OneShot: When You're Gone

Aug 20, 2008 19:45

                  When You’re Gone

Tegoshi walked through the streets and let his mind wander. He looked up in the sky and stopped. The clouds were fast and the light seemed to be grey. Back then, the sun shone always …
Cautious, he ran his hand over his lips. He could still feel the lips of him. They were so soft when he kissed him.

“Ryo ( Read more... )

nishikido ryo, one shot, ryotego, tegoshi yuya

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Comments 32

haizul August 21 2008, 02:36:03 UTC
eyleen-chan~!!! ^.^~♥♥♥
hehe i know, i'm not supposed to be here... but you see, i had a some free time, so i decided to browse through my friends page... then i saw THIS! i was hesitating whether or not i should read this... but then i thought.. "aww... i can sacrifice a few minutes to read this right?" ^___^

you dedicated this to me ne.... no one has ever done that for me...
thank you so much!! >_<~♥♥♥ *hugs*
ich liebe dich!
(heehee i learnt that from my friend who's studying german~ ^^)
you feel as if you've known me for a very long time? T.T i'm so touched... thank you.. again... :) *hugs again*

this story is lovely~
i teared up at their reunion.. so sweet...
but ryo~ >_< hahaha so funny~ he misunderstood.. XD
but yokatta ne.. he isn't ill.. ^___^
i enjoyed reading this...
oh, i miss ryotego fics... (stop it and go study already!!)
lol~ X3

thank you again ne...♥♥♥


cherrylady6 August 22 2008, 18:42:26 UTC
Hazel-chan [omg this sounds so cute xDD] <333
Aww, I'm happy everytime you're here :D
Oh, I know this xD I'm always hesitating when I have not much time and look how long the story is XDDDD
But I'm glad you decided to read it! :]

Eeeeeh I was really the first one? -proud- ♥
Hai hai you really deserved it because I love you so much :D
ahaha I just wondered about you writing german xDDD
But I can't stop smiling now, that's so cute! :D
Ich liebe dich auch! ^-^
Mahal kita .. ?
[I just looked up Singapore and noticed that it has many languages xDDDD I always thought it belongs to the Philippines but I realized for 3875 time that I'm bad at geographic xDD]
And oh wow, studying german ^^ I like her xDDDDDD
Hai hai ^^ when I'm talking to you I feel like I've known you really long because I feel familiar with you somehow xDDD -I'm weird xD-

Aww thanks for reading ne!
I'm so happy you liked it!
Awww if Ryo had been ill I would've died xDDDD
Thank you nee :DDDD
But yeah, go study xD Sorry I stole your time xD

-hugs you- ♥


haizul August 24 2008, 13:37:00 UTC
lol~ aww, i love long fics~ ^___^

yup! you're definitely first! and i'm glad it's you... arigatou ne... i love you too!! so so much!! >_<~♥♥♥

ahahaha wow.. interesting... singapore belonging to the philippines? heehee that's cute >_i've also heard of people mistaking singapore as a part of china lol~ XD ( ... )


cherrylady6 August 24 2008, 14:42:46 UTC
I'm so sorry but I'm bad at geographic ne xDDD ( ... )


huey_tsai August 21 2008, 10:48:37 UTC

coolness. fluffiness. yeah.

i loved it! OMG
ryotego rabu!~


cherrylady6 August 22 2008, 18:48:14 UTC
Awww, thanks for reading ne! :DDD
I'm glad you liked it! ♥

The sentence 'I loved it' makes me sooooooooo happy ^-^
And yeah, let's support RyoTego :D ♥


yuyako16 August 22 2008, 12:43:37 UTC
you made me cry~!!

i'll comment more on this later ne??
need to finish first what i need to do.

but one thing is for sure.
you made me cry with this.
and this is really really good.

imusssssssssssssssssssssssssm eyleen~!!!!!!
chu~!!!! ^o^


cherrylady6 August 22 2008, 20:29:49 UTC
Aww gomen ne Mayuu I didn't want to! T__T

If you hadn't time why did you read this o.o
You should've continued what you were doing Mayuu ne!
But thanks for reading :]

You make me happy! :D
Glad you liked it!
I really didn't want to make you cry especially when you were in the middle of something you wanted to do T__T

i miss you too Mayuu >__< so so so so much T__T
& ilusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssm ~ ! ♥
Chu ^-^


yuyako16 August 29 2008, 13:31:42 UTC
it's okay eyleen~!!
i'm sure you really didn't mean too.
so don't be sorry ne??

i cam't just disregard the fact that you wrote a fic.
i love reading your fics, so it's impossible for me to not read it.

i'm happy that i somehow made you happy.
and it's okay.
it's worth it.

i miss you sooooooooooo much~!!!
ilusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssm eyleen~!!!


marielizangela August 31 2008, 00:37:49 UTC
kyaa, today is definitely RYOTEGO day for me.
I made a ryotego drabble, i read some ryotego fics, and then i read this!
Im actually starting to like this cute pair!

Anyway, I really really enjoyed this! I love "When You're Gone" & it fit perfectly it this one-shot ne! It made it so emotional.

happy that they were happy in the end, and ryo is so cool to have overheard the convo between the patients before him because if that never happened then he wouldn't have speed dialed tegoshi and then the story wouldn't have ended like that.


cherrylady6 August 31 2008, 20:08:25 UTC
Eh? haha! I want a RyoTego day too!
Sounds so great ne!
Oh, I read your drabble ^-^
It's so cute ne!
They're so cute ne ~ haha xD
You can't resist them huh ~
I'll be happy when you become a fan & write more of them ♥

And thanks for reading! Glad you liked it *-*
Yeah, I listened to Avril Lavigne a lot before I knew JPop xD That's why this song popped up in my mind.

Yeah .. but somehow Ryo-chan is a baka ne xD
He never stopped loving Tegoshi ne? Otherwise he wouldn't have called him as the last person to see .. :]


milachan September 28 2008, 07:23:41 UTC
Ee.... you scared me, i really thought Ryo would die!!! Well I'm glad he didn't! He's such an idiot though -_-" how could he leave just like that because of something Yuya's mother said? well i'd understand if it made him doubt but he should have at least talked to Yuya! baka baka baka!

Anyway, ^^ Nice OS!
I like your new LJ presentation!!!! I was able to find some ff I didn't know you wrote! I've also read "The bond bw friends", I'm on my way to commenting right now :)


cherrylady6 September 29 2008, 19:10:45 UTC
Awww gomen! I didn't intend to scare you :>
Well, probably just a bit .. :>
Sure! He's really a baka isn't he >__<
He should've trusted Yuya instead of listening to his stupid mother T___T
And he left w/o a word and left poor Tego-chan alone ne >__<

Thank you for reading ne :)
And thanks again! :D I know I should've done a million other things but I felt like I needed a fic list xDD
Yeah. But I don't like TBBF .. it's too short xDD
Well. You're such a great supporter <.<
Merci beaucoup :) (I'm so lame using this little words xD)


milachan September 29 2008, 19:19:07 UTC
Oh please, feel free to be lame XD
I'm such a lame person myself ^^" I'll feel closer to you this way!!!!
I see, so you did intend to scare me!!! You're so mean OO But I like you anyway (no I don't...but I do..)

TBBF is indeed a bit short but...I don't know, it's kinda cute anyway! well you already know what I thought about it right :p And now, I'll be as lame as you, using little words etoo....

"Ich liebe deine Gesichten" ^^


cherrylady6 October 5 2008, 16:07:01 UTC
Eh? You do? :D Uwaah ~
Feeling closer to you makes me happy ^-^
Haha xDD Then I'll continue being lame xDD
Aaaah new Ueda icon? T__T I think I didn't see this one before! Kyah ~ he's so good-looking haha xD
And kame too! And Ryo too! And and and .. xD

Yeah, I'm mean .. I'm really sorry for this :> .. ~
Eeeeh you don't like me? xDDD You are mean too! xD
I know you do ^^ Ah, too narcissistic again xD

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh xD
I was really surprised reading this sentence xD
It's not lame at all ne ~ it's not a little sentence you get to know somehwere T__T
Do you speak German? Somehow? xDDD Eeeeh ~ -shocked- xD
And Merci beaucoup again ne ~
Je suis très heureuse parce que mes histoires te plaisent! Vraiment. Je ne peux pas décrire ca >__<
Je vais lire tes histoires aussi!
I hope this was right xD And I don't know how to make cedille and those things here so, gomen for not doing it xD


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