OneShot: When You're Gone

Aug 20, 2008 19:45

                  When You’re Gone

Tegoshi walked through the streets and let his mind wander. He looked up in the sky and stopped. The clouds were fast and the light seemed to be grey. Back then, the sun shone always …
Cautious, he ran his hand over his lips. He could still feel the lips of him. They were so soft when he kissed him.

“Ryo ( Read more... )

nishikido ryo, one shot, ryotego, tegoshi yuya

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Comments 32

yamapishige August 20 2008, 20:22:20 UTC
Love it~
Stupid Ryo. He shouldn't go away. Ever xD
RyoTego love is to die for <3


cherrylady6 August 22 2008, 15:29:04 UTC
Glad you lied it! ♥
Thank you for reading ne! *-*
Yeah, Ryo is kinda baka ne xDD
He thinks more about Yuya's mum as of Yuya himself T__T
Hai hai I would die for RyoTego ^^
I look forward to your chapter!
Already opened it, I'll read it this evening ♥


mustenentwined3 August 20 2008, 20:23:18 UTC
Awwwww. &hearts I love the ending; it's so sweet. Thank you for this, the angst and romance balance out so well. And RyoTego is love &hearts

I loved how you put in the lyrics too; they fit perfectly. Thanks for writing/sharing! &hearts


cherrylady6 August 22 2008, 15:32:17 UTC
Thanks for reading! Really glad you liked it *-*
Ahaha, you made me happy with your comment ♥
RyoTego is definitely love :]
I could never torn them apart <.<
I had the idea with the lyrics afterwards because I heard the song ^-^Thanks a lot for commenting! ♥


laftkeichan August 20 2008, 21:53:01 UTC
this is so cute!
its started with all the angst, but the end really cracked me!

“Ryo-chan .. could it be .. just maybe .. that you only wanted to see me again?”
LOL at this XDD! yeah admit it Ryo! you used that excuse just so you can meet him rite???

Ryo is Baka nee!
he always misunderstand,
he acted fast without knew the fact first...
poor tego-nyan!
*pats pats*

i loved how you put lyrics in it,
it complete the story in my opinion^^

Tego-nyan + Ryo-tan=♥♥♥
more rabu" of them please^^
i'll wait for it too...


cherrylady6 August 22 2008, 16:59:41 UTC
Aww Pam ♥
Thanks for reading *-*
I'm glad you liked it :DD
Haha xD Somehow I like angst xD
But the endings never turn out sad ^^

Hai Hai xDDD Ryo just wanted to see his beloved Tegoshi again ne xDDDD
And clever & smart Tegoshi saw right through him ^-^

Yeah, somehow .. I just noticed that both actions of him were fast and without knowing facts xD
Ryo-chan, you're really a baka T__T

Aww .. thanks ne ~ I thought of the lyrics later, after I finished the story because I listened to that song ~

Aww, RyoTego Love ^-^
I'll give my best but time is running xD
I wait for your stories too ne! Looking forward to it!
And thank you again *-*
-hugs you back- ♥♥


newnews20 August 20 2008, 22:38:15 UTC
i love this~
they're really cute~
i thought i'm going to cry when i knew Ryo was ill~
You're always a baka Ryo! hahaha~ mabe that's why i love you so much *gets kicked*
ad i hate tego's mom~
why she hates Ryo?
If i'm Tego's mother i'll feel lucky to have a genes from Ryo~
enough for babbling~
great work ne~
make more onegai~


cherrylady6 August 22 2008, 17:05:14 UTC
Uwaah I'm really smiling now xDD
Thanks for reading! Glad you liked it! *-*

Aww yes >__< But Ryo is so baka ne ~
Haha maybe egoistic as well xD
He thought that they were talking about him but they weren't at all ne ^^ Baka Ryo-chan ~
But at least that was what brought them together again T__T
Oh, I hater her too >__<
No one could hate Ryo ne T__T He's so .. ♥♥
He's so pretty! She should really be happy for them!
Haha xD If they would've kids .. they would be sooo pretty ~
Thanks a lot for commenting ^-^
I'm looking forward to your next chapter!
I'll give my best as well :]
-hug- ♥
Chu ~


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cherrylady6 August 22 2008, 18:16:55 UTC
Hai Hai :D
Thanks for reading ne ~
I'm glad you liked it *-*
Haha, Ryo-chan is so baka ne xD Leaving because of his mother .. he should care more about Tegoshi ~
Yay, I can't write sad endings so it turn out as a Happy-Ending-forever xDDDD

Haha, I just had to thank you sometime! ♥♥
You're just as kind as me nee :D
Heeh? On your ffnet? Okay? xDDD I haven't read one have I T__T
Yeah, but it's okay since you have still holidays ne xDD
And I really love to read your entries ^-^
Now need to thank me I did this for you ne :DDDDD
-hugs- ♥♥


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