Fic: Absolution Part One

Jan 14, 2015 17:56

Title: Absolution
Art: Here
Artist: imogen_lily
Beta: mylifewithin
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 19,000+
Pairing/Characters: Jared/Jensen, Jared/Tom Welling, Misha Collins, Jeffrey Dean Morgan...
Warnings: mpreg, bitter divorce/mud-slinging, [Spoilers for story]
domestic abuse, past miscarriage, non-con/rape

Author's Note: This was written for the spn_reversebang. Just wow! I remember telling imogen in our first email that I wasn't really known for producing long fic, but dang this thing got long! After begging for multiple extensions I've finally completed it. I couldn't be happier with the outcome or the art. I've had a lot of fun hasing out this story, emailing imogen questions and comments but most of all the art is spectacular! Ten times better than I ever imagined. Seiously. Without the art this story is nothing so please take a look and leave her some feedback!

Summary: When hotshot lawyer Jensen Ackles is hired by wealthy businessman Tom Welling to oversee his bitter divorce from cheating ex Jared, Tom makes it clear he wants two things from Jensen: to keep his fortune and his kids, and Jensen is to use any methods to ensure that. But has Tom told the whole truth about their marriage and how will Jensen deal with finally meeting the infamous Jared, who just happens to be his personal wet dream on legs?

“I just need you to sign here on the dotted line and everything will be final.”

Tom signs dutifully on the line in black ink; his signature marking another successful and lucrative case lined up for Jensen.
At Ackles and Singer Law Firm they only take on the highest of clients that will win them big pay checks and high esteem in the long run.

Tom Welling is a classic case; the typical rich business figure. The newspapers have run the story for weeks, painting Jared Welling as a home wrecker, slut, and gold digger to say the least. Jensen couldn’t walk five blocks without someone whispering about it.

The moment Danneel handed him Tom’s case file Jensen knew that this is going to be the case of the year, and an easy one at that.

Jared Welling had apparently only been given a court appointed lawyer, one Misha Collins. Which Jensen couldn’t have expected anything else. With Tom cutting off all money ties to Jared, Jared wouldn’t have anything to represent himself against Tom.

Jensen sneered just thinking of the little man in his Goodwill suits and annoyingly high-pitched voice. He’d do anything to get Collins to leave law entirely but no, Misha was supposedly a humanitarian and philanthropist, going around and promoting goodwill and charity. He’s met Misha in the courtroom plenty of times and every single time the man has lost.

Tom and Jared were only separating for now but Jensen knew that divorce would follow. It always did in cases like these. Tom played the loving husband and father too boot, he spoke remorsefully about what happened and often would dab at his eyes from time to time.

Once Tom hands over the paperwork Jensen smiles as he straightens them up and slips them into a folder. “So Mr. Welling, as you know we have to do some background work on your ex-husband. This would involve P.I’s, so any information you can give us on his whereabouts and daily routines will be beneficial. We also need proof of Jared’s spending. Do you think you can get these?”

Tom checks his watch quickly before expressing deep remorse. “I’m sure that won’t be a problem Mr. Ackles. After I discovered his infidelity I had him followed for some time with my own personal P.I, you can also talk to some of my acquaintances about Jared and I’m sure they’ll give you all the information you’ll need. I’m just so sad that it had to come to this. Hopefully the separation will give Jared some time to think.”

Jensen nods consolingly as he does for every client when they give him the woe as me bullshit. “I understand but we need factual proof of this, especially if you want to get full custody of your children, which let me add, I highly doubt this will be an issue if he doesn’t possess a job or any income. Did you have Jared sign a pre-nup? I know Mr. Collins, his lawyer, will find any way he can to get Jared money so we have to have all the facts beforehand.”

“No I completely understand Mr. Ackles. Jared did not sign a pre-nup, I just didn’t think…” Tom paused for a moment before continuing. “Me and Jared were just so happy? He’s an amazing father, and I feel head of heels when I first laid eyes on him. I’ve been crazy about him. I love my kids, and my family, I thought that I was providing for Jared? How could he have done this too me and had an affair? I feel so bad for our children, being subjected to this. For now, I prefer Jared to have the children during the separation; maybe this will allot me time to get all the legalities straight.”

Jensen nods; moments like these always make him uncomfortable. Tom looks remorseful and sad; however Jensen can’t quite shake the look in his eyes. He’s seen the look before, often times on men who have divorced their spouses and took them for everything their spouse had. “I’m sure not signing a pre-nup won’t be an issue Mr. Welling. You guys are only separating for now so we can talk about that when we cross that bridge. I’m also very sure that Mr. Collins and Jared will appreciate your generosity.
It was one thing Mr. Collins listed as something that he was going to try and fight for.”

“Thank you for your help and once again I’m very sorry for the separation but I will do my best to represent you and fight for any needs you will need during this time.”

Jensen straightens up the paperwork he has, intending to give the farewell speech when Tom surprises him. He grabs his arm, a little too tightly, and forces him to meet his eyes.

“I’m sure you know that I love my husband and kids very much. I would do anything for them, however, I want Jared to learn a little lesson.”

Jensen furrowed his brows, however Tom continued. “Jared embarrassed me. He slept with my business partner then wound up getting pregnant and having a miscarriage. I’ve worked very hard to establish my company outside of my family that also means my reputation as well. Jared has left a little black dot on it that I can’t scrub clean.”

“What are you trying to tell me Mr. Welling?” Jensen eyes the hand that was still firmly grasping his wrist, at the look Tom let go straightening his jacket.

“I’m not saying anything Mr. Ackles but I assure you know what I expect of you and this law firm. I’m paying very good money for you to represent me and give me back what Jared has taken away. You guys are the best in the business at these types of things. I love him dearly you know…just do what you see fit. Any questions you have please don’t hesitate to call me.”

“Will do,” Jensen shakes Tom’s hand and watches as he leaves his small office.

Jensen sighed and rubbed his face in exhaustion. Checking the time, Jensen noted the meeting ran an hour over, cutting into his lunch break.

Looking around his office, it was easy to see the money that was in the law firm itself. Located in a five-story building nestled between accounting firms and office complexes, the law firm was high-end if not downright sophisticated. Only the top-tier of people can afford their services and those that did were highly satisfied with the outcome.

With a ninety-five percent win ratio, the firm was one of the best in the cities. Their reputation paints them as cold and ruthless and often defending people who really weren’t the ones who needed defending. However, one of the key rules Jensen learned when he first started out at 25 was that as long as the money was right then the details shouldn’t matter.

Mr. Singer of the Ackles and Singer had instilled that into him when he was representing the law firm in his first case.

Jensen managed to out rank his superiors in every case he had. He always had a way with clients. He knew how to charm them to get the information he needed to succeed. He knew how to use the P.I’s and people to his advantage. He was efficient and fast, cruel and firm when he needed to be.

This enabled him to become second shareholder of the company behind Mr. Singer.

His office spoke of how high up he ranked. Complete with plush carpets, cozy leatherback seats for clients, a big mahogany desk, a fish tank and a wall of windows overlooking the city completed his spacious office.

Reclining in his chair, Jensen picked up the folder that read Jared Welling on the side. So far the only thing in the folder was a picture of Jared, provided to Jensen from Tom.

He was young, a lot younger than Tom from what Jensen understood. His eyes shone a bright hazel and his smile lit up his face. He was pretty; Jensen had to give Tom that.

The perfect trophy husband for a respectable business man, however, somehow the man wormed his way into Tom’s heart enough to have two kids and a marriage of 10 years.

The kid was a gold digger according to Tom, a slut who slept with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, got pregnant, and wound up having a miscarriage. Supposedly, that’s when the marriage began to fall apart and not even a few months later here they were signing separation papers and ensuring Tom retained all his assets and more so.

Jensen stared at the boy’s picture for a few minutes before throwing it on his desk with the rest and kicking his feet up.
This would be an easy case for sure.

This wouldn’t be an easy case.

Misha was well aware of the odds the minute he heard Tom Welling’s name.

“Jared,” Misha spoke softly knowing how out of it Jared was. “I’m not trying to force you to leave your husband but Mr. Welling has put us in a corner here. We need to get some dirt on him so he won’t leave you for broke, do you understand?
Misha watched as Jared swallowed. The thick blue sweater the boy was wearing engulfed his skinny frame, almost as if he was trying to get swallowed whole by it. Misha found it odd, given that it was 80 degrees outside. Misha is trained to pick up small minute details due to the fact that often times that was all they had for a case.

Out of the corner of his eye Misha watched as Jared’s twin boys played silently in the corner of his office. There wasn’t much in way of toys but the boys seemed content to play with the meager belongs they brought with them from the shelter.
Misha’s bosses were pressing him hard to find Jared a suitable home other than a homeless shelter, otherwise, they can kiss the case of child custody and child support goodbye.

“Jared,” Misha started again.

Jared shuttered before focusing sad, soulful eyes on Misha. “I hear you Mr. Collins. I just don’t want to separate from my husband.” Jared whispered, guilt clear in his voice. “I lo…love him. Why would he do this to me?”

“I know this is hard but don’t worry about it okay?” Misha felt his heart breaking at seeing the honest tears of confusion leaking out of the man’s eyes. “How was your marriage with Tom then?”

“It was fine…at least I thought so but then again here we are signing separation papers so I guess I was wr-” Before Jared could finish the sentence a loud bang came from across the room at another cubicle. Misha watched as Jared jumped, his eyes widening before settling into relative silence, however, Misha also noticed that Jared gripped the chair he was sitting in a lot tighter.

“Sorry about that,” Misha offered sympathetically. “That must be Bob again; his drawers get stuck so he has to slam them in sometimes.”

“Right,” Jared nodded but Misha could see the sound still unnerved him; it seems as if Jared withdrew further into himself. “And the kids? How is Tom with them?” Misha questioned.

“The kids are great, I’d be lost without them and Tom…” Jared sighed. “Tom’s a good father he would give them anything they ever wanted or needed.”

Misha wrote the information down in his file, not one hundred percent sure that was so true but he had to appear supportive of Jared. “There was some recent…” Misha choose his words carefully. “Allegations against you and some stories about something that happened, do you maybe want to talk about them?”

Jared swallowed. “The story isn’t true, I’ve told Tom this many times,” Jared bit his lip to stop what he was about to say. “Jeffrey and I are just friends but Tom had a tendency to get jealous.”

Misha noticed the way Jared skirted around the miscarriage and Misha wasn’t going to press it and make Jared upset.
Watching Jared’s eyes begin to get dimmer and dimmer Misha’s heart broke a little more. “Jared, I think that’s it for today. We can work on gathering some evidence and interviewing people tomorrow, okay? Do you need a ride home? Or a taxi? If you want you can wait maybe an hour or two and I can drive you and the boys’ home.” Misha offered.

Jared shook his head softly, “no, but thank you Mr. Collins for everything you’re doing. Me and the boys will be fine, right guys?”
Both boys nodded but looked guarded as well. When Jared stood the boys followed suit and silently stood on either side of their Dad, almost like little protectors. Misha knew that what the boys saw will be valuable to the case. They’re first hand witnesses and Misha couldn’t pass up the opportunity to use their testimony. However, Misha wasn’t going to force it today. He could save it for later.

“It’s Misha remember? No need for formality we are all the same here, okay?”

Jared smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Thanks, Mr. Collins but me and the boys are going to head home they have school tomorrow. Thank you so much for all your help so far.”

Before Jared could leave Misha had to ask one more thing, “does Tom treat you right?”

Jared hesitated, however it was small and only someone who was watching closely would notice it. Jared smiled wide when he said, “of course, he’s the best thing to ever happen to me and I plan on ending this separation and moving back in with my husband.” With that Jared left.

Misha kept on watching until Jared left the building entirely. As soon as the door shut Misha sagged. The weight of the world felt like it was on his shoulders. He couldn’t falter yet though, this was only just beginning.

Sitting down in his squeaky chair, Misha tried to organize the stacks of paper that he had on Jared but soon gave up when a stack of his folders threatened to fall. With phones ringing incessantly and people coming and going it was almost impossible to work in peace and quiet. Most of Misha’s work is done at home out of his apartment.

While the small office building that they worked out of was busy, it was as efficient as they could get and the best they could offer. They were really the last resort lawyers for those who couldn’t afford one in court.

While their case win ratio wasn’t entirely high they saved more people from prison and other horrible atrocities than Misha could count and he wouldn’t let Jared be another blip on the radar.

He just couldn’t.

It’s chilly when Jensen heads to the shelter where Jared and the kids are staying. After an entire day with hostile looks and accusations thrown his way from Jared’s friends; he’s dead beat tired.

He just wants to get this last interview with Jared over with so he can kick his feet up and relax.

When he pushes open the heavy wooden door it’s even chillier inside the building. He can see a small desk sitting up front with a young woman manning it, beyond the woman was what looked like a kitchen with some people eating lunch.

Bums Jensen reminds himself. Shaking his head, Jensen stuffs his hands into his pockets and approaches the woman.

“Excuse me, Miss.” The woman soon looks up and does a double take at Jensen’s attire. It wasn’t his best idea to do all these interviews after getting off from work. He was still sporting his signature suit and tie.

He looked completely out-of-place in a building like this. “I’m looking for a Jared Padalecki. I've been told he's staying here and I need to speak with him for a few moments.”

The woman squinted her eyes suspiciously. “And you are sir?”

Jensen tried his best to keep smiling, but with all the attitude he has gotten in the last day alone, it was hard. It wasn’t his fault that Jared cheated on his husband and was spending his money. Jensen was just doing his job so he could get paid. In fact, Tom was absolutely heartbroken over their separation. The pile of tissues sitting in his office trashcan was testament to that.
Jared Padalecki seemed to have everything he wanted. Why cheat? Did he really want more money?

These questions kept ringing in his ears when he interviewing Jared’s friends. From what they all told him Jared was a great guy, a loving husband and father. Doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.

At least, that’s what he had gotten from the few that would talk. He could still feel the sting on his cheek from Ms. Tal when he insisted that Jared was a slut.

He couldn’t wait to let his private investigator take over and start following Jared around. Maybe more things would make sense.

Remembering that he left the woman hanging Jensen cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, I’m Jensen Ackles and I’m Tom Welling’s attorney. I need to go over things with his husband for the case.”

“Unless you have a court order Mr. Ackles I’m under no obligation to show you to Jared’s resid-”

“It’s alright Samantha.”

Jensen turned around at the voice and lo and behold Jared was standing in the doorway.

“Jared,” The lady-Samantha said, standing up as she did so.

“It’s fine, thank you anyway. The boys and I will see you for dinner.” Jared gave her a smile but Jensen noticed it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’ll show you to my hom-” Jared stuttered over the word home before correcting himself. “Place. Just follow me.”

Jensen didn’t care, as long as he could get this over and hurry up. He followed Jared up some creaky stairs before they finally reach their destination. The door to his “place” was waterlogged and old. Odd stains and holes littered the outside of it making Jensen gag.

No telling what nasty hands and bodies touched that door over the years. Jared didn’t seem affected; he simply inserted the key and opened the door.

The inside was even less appealing. It was about as small as Jensen’s guest bathroom at his apartment. A small bed sat in the middle of the room with an even smaller mattress on the floor. The floor was made of concrete and one window overlooked the alley behind the building. There was a small bathroom that seemed to connect two rooms together. To top it off was a single light bulb hanging in the middle of the room.

It was pitiful to say the least.

“I’m sorry I don’t have anywhere to sit Mr. Ackles. You can take a seat on the bed though.”

“No need Mr. Padalecki this will be very quick.” Jensen assured, he had the questions memorized after Tom faxed them over this morning.

“Good because I need to pick up my boys from school, and it’s Mr. Welling. We’re not divorced yet.”

“Of course, I’m very sorry about that mistake. Forgive me.” Jensen found it odd that Jared was still insisting on being called Mr. Welling. From what Tom had said, it seemed like Jared was ready to ditch Tom for Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

“I just have a few quick questions so why don’t I start. What would you say you spent during your marriage to Tom Welling?”

“My spending? What does that have to do with anything?” Jared asked baffled.

“I need to make sure that I have all the facts straight for the case. If you want I can get a court order to get all these questions from you?” Jensen watched as Jared gritted his teeth slightly. He couldn’t really get anything for this. If anything Jensen is out of line approaching all these witnesses and Jared himself for this information. However, no one was going to call Jensen out on it and even if Jared told Misha there still wasn’t anything that rat could do.

“Sorry. I didn’t spend a lot. Tom gave me a credit card and I used that to take care of the boys. The rest of the stuff was bought by Tom.”

“Are you sure about that? Tom insisted you spent the majority of his money. Perhaps we can get bank statements to clarify this further.” Jensen watched for a reaction out of the man. Threats and blackmail always work to get people talking, especially when they faced down the most expensive law firm in Dallas.

Except Jared sighed as he got this pinched look on his face. “My bank account was my husbands. He has control over any money I made on my own and he made. Nothing came out of that account unless I had the okay from him. I don’t know why he would say such things about me and I can assure you I can ask Mr. Collins for legal proof of this as well.”

Jensen just hummed softly. He had to double-check the statements Tom supplied him from the bank. “What about your affair with Jeffrey Dean Morgan?”

“I didn’t have an affair with Jeff. He-He’s my friend, Tom just got jealous a lot of the time. I guess my one fault was I wasn’t as attentive to his needs as I should have been but I never had an affair with Jeff.” Jared insisted.

“Then what about the miscarriage. I have your hospital reports Jared. You were pregnant at one point. Why would Tom file for separation if you were the perfect husband?”

“I don’t know!” Jared shouted. “I don’t know.”

Jensen watched as tears quickly fell down his face. He found himself dumbfounded as Jared slowly broke down before him.

“I-I thought I was good enough. I guess I never will be.” Jared whispered, haunted eyes meeting his.

Jensen felt his breath catch in his throat. Anything else he was going to ask was suddenly the farthest thing from his mind. “I-I’m sorry I upset you. I think I have all I need. Thank you for your time.”

Jensen quickly exited the room without looking back.

“Damn it.” Misha cursed, throwing another paper away in the trash.

He was desperately trying to sift through Jared’s hospital records to find something tangible he could use. However Misha could smell a cover up from a mile away. Each record always had the same thing. Accidental injury.

No pictures, no accurate documentation, no diagnosis. Nothing.

Rubbing his forehead to try to aleve the headache that was forming, Misha signed.

This was turning out much harder than he originally thought. Jared wasn’t very forthcoming about the abuse that Misha knew was so obvious. Without Jared he had no one to stand up against Tom’s accusation and he’s almost certain Jensen was doing his best to paint Tom as the doting, husband heartbroken over Jared’s supposed infidelity.

Distaste grew in his mouth at thinking of Jensen. Ever since they attended the same law school back in college there was always a deep-rooted hatred. Misha worked very hard for the scholarship he obtained, whereas Jensen’s parents paid in full for him to attend. Money was always the driving factor with him.

The final nail in the straw was when Jensen made a fool out of Misha’s best friend. He used her and manipulated her feelings and she was never the same way again.

Misha vowed, that if given the chance to put that pompous dick in his place, he would. This was that chance. Not only was he helping a deserving man in need, he was also helping that friend so long ago.

Hearing the TV across the room gave Misha distraction enough so he could get up and get some coffee.

Wandering over to the coffee machine, Misha watched the TV with disinterest until he heard a familiar story.

“We are here live with Mr. Tom Welling, head of the corporate office of Welling Shipping in Dallas Texas. Mr. Welling, why are you getting a divorce after so many years?”

“It’s not actually a divorce, it’s a separation. I love my husband and my children. I’m just so upset that he would cheat on me and so something like this.”

Misha watched in disbelief as the events unfolded on-screen. Jensen promised that Tom wouldn’t make any more press releases or interviews mentioning Jared.

“We are very sorry for what has happened Mr. Welling. And might I add, the world is shocked as well to hear what has transpired. However, I think it’s good to know that you have such adoring fans on your side.”

The camera panned to the crowd that had gathered outside of Welling Shipping to watch the interview. Misha was astonished at the amount of people holding up signs in support.

Tom Welling was kind of big deal. Mostly known for his business aspects as well as what his father and family did with the oil industry, Tom built his own name around shipping goods internationally.

Misha remembered awhile back that the local police had a case file open on him and his company. At one point it was thought Tom was shipping illegal contraband back and forth from here to China, however, nothing was ever proven.

Jared never really fit into that lifestyle. He always stuck out like a sore thumb when Tom decided to parade him around. No one ever really settled on the idea that good-looking, millionaire Tom Welling settled on someone like Jared. As soon as news broke out of Jared’s supposed affair his name got even further tarnished.

Newspapers, websites, gossip mags all slandering his character throughout their pages.

Jared could barely walk down the street without getting harassed. Misha wanted to put some sort of protection duty on Jared but he refused.

Feeling himself beginning to get a headache Misha quickly poured his coffee and walked away, however, he was still within distance to hear what Tom was saying on the TV.

“Jared, wherever you are darling. I love you so much. I’m sure we can work through this baby and be a family again.”


Jensen turns his attention from his computer to focus on his secretary who just walked in. “Yes Danneel?”

“Mr. Welling is here to see you.”

“Send him in.” Jensen signs, not really feeling up to talking to Tom again. It was just a few weeks ago that Tom was calling him, drunk, and explaining how much of a whore Jared was. It was his job of course to believe his clients, and maybe initially Jensen did. Tom could be quite convincing when he wanted, however, the more time went by and the more Jensen learned about Jared things just didn’t add up. His private investigator wasn’t able to find anything out of the ordinary. Jared lived at a shelter with his two sons, worked two jobs at a diner and a bookstore, all of his friends have said nothing but amazing things about the guy. The only one that seemed to be 100% honest with them was a man named Chad Murray. He lived a few cities over in Jared’s home town and told the private investigator about how Tom Welling came in seduced Jared and basically took control of his life there afterword. He said he hasn’t spoken to Jared in 5 years and it’s all because of Tom Welling.

Hearing a soft knock upon his office Jensen yelled, “Come in!”

“Mr. Ackles?”

Jensen’s head shot up at the soft voice. “Mr. Padalecki? I thought Danneel said Mr. Welling was here to see me?”

Jared laughed softly. “Well technically I am still Mr. Welling. I hope you don’t mind that I brought my sons. I didn’t have anyone to watch them.”

Jensen felt queasy when Jared mentioned children. He wasn’t any good with them and he definitely didn’t have any aspirations of having his own. Kids and marriage just wasn’t his style.

“I don’t mind at all.” Jensen intoned; he motioned for Jared to take a seat. “What brings you here?”

“I asked Mr. Collins about you showing up at my home and he initially wanted to call you and ream your ass out as he put it. I dissuaded him though saying you were only doing your job. I asked him if it would be okay to talk to you at the office since you really didn’t get much of me earlier and I assume you need something.” Jared admitted softly.

Jensen was a bit mesmerized at the way his eyes danced around the room, almost hypnotic like.

“Daddy, can we go home soon?”

Jensen is shaken out of his trance when he heard one of the kids speak up. Truth be told he forgot they were here.

“Of course baby,” Jared said softly, palming his cheek. “Just let Daddy finish up here and then we can go home and Sam can cook you guys some mac and cheese huh?”

The boy nodded, his brother was staring holes through his skull. It made Jensen uncomfortable to say the least.

“I have everything I need to know Mr. Padalecki so I’m not quite sure what you expect me to ask you?”

“Do you just have what Tom wanted you to ask me?” Jared replied spitefully, before blushing. “I’m sorry that was out of line, I’m just a bit stressed is all.”

Stressed seemed like an understatement. Jared looked exhausted. Dark circles lined his eyes, his frame was almost skeletal in the flimsy shirt he was wearing, and his eyes are muted and dull. Jensen never really thought about the people his clients were suing, or the strain he would put on some of them.

“No it’s alright, and you’re right. Mr. Welling wanted me to ask you those questions. Why, I’m uncertain but I do have some questions of mine own if you don’t mind.”

“Go ahead, shoot.”

Jensen cleared his throat, uncomfortable with the way the kids eyes were watching his every move. “How was your marriage to Tom?

Jared laughed. “Go-good. At least I thought so.”

“What made it good? Was he a good father?”

“He was very attentive and sweet to the boys. He would buy them anything they wanted, right boys? You love your Papa?”

Both boys nodded silently, but Jensen was able to see the tension in their little bodies. There was something about this ‘perfect’ marriage that wasn’t adding up.

“It is my understanding that a man named Chad Murray is your friend?”

“Chad?” Jared said hurriedly.

Jensen is surprised at his reaction. “Yes, he lives in San Antonio. As a lawyer, I have a private investigator go around asking questions to make sure I have the facts right you se-”

“You’ve seen Chad?” Jared asked again, this time clearly more agitated and upset.

“Mr. Padalecki?” Jensen asked confused watching as Jared seemed to unravel.

“I thought he was…Tom said…oh my god.”

With that Jensen watched as the waterworks fell. He thought he felt out-of-place when he was at Jared’s home but nothing prepared him for what was transpiring now.

“Jared?” Jensen said softly, getting up out of his chair and bending down in front of the man. His two boys were hugging their Dad and whispering words of encouragement. They were getting upset as well.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset, what about Chad?”

“I thought he was dead.” Jared whispered, deadpan. Staring at Jensen through watery eyes.

Jensen swallowed and without thinking he put his hand on his knees, squeezing slightly in comfort. “Maybe we should do this another time?”

Jared shook his head. “Meet me at my place tonight around 8:00 by then I’ll have put the boys to bed. I’m sorry Mr. Ackles I just seem so emotional lately.”

“It’s Jensen,” Jensen said softly. “And no reason to be sorry.”

“You what?” Misha asked, flabbergasted.

“I set up a meeting with Jensen later tonight.”

“Jensen? What happened to Mr. Ackles? Oh no, Jared please don’t tell me you’re falling for him?” Misha said in horror.

“I’m still technically married Misha.” Jared said irritated. It would be a lie to say that he wasn’t a bit fascinated with the man. Jensen was sleek and sophisticated in all the ways that Tom was, however, Jensen was sweet and soft-spoken once you got past his serious professionalism. After Jensen had sent Jared a picture of Chad alive and in person, something in his heart just combusted. For five years he believed his best friend was dead. Tom had told Jared about a car accident that happened and how Chad was involved. He wanted to go to his funeral but Tom wouldn’t allow him too, saying it would make him more upset.
That was about the time that Jared started to really talk to Jeffrey Dean. The older man offered him comfort where Tom often refused too.

“Jared, are you listening to me?”

Shaking his head softly Jared replied, “Yes. I understand why you’re worried but I promise it won’t hurt anything. Maybe I can get through to Jensen that I’m not what Tom has said I am?”

The hope in the kids’ eyes was a bit too much for Misha. “Listen Jared, Jensen is scum okay? He uses his charm and good looks to get what he wants. This is a trap so he can get more information on you to win the case.”

“Jensen wouldn’t do that.” Jared replied softly, somewhere in his heart he knew that Jensen was a good man. That maybe if he talked to him and was a bit more open he can persuade Jensen that what Tom was saying was just not true.

“I’ve known Jensen since I was in college Jared, I know how he is and he’s not a genuine guy.” Misha said, beginning to get frustrated. “Listen,” Misha sighed. “What are you going to tell him that you haven’t even told me? I’m floundering now because you won’t reveal anything and Tom has hidden his tracks so well I can’t find shit on him.”

Jared swallowed suddenly feeling nervous and attacked. A feeling that Tom often made him feel.


Jared flinched, when Misha got closer. Suddenly it wasn’t Misha asking him a question about the case, it was Tom leaning in, alcohol on his breath.

“Just open up for me baby, you’re so tight.”

With a terrified sound, Jared flung himself from the chair, cowering in the corner. “No, please!”


“I’m sorry.” Jared pleaded.

“Sorry? You’re sorry for getting pregnant or sorry for cheating on me?”

“But the baby is yours! It’s our baby.”

“Fuck that. You couldn’t have another kid if you tried. You’re all washed up and dried. What you have his sperm implanted in you huh? Right under my fucking nose!”

“Jared are you okay? Hey talk to me, I’m sorry about confronting you like that, I had no right too.”

Suddenly as Tom was about to backhand him, his face changed back to Misha’s concerned one. Feeling his heart still beat frantically, Jared clutched it in hope of slowing it down.

“Do you want me to call an ambulance?”

“No!” Jared shouted. “No, I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me.”

“Let me help you Jared.” Misha pleaded, taking the young man hands within his own. “I know what’s been going on and I can’t help you if you won’t talk to me about it?”

Jared felt ashamed, turning his head away so Misha wouldn’t see his tears.

“It’s okay to ask for help Jared and I know you’re a smart man so I don’t understand why you feel the need to talk to Jensen? He’s ruthless and all he cares about is himself and money. I can’t prevent you from going to see him but I highly recommend against it.”

Jared gave out a watery laugh. “Thanks Misha, for being there for me and my kids.”

Misha smiled, loosening his hold on the man and helping him up. “Anytime.”

“Maybe next week you can drop the kids off, because I really need to get their testimonies and statements.” Misha didn’t like to bring it up since Jared seemed so reluctant to keep them out but they were key witnesses to their Dad’s relationship with Tom.

“I’ll arrange something, thanks again Misha.”

With that, Misha watched as Jared made his way out of the office.

Feeling hatred begin to grow for Jensen again after remembering that Jared wanted to meet him later, Misha decided to get a bit personal.

Calling Ackles office he's dismayed to get their generic answering machine. As soon as the beep was heard Misha laid in, “Listen Ackles, I don’t like you playing around with my clients. I’ve told you this before and I’ll tell you this again. I’ll take your ass for everything you got if you so much as threaten or harm my clients, and that means Jared. I don’t know what you said to him or what garbage you’re feeding him but Jared is a good guy that doesn’t deserve that that shit bag is giving him and he certainly doesn’t deserve you manipulating his feelings. So you better watch out because I won’t stand to see Jared hurt again…I won’t.”
With that, Misha hung up. It was basically back to square one again. He just had to keep digging harder if he was going to find the real evidence of abuse. There had to be something Tom didn’t cover up.

“I hope I’m not too early?” Jensen asked, noting that it looked like Jared just hopped out of the shower.

“No, I had to take my boys down to dinner real quick then get them settled in with Sam for the night. Come on in, I’ll just be a minute.”

Jensen followed Jared into the meager living space, stepping over toys and garbage to finally settle on the small bed.

He was once again struck by how disgusting this place was, it made him wonder how Tom could let his sons live in such filth. If he didn’t have any feelings for Jared then so be it, but his sons?

Over the past few weeks Jensen has had to play marriage counselor as Tom would often show up unexpected, or call him drunk talking about Jared. The man couldn’t shut up about what Jared did and how much it hurt him.

Yet in front of the press, Tom was a sleep professional, expressing deep sadness and regret to his audience about his separation. However, over the phone Tom’s venom and sheer cruelty come alive.

It made Jensen wonder how he could have ever believed what the guy was saying. No matter what Jensen thinks a case is still a case and he's determined to win this one.

“Sorry about that.”

Jensen's shaken out of his thoughts when Jared reentered the room. He swallowed the “it’s alright” very promptly when he saw Jared.

He was wearing dark wash jeans and a nice black button down that accentuated his chest muscles. It was a stark contrast to what Jensen had previously seen him in. He knew that Jared was a good-looking guy that worked out but seeing it in person…it almost took Jensen’s breath away.

“Why are you staring? Do I really look that bad?”

Jensen shook his head. “No!” He was too quick to answer; he could see how shy and nervous Jared was. Essentially this was Jared’s first outing, even if it was a professional one. “I mean you look great it’s just a lot different to what I’m accustomed to seeing is all.”

“I figured you offered to take me to a nice restaurant to interview me some more and I didn’t want to look like a bum.” Jared shrugged, hands still nervously playing with the hem of his shirt.

There was something in the way Jared was quick to ask if he looked okay that made Jensen uneasy. A guys like Jared shouldn’t have any such self-esteem issues. However, self-esteem and confidence issues was clearly something Jared battled.

Jensen was always very confident with who he was and what he did. His number of hookups over the years all learned the same fate, Jensen doesn’t date and he doesn’t marry. His job is too strenuous to allow him to keep a relationship and frankly Jensen enjoyed the many partners he’s had. It’s a free lifestyle that he never had, even when he was younger. His father was always too dominant and controlling to allow Jensen to really let loose. His younger years filled with being groomed to become an attorney.

“You look fine besides this is a professional meeting.” Jensen reminded but he felt bad after seeing Jared’s smile dim a little.

“Right, I know. Anyway, let’s get going!”

It was only a thirty minute drive to Jensen’s favorite steakhouse in Texas. Jensen decided that he really enjoyed Jared’s company, like really. He was easy to talk to and a lot more bubbly than what Jensen saw in the past.

He found that he and Jared sort of have very similar personalities and interests. Jensen felt himself connecting to someone for once instead of always being distant and cautious.

It didn’t take long for the hostess to escort them to Jensen’s reserved table. It’s his favorite spot in the restaurant because it overlooked the lake that sat behind the building.

“Wow this is really great!” Jared murmured excitedly.

It was a bit out-of-place given what Jared is going through, but it still made Jensen smile. “You seem excited tonight.”

“Sorry about that, I have really bad anxiety and I’ve been without my prescription for a while since the divorce and it took Misha awhile to get me my meds again. I may have taken an extra one tonight because I was feeling really anxious to see you again, but not in the bad way!” Jared assured, words falling out of his mouth in record speed. “I mean wait…that didn’t come out right. The meds make me a bit loopy, it’s why I don’t like taking them. However, Tom normally forced me too so I wouldn’t look like I was ‘depressed’. Wait, I didn’t mean to say that-”

“Jared, whoa! Slow down there.” Jensen settled his hand on Jared’s and found it to be really warm. The man was having verbal diarrhea so bad that Jensen almost felt guilty for listening so intently. It was almost like Jared was drunk and spewing his inner most secrets because of his barriers were down. “Just relax take a deep breath for me.”

Jared did as instructed; he finally seemed to settle down.

“Good, I’m just going to ask you a few questions okay? Do your best to answer them. If something I ask you make you uncomfortable tell me. Got it?”


“Good, alright so how did you and Tom meet. I heard Tom’s version but I’d like to hear yours.”

Jared seemed to compose himself for a minute, deciding on what he wanted to say. “Well I met Tom when I was 17 he came into the library where I worked and he made a connection that day, you know? Like you can’t describe it but it was there. I didn’t care that Tom was 25 and he didn’t care that I was still in high school. We just really hit it off well.”

The story Tom had told was that Jared was 18 when they met. Jensen chalked up the small difference in his head and continued.
“Okay so how long did you guys date before getting married?”

“I don’t know maybe a year? I think half of the time Tom was trying to convince me to go out with him. I was a nerd in school and didn’t really think he was serious. It took months for him to get me to even go get ice cream with him.”

Another difference, supposedly Jared fell head of heels in love with him and they started to date immediately.

“My parents were the ones that really didn’t like it though. I dropped out of school to be with him more and that really sent my family into a tailspin. I grew up as an only child and my parents expected me to do something amazing like be a doctor, or lawyer, or something that was important, instead I had aspirations of following Tom anywhere he went. I-I knew he was it for me…so I dropped out of school and soon after that we moved out here. I haven’t really spoken to my parents since then. I guess they changed their number on me because the one Tom gave me wouldn’t work. I really miss them you know? I wanted to show them that I did do something.”

Jensen felt himself getting sad and he could see that Jared was heading in a dark place so he immediately changed the subject.

“You became a school teacher though?”

“Yeah,” Jared brightened up immediately. “I got my G.E.D and went back to school. At first Tom was upset because I wasn’t spending much time with him but I was really determined to do this. I really do love children and teaching became my passion outside of my marriage. It kind of gave me a purpose you know?”

“I heard you were a very good teacher.”

“Were being right.” Jared added solemnly. Jensen forgot that Jared had lost his job at the elementary school that he worked at.

Apparently it was due to the bad press but with a little digging Jensen discovered that Tom Welling’s money was filling the pocket of one Principle Mark Pellegrino. For what? Jensen isn’t too sure he knows it’s not a donation however.

“I’m sure you can teach again once you get back on your feet.”

Jared smiled softly, it was only then that Jensen realized that he was still holding he younger man’s hand. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. Intending to pull away immediately except Jared tightened his grasp.

“No, I like it when you hold my hand. You remind me so much of Jeffrey.”

“Jeffrey Dean Morgan?” Jensen asked, perking up. “The man you had an affair with? Or supposedly did.”

“He’s my friend, sometimes it felt like I was alone but Jeff always made it better. I mean my kids can only do so much and they’re just kids. I didn’t want to saddle them with my baggage but Jeff would always listen to me if I needed someone. He even offered for me and the kids to stay with him when this happened but I didn’t want to provoke Tom because I intended on getting back together with him.”

“Intended?” Jensen whispered not realizing how close he and Jared were getting. He was practically leaned into his face, his hand still tightly holding Jared’s. “Do you not want to get back together now?”

“I don’t know. I’m all mixed up inside some days and waking up is getting harder and harder. I love him, or I thought I did but I just don’t understand anymore…” Jared turned his head down in shame, Jensen found himself caressing the man’s face. His mind was sending alarm bells at him to abort but he just couldn’t take it anymore.

“Hey, it’s okay to be mixed up and confused. This is a confusing time for you and the kids but I’ll help you sort it out.”

“How? Jensen, you’re defending my ex-husband if you have forgotten. Tom is threatening to take the children away from me! He already has taken my house, my job…I can’t let him have my kids too.”

Suddenly Jared pulled away making Jensen miss the close contact. He forgot that he was representing Tom and the purpose of this dinner was to further the evidence he had on the case.

Jared was working himself into hysteria. Jensen was starting to feel that Jared had taken more than just one an extra pill. “Calm down Jared.”

“Calm down? I’ve been calm throughout this whole thing! Throughout Tom harassing me at the shelter and at my new jobs.”

“Wait he was harassing you?”

“I had to deal with my children being taken out of their school and put into a new one. Do you know how stressful this is on them? On me? But of course you can’t even begin to understand! No one did and the one guy that did was almost fired from his position for it!”

“Wait, Jeffery Dean Morgan was almost fired?” Jensen questioned. Tom never told him any of this. He was beginning to get a very bad feeling about this whole case. His stomach was turning in knots and Jared wasn't slowing down any. “Jared how many pills did you take?”

“Enough!” Jared sobbed, suddenly in tears again. Everyone around them began to stare making Jensen nervous as well. “I took enough so I could be happy? See?” Jared smiled but it was fake and it was tearing Jensen in two just looking at it. “I’m happy now Tom…” Jared sobbed. “You don’t have to be mad; I’ll take the pills and be happy for you.”

“Jay, I think we need to call an ambulance.” Jensen approached the man cautiously, suspecting Jared had taken way to many pills. He was starting to doubt these pills were for ‘anxiety’ and more for depression.

“No! I can’t go to the hospital!” Jared stood up fast causing him to wobble.

“Whoa!” Jensen stood up as well just in time for Jared’s eyes to roll back in his head and collapse in his arms.

Screaming was heard around the restaurant, a crowd began to form around him each onlooker shouting and yelling but no one calling for help.

“Call 911!” He pleaded.

“Jared?” Jensen shook the younger man softly but no response. “Jared!”

Part Two

pairing: jared/jensen, mpreg, fic: absolution

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