Fic Absolution Part Two

Jan 14, 2015 17:59

Title: Absolution
Art: Here
Artist: imogen_lily
Beta: mylifewithin
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 19,000+
Pairing/Characters: Jared/Jensen, Jared/Tom Welling, Misha Collins, Jeffrey Dean Morgan...
Warnings: mpreg, bitter divorce/mud-slinging, [Spoilers for story]
domestic abuse, past miscarriage, non-con/rape

Author's Note: This was written for the spn_reversebang. Just wow! I remember telling imogen in our first email that I wasn't really known for producing long fic, but dang this thing got long! After begging for multiple extensions I've finally completed it. I couldn't be happier with the outcome or the art. I've had a lot of fun hasing out this story, emailing imogen questions and comments but most of all the art is spectacular! Ten times better than I ever imagined. Seiously. Without the art this story is nothing so please take a look and leave her some feedback!

Summary: When hotshot lawyer Jensen Ackles is hired by wealthy businessman Tom Welling to oversee his bitter divorce from cheating ex Jared, Tom makes it clear he wants two things from Jensen: to keep his fortune and his kids, and Jensen is to use any methods to ensure that. But has Tom told the whole truth about their marriage and how will Jensen deal with finally meeting the infamous Jared, who just happens to be his personal wet dream on legs?

“You son of a bitch!”

Jensen was too tired to deal with Misha now. Checking the time he noted that it was now 1 AM, he had been by Jared’s side since 10. “Misha can it.”

“Can it?” Misha looked as if he was about ready to kill. “I’m gonna can something alright. What did you do to him?”

Jensen felt himself getting irritated. He was already feeling shitty enough for pushing Jared to answer these questions, also to mention that he was having serious guilt issues over taking this case. He didn’t need that little toad screaming in his ear. Jensen finally turned around when Misha grabbed his shoulder.

“Listen, Collins I didn’t do anything to Jared. He overdosed on too much depression medication that you apparently supplied him. I rode with him in the ambulance and have been by his side since he collapsed. I just want to make sure he’s okay so I’m staying. I’m too tired to deal with your shit I have enough on my plate already.”

“Enough on your plate? Classic Ackles always thinking about yourself. Did you maybe stop to think that part of the reason Jared is taking antidepressants is because of what you and that scum ex-husband of his is putting him through? Besides I’m surprised Tom isn’t here now hamming it up for T.V. And the kids...shit! Where is Alex and Nick?” Misha was beginning to get hysterical but Jensen didn’t have eyes for him. His eyes watched as Jared breathed in and out on his own. The horror of watching Jared being stuffed with a ventilator was something he wasn’t sure he was going to get over.

“I took care of the kids and I put a ban on Tom being allowed in the hospital.”

“You what? Who has the kids?”

“Samantha from the shelter. I found her number and called her to tell her what happened. As for Tom you heard me correct.”

“But why? He’s your client.” Misha asked puzzled.

“Not anymore.”

“You’re renouncing the case against Jared?”Misha asked, too stunned to say anything else.

Jensen felt his eyes growing heavy. He already heard the shit storm from his boss when he announced that he was dropping the case. Tom had left a rather horrible message on his answering machine but he couldn’t care less right now. All he cared about what lying in that bed.

He wasn’t sure when it happened or even how but Jared ignited a light in his heart that had long since been burnt out. From learning about the man through the eyes of other people and experiencing Jared himself, he’s learned that he can’t bear to see him or Tom or anyone cause him anymore pain.

“No my firm is still handling the case. I just refused to be a part of it.”

Misha cursed. Seems like he could never catch a break. “Why though? Why now?”

Jensen was about to answer when he and Misha were interrupted.

“Excuse me gentlemen I am Mr. Welling’s doctor.” The man interrupted, he was rather short but incredibly young and good-looking. “My name is Dr. Cohen.”

“Mr. Padalecki.” Jensen corrected.

“I’m sorry?”

“I just-Jared is divorced so it’s Mr. Padalecki.”

Doctor Cohen was still giving him a puzzled stare when Misha finally stepped in. “Sorry about my friend doc it’s been a long night for him. So any news on Jared?”

“Yes, in fact I do. We pumped his stomach of the pills and he’s been taken off the ventilator which is good. He’s still sedated however and I suspect he should wake up within the next few hours and not have any lasting side effect.”

Misha breathed a sigh of relief and he felt Jensen do the same.

“However there is something else I found that was rather startling.”

“What?” Jensen and Misha asked in unison causing Doctor Cohen to shake his head in bemusement. “There’s a heck of an echo in here. Ahem anyway we did a preliminary scan of Jared including some x-rays and I’m sorry to say this but Jared Padalecki is being abused.”

“Hey, how are you feeling?”

Jared smiles at hearing that warm voice. “Sore.” Speaking again caused Jared to begin coughing. He felt a pair of arms slowly lift him to a vertical position as another pair rubbed his back. “Sorry my throat is still agitated. When can I see my boys?”

“They’re with Sam now Jared. You’ll be released today from the hospital so there is no need to rush things.”

“Doofus is right Jay.” Misha said softly which made Jensen growl. “You just need to focus on getting better.”

Jared nodded but the presence of both Jensen and Misha unnerved him. He began to sweat as he remembered all the things he said to Jensen when he was under the influence of the medication.

He fiddled with his blanket until a strong hand slowly pulled his chin up.

“Jay, we know what’s been going on with Tom.”

Jared stared into Jensen’s green eyes and broke. All the anger, fear, and frustration he’s been feeling and living with for the past ten years couldn’t be contained.

“It’ll be okay Jared, you’re strong and we can beat this together.” Jared heard Misha whisper.

However, he knew the truth. He wasn’t strong. He was weak and as long as Tom was in the picture he always would be.

“What? Are you serious right now?” Jared asked furiously, hands shaking. It’s only been a few weeks since he’s been let out of the hospital. He’s been slowly trying to collect his feelings and begin to really build a case against Tom. With Misha and Jensen’s help he’s felt as if he could really begin living without Tom crowding him.

He can’t explain what he and Jensen have, if they have anything at all, however, this paper in his hands and the man crowding around his small housing facility was looking like they maybe had nothing.

“You can’t do this! You have no legal right!” Jared yelled, holding his two sons.

“The paper says otherwise Mr. Welling. It’s a court order from Singer and Ackles that you are losing temporary custody of your children to Tom Welling.” The man said uncaring.

“No! I’ll call my lawyers! You can’t have my children!”

“I’m sorry sir.” Another woman piped up. “I’m from child protective services and we have to remove your children, now please step aside.”

“NO!” Jared yelled, tears beginning to leak out of his eyes when a man held him firmly while the women ushered his kids away from his arms.

“Daddy!” Alexander yelled, tears running down his puffy cheeks. Nikolai’s eyes were misting, his arms held around his brother in a death grip. “Dad?”

Jared felt broken. His world was spiraling and the one thought he had was, how could Jensen do this? Before he felt himself collapsing. “Please…”

“Don’t beg to us, ask your supposed boyfriend about it.” Another man jeered before they were escorting his children out of the building.


Jared felt numb all over, even when Samantha ran up to him and tried to ask what was happening.

“Who should I call? Do you want me to call Jensen sweetie?”

“Misha,” Jared whispered. “Call Misha.”

Thirty minutes later Jared was under a blanket while Sam tried her best to get him to drink the tea she had made.

“Damn it.” Misha whispered. “How could they do this without notifying me first? This isn’t right.”

“Can’t you use that against them though? I mean, they came to his house and barged in and took his children! You have to do something.”

“I don’t know if there is anything I can do. Tom has money and Singer and Ackles is the biggest law firm in the city.”

Jared flinched at the mention of Ackles. “How could he do this to me?” Jared whispered.

“Jay…” Sam said, heartbroken. “I’m sure there is an explanation.”

“I warned you Jared. I mean, I’m sorry that this happened and I will do my best to figure something out but Jensen is and always will be about himself.” Misha announced firmly. Jared didn’t respond however and seemed to grow more reclusive as time went on. Misha cursed under his breath and ran his hand through his hair in anger.

Damn Jensen. He knew that speech and act at the hospital was just that…an act. It was too much to hope that he came to his senses and realized what he was doing to the victims of his cases.

“I’ll figure it out.” Misha said firmly. “Don’t worry about it.”

The rain was coming down hard outside Jensen’s office. It was making his mild headache begin to turn into a migraine. The words on the case file began to blur in front of him so Jensen shut the file and pushed it away. It didn’t matter anyway.
Receiving an angry message from Misha in the morning announcing that he wanted to sue Jensen for malpractice wasn’t even the worst of his day. No it was learning what his partner went forward with the child custody case and gained custody for Tom.
Jensen had no idea that they went to Jared’s home and took his kids right in front of him. He’s sure how much it must have traumatized the young man. However, Jared wouldn’t answer any calls and any attempts at going to see him left him staring in the streets since Sam wouldn’t let him in. Not that he could blame her.

Rubbing his forehead again Jensen sighed, his TV was on at a mild volume and he was about to shut it off when a news story broke out.

“We’re standing right here with Tom Welling and his two sons Alexander and Nikolai Welling. After a long battle Mr. Welling was able to gain custody of his children over their father Jared Welling. Mr. Welling how happy are you that you have custody of your children?”

“Ecstatic. I love my sons so much and I’ve missed them. A homeless shelter simply wasn’t a safe option for them and I knew I had to do something. I was trying to be kind to Jared, however when it comes to the safety of my children I don’t want to take chances.”

“I understand Mr. Welling and any parent would have done the same thing. What about you Alexander and Nikolai, are you happy to be back with your Dad?”

Jensen watched with gritted teeth as Jared’s children cowered, especially Alexander and hid behind Tom’s leg, while Nikolai had an angry gleam in his eyes, stubbornly refusing to answer.

This small family was falling apart. Jensen never considered what his work did to those that he was going up against. He never once considered the strain, or heartache he caused. Guilt was swimming inside his stomach while his head was screaming at him to go see Jared again.

The rain continued to pour in droves outside. The old Jensen wouldn’t be caught dead outside in the rain, of course it might have ruined his suit, and however this Jensen…the Jensen who could finally feel again didn’t give a shit.

He needed to go see Jared and make it right.

His boss flashed across his face as he angrily told him to work on a lower case that they were trying to win. It was obviously something one of their rookies would work on and Jensen caught the implication.

“Fuck it.” Jensen muttered, grabbing his briefcase. His mind was made up. Job be damned. None of it wasn’t as important as Jared.

It only took thirty minutes for Jensen to pull up outside of the homeless shelter. Jared was located on one of the top floors, and since Sam wouldn’t let him in he had to try to climb the fire escape along the side of the building.

The rain was plastering his hair to his forehead and inhibiting his vision but he had one goal in mind. Once he reached Jared’s landing he found the correct window and banged on it as loud as he could. “Jared! Come on, open up Jared.”

There was movement inside, and suddenly a light turned on. Jensen watched as Jared walked to the window and slowly unlatched it.

“Jared…” Jensen breathed out. Noting the white pallor to his skin and the dark circles under his eyes.

“Jensen? What the hell are you doing out here?”

“I came to try to explain to you what happened.”

Jared huffed angrily. “I know what happened Jensen, you don’t have to explain.”

“Yes I do.” Jensen explained, the rain was beginning to seep through his clothes and chill his bones. “Could I maybe come in first?”

Jared shook his head. “No. I-I can’t deal with you right now. I’m all mixed up and I should have never trusted you. When I do people hurt me.”

“Jared wait!” Jensen yelled. Jared was ready to walk away so Jensen grabbed his hand.

“Let me go Jensen.”

“No, after you listen to me. I’ll stand out here in the rain all night if I have too. I never meant for your kids to get taken away. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen to you. You’re a good person, a good father and husband. You did nothing wrong no matter what that bastard Tom tries to feed you.”


“I’m not done.” Jensen took in a deep breath, it felt like his heart was about to hammer out of his chest. “I love you. Over this whole case I felt more things for you then I’ve felt in my entire lifetime. I-I can’t really explain it either but I don’t want anything else to happen to you or your kids. I’m with you one hundred percent if you want me to be.” Jensen watched as Jared’s eyes began to water, a range of emotions displaying across his face.

“I’m sorry Jensen. I can’t do this. Goodbye.” Jared pulled away and closed the window softly, effectively locking Jensen out.
Jensen watched heartbroken as Jared turned off the light and left. He didn’t even feel the rain anymore his whole being was already numb.

“Are you sure I can have them back by the end of the week?” Jared asked with a pleading tone in his voice. Misha and he were on their way to an old blues club at the side of town. Misha wanted to discuss some more aspects of the case and get together their witnesses and testimonies. The trial was only two months away which left them little time to prepare.

“I’m positive Jared. I had our appeal taken to a different judge and they approved our temporary custody until the trial. We can go together and pick the boys up ourselves if you want.”

“Yeah,” Jared nodded. “I really would.”

Walking into the smoky club Jared made sure that his head was down just in case anyone recognized him. After his children were taken away it’s been an even bigger frenzy for the reports and journalists to try to catch him out and about to plaster it all over the newspapers.

Misha did his best to keep them at bay however Jared still had to venture out and work and make a living.

“Let’s sit down over here.” Misha said in his ear, motioning toward a booth in the back but still in view of the stage.

Jared took his seat and watched as a crew began to set up the stage for a show while Misha got all his paperwork out.

“I have two key witnesses going to testify at the trial that being Dr. Cohen who treated you after your overdose and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Dr. Cohen will give our medical evidence since I couldn’t find any records of your hospital stays and you said you were treated by a private doctor most of the time anyway and Jeffrey Dean Morgan will play a huge role in describing what your and Tom’s relationship is like. Jared, are you listening to me?”

“What?” Jared asked unaware, he was so focused on watching the stage he didn’t catch anything of what Misha was saying. “I’m sorry, did you say something?”

“Jared,” Misha said exasperated. “We have to get focused. It really is crunch time right now. We don’t have a lot of evidence except for our witnesses. Now I still need to schedule an interview with Alex and Niki if that is okay with you.”

“That’s fine, as long as I’m there. I’m sorry I’m just a bit overwhelmed right now is all.”

“How’s everyone doing tonight?” A voice asked in a microphone. His voice was honey smooth which immediately attracted Jared’s attention.

The crowd cheered and clinked their beer bottles together.

“Sounds good. My name is Chris Kane and you have the unfortunate pleasure of listening to me sing up here tonight.”

The man, Chris Kane, wasn’t bad looking. He has long brown hair with a cowboy hat on. His face was as rough as his voice but his eyes were very smooth.

“What do I need to do Misha?” Jared asked, turning from the stage to focus on Misha.

“Alright, just sign a few more things and basically you wait and practice on your testimony for the courts. The rest I can handle.” Misha slid over some paperwork and handed Jared a pen. Jared grabbed the pen and began signing on all the lines that had x’s next to them.

“I have a special surprise for you all tonight. He don’t do this often since he became a hot-shot lawyer and all but my best friend Jensen Ackles is going to sing a few songs with me tonight.”

Jared’s head shot up at the mention of Jensen Ackles.

“Oh shit.” Misha whispered next to him. Jared watched mesmerized as Jensen walked on stage. Instead of his expensive suit and tailored appearance Jensen was wearing denim jeans and a plain black t-shirt that accentuated his muscles.

“Hardy har har Chris.”

Jensen picked up a guitar and slid it over his neck while he took a seat next to Chris. They tuned their guitars for a minute before Jensen spoke up again. “This is a song that I’ve been listening too for a few weeks now. It’s for a special someone I just can’t get out of my head.”

“Jared,” Misha warned but it was too late. As soon as Jensen took stage Jared’s heart went with him. Music started up and before Jared knew what was happening Jensen was singing. His voice was rough and scratchy but it had Jared hypnotized. The way Jensen played the guitar in tune to Chris. Or the way he accentuated the lyrics: ‘On a lonely highway stuck out in the rain
'Darlin' all I have to do is speak your name…’

Before Jared knew it the song was over and Jensen was taking his bow and walking off stage. Jared immediately got up, intending to follow him however Misha grasped his hand.

“Jared, come on now. Be smart about this.”

“This is the smartest decision I’ve ever made except having my children.” Jared said in confidence before taking his hand back and heading backstage.

He wandered through a hallway before he heard Jensen speaking to what sounded like Chris Kane.

“You’re getting a little rusty there Jenny.”

“Fuck you, and if you call me Jenny again I’ll cut your balls off.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time Ackles.”

Jared was unsure whether to enter but the decision was taken from him when a guy asked him where he was going.

“Who’s out there Andy?” Chris Kane called out.

Jared began to get nervous and wondered if he should just bolt when Jensen opened the door all the way. “Jared? What are you doing here?”

“I-I…” Jared stared at the floor before finally bringing his eyes up to meet Jensen’s. “Misha and I came to go over some paperwork and I saw you perform on stage.”

“You saw me?”

Jared nodded. “I just wanted to see you again because I…”

“So this is Jared?”

Jared jumped when Chris Kane came up behind Jensen. Jensen noticed and moved closer to Jared so he could touch him, Jared welcomed the contact, especially since he didn’t know this Chris Kane very well.

“He sure is as good-looking as you said Jenny. I could see why you’ve been moping for the past few weeks.”

“Chris…” Jensen warned, his cheeks beginning to redden. Jared found himself less nervous at seeing Jensen’s discomfort; it wasn’t something he saw very often.

“You missed me?” Jared asked, unabashed.

“Missed you? Boy he’s been drinking, writing sad love songs and crying in the bathtub. He certainly missed you.”

“Chris!” Jensen yelled horrified. “Please give me a minute.”

“Sure, sure. Spoil sport. I’ll be back on stage if you need me.”

Jensen stepped out of the way letting Chris pass. Suddenly it was just him and Jensen. All the words he wanted to say dried up in his throat.

“Listen Jared I-”

Before Jensen could finish his sentence Jared leaned up to kiss him. Jensen moaned at the contact, making Jared smile. He wound his arms around the smaller man’s back and pressed in deeper.

Jensen reciprocated the contact by cradling his head, changing the angle and pushing in closer. Until both their noses were smashed against one another.

The kiss ended all too soon leaving both men panting.

“What was that for?” Jensen whispered.

“I-I don’t know. I really like you Jensen and I’m sorry I didn’t believe you earlier. You’ve been nothing but honest with me since we met even if at first you were a bit clueless.”

“I told you I never intended to hurt you and I’m sorry that’s what I wound up doing.”

Jared smiled softly, still holding onto Jensen’s back. “I know. I’m sorry I left you out in the rain.”

Jensen laughed; he pulled Jared in for a hug. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

“Jared! There you are I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

Their intimate moment was broken as Misha pulled Jared and Jensen apart. “You stay away from him haven’t you done enough?”


“No! I’m tired of you destroying my client’s lives. You’ve been nothing but trouble for Jared and even still you’re bothering him, and distracting him from the case at hand so your law firm can win.” Misha argued, pointing his finger in Jensen’s face. Jared tried his best to pull the smaller man back but Misha was determined.

“I’m sorry Misha.”

“You’re sorry? That’s fucking brilliant coming from you of all people. Too little too late. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

“I take full responsibility for my actions Collins and Jared knows that. However, Jared is a grown man and can make his own decisions. If he wants to be with me then let him make that decision for himself.” Jensen sneered.

Jared watched in frustration as both men kept exchanging insults and quips back and forth.

“What still hard up for sex that you’re willing to sleep with a client to win? That’s low Ackles.”

“Misha! Enough man.” Jared yelled, getting Misha’s attention. The man had the decency to look ashamed but the anger and fire in his eyes still didn’t go away. “Both of you.” Jared said in reply to Jensen as well.

“I gotta go Jared. I’ll contact you tomorrow.” Misha said, only talking to Jared and completely ignoring Jensen in the process.

“Misha wait…” Jared reached out his arm but Misha had already scurried off.

“It’ll be alright Jared.” Jensen’s arms wound around Jared but Jared shook them off.

“Hey! You were just as bad as he was. What is your guys deal?”

Jensen shook his head. “There was a misunderstanding in college and he’s had it out for me ever since. I mean…it certainly doesn’t help that I’ve been an asshole to him and other people around me and I won’t quite forgive myself for acting that way but hey,” Jensen chuckled. “This is better than the radio silence I used to receive and besides this whole incident led me to you and I can’t be mad at him for that. Hell, I wanna give him a kiss for it.”

“You wanna give him a kiss huh?” All previous thoughts of frustration were wiped away as Jared turned around to stare at Jensen. “What about me?”

“I wanna do a lot more to you.” Jensen assured pulling Jared closer.

Jared could feel Jensen’s hot breath on his neck sending tinges of pleasure down his spine. He couldn’t help but moan when Jensen latched onto a meaty part of his neck and began to suck. “Hnnng not here Jensen.” Jared said a bit breathless. “I-I can’t risk anyone would see.”

Jared could feel Jensen grinning into his neck. “Let’s go to my apartment.”

“Jensen wait!” Jared yelled breathlessly. Their moans and whimpers the only sound in Jensen’s apartment.

It was well past one o’ clock in the morning when they stumbled into his apartment, clothes flying everywhere, limbs bumping and mouths working to create that insane amount of pleasure they felt in the club.

However, as Jared lay bare in only his boxer shorts and Jensen was busy sucking a hickey onto his neck Jared’s mind kept flashing back to Tom and the last time they attempted to have sex.

“Jensen…” Jared moaned, trying to push the heavier man from him. “I can’t…”

“Jared?” Jensen asked perplexed. “What’s wrong?”

Jensen pulled off and Jared’s eyes flashed back to Tom pulling back, a sneer on his face when he realized that Jared was too sore to have sex. Normally, Tom would pull out with a look of disgust and mutter how useless and pathetic he was and then proceed to jack off but that time…

“Tom I’m sorry…I can’t…not tonight.”

“Sorry? SORRY? After getting pregnant like a slut and then proceeding to lose the little spawn you can’t even have sex with your own husband?”

“Tom please…” Jared felt tears run down his face at the reminder of the child he lost. “I tried…”

“Tried my ass. The only thing you tried to do was aggravate me. That’s what this whole charade is well no more. I want another child and we damn well are going to have one!”

Before Jared knew what was happening, Tom kneed him in his stomach, immobilizing him due to the intense pain. He only just had surgery a few weeks ago to correct some bleeding from the miscarriage. He was technically supposed to be on bed rest…he’s sure that the doctor didn’t mean this…

“Tom please! No!!!!”


“Jay! Jared calm down baby! Calm down, it’s just me.”

Jared swallowed the tears that threatened to fall down his face, recognizing that he had another flashback to the abuse he suffered and that Tom wasn’t here.

“Jared, baby?” Jensen asked in concern.

Jared let the feel of Jensen’s hands on his face and the smooth, calm voice wash over him to calm his beating heart. “I’m okay…I…”

“Is it Tom?” Jensen asked softly.

Jared closed his eyes without saying anything and that was answer enough for Jensen. The growing erection that just wouldn’t quit on his way to his apartment slowly died. Jensen didn’t forget that Jared was abused but seeing the length and extent for which Jared still suffered disturbed Jensen and made him furious. He wanted nothing more than to punch Tom in his smug face for all he did to Jared and his children.


“He…when Tom accused me of sleeping with Jeff and getting pregnant by him. He wasn’t 100% wrong. I was pregnant but not by Jeff. It was Tom’s child…”

Jensen waited, knowing that Jared needed support right now.


Jensen watched as Jared’s eyes grew wide, horrors flooding back into his memory. “He caused the miscarriage?” Jensen guessed, trying to keep his voice calm.

“I lost my baby…oh god…”

“Shhhh it’ll be okay,” Jensen assured, holding onto Jared tighter when Jared began to sob. Jared was never really given any time to heal or grieve over the loss of his child. “I promise we’ll give Tom what he’s do and he won’t be around to hurt you anymore. I won’t let him…” Jensen said firmly. “I won’t.”

“You what?!”

“Misha…” Jared sighed. It’s been a few weeks since the incident at the club and that night out with Jensen. To say the least that was probably the most heartbreaking and thrilling night of his life. However, one visit to Dr. Cohen confirmed what Jared knew from the moment the night happened.

He was pregnant.

This is something Jared never expected to hear again. Even Dr. Cohen was shocked to be announcing it after treating him after the miscarriage.

“Please Misha don’t scream so loud you know it upsets Alex.” Jared reprimanded watching his sons from across the room as they both colored or more so Alex colored and Niki watched. His son has grown cold and distant over the past few months. Jared feared that the divorce was affecting them more than he initially realized.

“I forgot, I’m sorry. But Jared pregnant?! With Jensen Ackles of all things?”

“Hey now, don’t be insulting me when I’m not around at least wait until I’m here to have a comeback.”

“Jen!” Jared’s face brightened when Jensen entered Misha’s small office. They all had a meeting today to go over some more information about the trial.

“Hey babe…” Jensen walked over, kissing Jared atop his head before taking a seat next to him.

“Yuck, lets tone down the kissy goo goo and get to work shall we gentlemen?” Misha said with a disgusted look on his face.

“Yeah, yeah Collins. What have we got so far?” Jensen asked getting serious.

“Well, so far we have Dr. Cohen who is going to be our star witness. One thing I’m uncertain of is that night at the hospital when he treated Jared for that overdose he acted as if he never seen Jared before but it turns up that Dr. Cohen was Jared’s personal doctor and often treated him at home.”

“I can answer that.” Jared said softly. “Matt was terrified of losing his medical license. It wouldn’t be the first time Tom employed dirty tactics to keep his secrets…” Jared dwindled off when he watched as his son Nikolai stormed off with a huff, leaving Alexander calling after him.

“Daddy?” Alex asked, insecure.

Jared furrowed his brows. “It’s alright baby, I’ll go talk to him…”

“No,” Jensen implored. “Let me try…”

“But Jensen Nikolai is very sensitive right now I don’t think he would want to talk to you. He barely talks to Misha or Sam.” Jared said worriedly, staring at the small bathroom that his son ran into.

“We have to talk to them both anyway so maybe I can try talking to Nikolai and you guys can talk to Alex.”

“If you’re sure.” Jared said before nodding him off.

Jensen made his way back to the little bathroom. He knocked on the door softly while saying, “Nikolai, you in here? It’s Jensen.”

“Go away.”

Jensen huffed while grinning. “Sorry kiddo can’t do that. I’m coming in.” Jensen pushed open the door and made his way into the bathroom. It was very small and only contained two stalls and it wasn’t any mystery about which one Nikolai was in.

“Niki why did you walk away like that.”

“My name is Nikolai only Dad and Alex get to call me that.” Nikolai insisted in an icy tone.

“Okay I’m sorry, Nikolai, why did you walk away like that. You really upset your brother.”

“I don’t have to tell you anything…just…just go away!”

Jensen frowned when he began to hear sniffling. “You know I can’t do that. I just want to know what’s wrong.”

“You wouldn’t understand…no one does.”

“Try me.” Jensen implored holding his breath when he heard movement in the stall. Jensen heard the stall unlatch before Nikolai stepped out.

He held his glasses between his hands and Jensen’s heart broke when he saw how red and puffy his eyes were from crying.

“Nikolai,” Jensen sighed softly, dropping to one knee.

Nikolai ran forward into Jensen’s arms reminding him that he was only 8 years old despite how old he acted all the time. “Hey now, what’s wrong?”

“Y-y-you won’t unders-s-s-stand.” Nikolai sobbed, getting his shirt wet in the process.

“I know I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but I can try, if you’ll let me?”

“I don’t want Tom to hurt my Daddy again! Please don’t let him hurt Daddy!”

“Whoa, whoa hey! No one hurting Daddy alright.” Jensen pulled the boy back and was dismayed to see pure terror in his eyes.

“How did you know Tom was hurting your Daddy?”

“Because I saw it! To-Tom was so mad, he was cursing and throwing things and Da-Da-ddy was upset and crying. All I wanted to ask Daddy for was a glass of milk before I went to bed. Then I saw Tom hit Daddy…again and again…” Nikolai broke down into uncontrollable sobs again.

“Shhhhh, I’m sorry you had to see that buddy but no one will hurt your Daddy ever again. I won’t let them. I promise.” Jensen ran his hands through the 8 year olds hair softly, trying to calm him down. Jensen had no idea the extent of Tom’s abuse, or that it had such a serious effect on the children. “Does Alex know about this?”

“No,” Nikolai sobbed, wiping the tears and snot from his face. “I never told Alex. I didn’t want to upset him or upset the love he has for Tom.”

Jensen smiled. “You’re a very brave and smart boy. I’m so proud of you for doing that and I’m sure your Daddy will be too. So let’s try and compose ourselves before we go out there and upset Daddy or Alex huh?”

Nikolai nodded softly and Jensen led him to the sink to get washed up.

“You sure were in there a long time…” Jared asked worriedly when Jensen and Nikolai emerged from the bathroom.

Alexander was perched on his lap fast asleep. After his brother stormed off Alex became fidgety and needing comfort so Jared let him climb up on his lap despite the fact that he often told him he was too old to do so anymore.

“We had some important things to talk about, right?”

Nikolai nodded. “Yeah, I’m better now Daddy.”

“You are huh?” Jared smiled and stared at Jensen behind his son, his eyes spoke of the need to discuss what happened later but not now.

“Yep, all good to go. What do you guys say we go out and eat huh? You all must be hungry. You can come too Collins if you want.” Jensen offered.

“And watch as you two eat spaghetti or something. Save me the details. I’ll work some more on the case. I don’t want to be arrogant or anything but I think we have a good chance at winning this time. Especially if me and that block head team up.”


Jared laughed. He knew that he and Jensen had a lot of issues to work out and a lot of things were going to change but he didn’t want to have anyone else by his side at such a time like this.

It was a bit chilly out as Jared walked from his job at the diner to the bus stop. Ever since he and Jensen became an item he and his kids have stayed at Jensen’s apartment. Jensen opted to take a vacation to focus on working on the case; his law firm allowed the time since they officially dropped Tom from their clientage after Jared received custody of his children back.

After that Tom has gone radio silent. No media appearances, no more tabloids. Everything just has been too quiet. Jensen had wanted to stay by his side 24/7 but Jared wouldn’t allow it. Besides Jared still had his dignity even if at first Tom had hidden it from him. Being with Jensen has taught Jared that he never lost anything and by sitting back idle he’d be letting Tom win.
Jared couldn’t be idle anymore. Thus, why he was walking in the cold to the bus stop to ride it to Jensen’s apartment. He opted out of being picked up just for that reason. It was a bit dark out as Jared took a sit on the bench but he wasn’t worried. This part of town was well-lit and all the surrounding buildings and businesses knew the diner he worked at and knew him personally.

“Burrr…it’s getting cold out baby.” Jared spoke softly to his baby bump. “We should be home soon so maybe me and Daddy can cuddle and warm you up.”

Jared was so focused on his baby that he didn’t happen to see the man who approached behind him or the wicked switch blade he held in his hand.

Part Three

pairing: jared/jensen, fic: absolution

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