he knew what he did he kissed Tegoshi. , my mouth immediately fell open! XDDD
well, they're kind of cute.. but RyoTego is DEFINITELY win ne!! ^o^
(gomen na, massu! >__<)

ahhh... but ryo is so pitiful...

Am I not good enough for Tegoshi anymore?

RYOO~!!! don't say that!!!
you are absolutely the most PERFECT person for tegoshi!!
itsumo... zettai ni!!

ah! the tegomass pairing was fast! XDD
but maybe tegoshi is jumping to conclusions ne..
massu is too innocent to cheat... X3

ne, i really REALLY want to know ryo's problem!!!

ahahaha i'm being too impatient ne.. ^^;
hope you'll update soon!
ganbatte!! o(^.^)o
*hugs* ♥♥♥


cherrylady6 September 15 2008, 19:27:58 UTC
Yeah, TegoMassu! xD
The line was really hard to write for me kyaah ~ xD
I'm kinda glad I could surprise you haha ^^ I really hope that doesn't sound too mean xD
Ahaha :D They're kinda cute. But more as friends xD
I still love RyoTego more ♥♥ [still!?] xD

Well .. he should've talked earlier with Tego-chan .. :(

But yeah! You're right!
He should fight for Tegoshi >__<
He's the perfect one ♥ Now, he only has to proove it.

xDD Yeah. They were drunken, so.
I hope it was only because they were drunken xD
Gomen ne .. but I failed at TegoMassu ~
I just can't write them as pairing xD
Well, everbyody thinks Massu is too innocent xD
I thought he's now the bad boy xD

Well, just one more chapter & you'll know T__T

xDD I'm impatient too, I can understand.
But time's running away >__<
Thanks for reading a lot! I'm glad you liked it ^-^
Arigatou ne!! :D
-hugs back- ♥♥♥


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