My Mannequien

Oct 01, 2011 03:46

Title: My Mannequin
Authors: cherry_akira & cry1baby
Beta: cry1baby
Length: One-shot
Pairing: Sakuraiba
Rating: PG-13 ---> NC-17!!!
Genre: humor, romance, smut, and slight angst
Disclaimer:  I do not own nor know any of the celebrities portrayed in this fiction.
Summary: After a mishap with one of his favorite hobbies, Aiba has decided to pursue in a new interest!
A/N:  And another collab done with cry1baby (Ohno Buddy Buddy!!!<3)!!!!  Unfortunately half of the portion of this story was not the original!  xD  My MSN decided not to save nearly half of our hardwork (cry1baby didn't have the work saved as well) and so we had to go in and redo it!  xDDD.  It's a funny story even though we were pissed as hell when we found out xD.  Anyway yeah here's the belated birthday collab!

I did most of Aiba (and Jun's) dialogue and cry1baby did Sho (and Nino's) dialogue!

Without a doubt, being the Moodmaker of Arashi, Aiba had no problem finding random hobbies to help him relax and make him the person that was always jolly. One of his many hobbies were: golfing, playing video games with Nino, cooking experiments, science experiments, and of course experimenting with Sho *wink wink*. But after getting complaints from Nino that he makes too much takoyaki before each of their concerts, Aiba tried to develop a new interest to add to his collection of hobbies.

One night after eating dinner with Sho, Aiba wandered off into the living room with a big box. While trying to be discrete, he turned on their TV and started to take some stuff out of the box. After getting settled, he sat in front of the table with the glare of the TV being his only source of light.

"Hmm," he muttered as he fumbled with a book he took out before putting his hands together, like he was playing with them.

Sho had been stuffing his face, his own favorite hobby aside from reading books and the newspaper, while Aiba disappeared off. He's noticed how the man would sometimes silently slip away and do something for a few hours before coming back like nothing had happened. He chose not to press on the issue since it wasn't anything to get alarmed by. Though eventually his curiosity got the best of him. Sho stood up and followed Aiba into the living room, a few minutes after the man had gone in, and peeked over the couch. He was still unable to see much with Aiba's broad shoulder blocking his way.

'Ah, the many perks of not having sloping shoulders; people can't spy on you easily,' he thought.

"What are you doing?" Sho finally asked after many failed attempts to see what Aiba was up to.

Aiba, who was so focused "on playing with his hands" yelped and jumped when Sho's voice startled him.

"Ahh!" He swerved around to see Sho with wide eyes before throwing all the stuff on the table back into the box and slammed it close then laying on top of it over the table.


'Damn it Sho-chan! My finger hurts now because of you!' he cursed in his head as he held his index finger in his fist.

Sho still didn't see anything, aside from Aiba’s rushed act.

"What are you hiding?" Sho squinted his eyes, moving forward towards the man.

Aiba could sense Sho coming near him and sighed silently in frustration and decided to work his magic on Sho to try sliding away from confession. He plugged his injured fingertip into his mouth and leaned against the table with his other arm still guarding the box behind him.

"Ne Sho-chan we haven't had fun in awhile..." Aiba purred like a schoolgirl, hoping Sho would fall for it. He sucked on his fingertips as he faced Sho with his big innocent doe eyes.

Sho stopped dead in his tracks, blinking at the man before him. His head tilted sideways, already lost in those innocent and round eyes.

'Don't let him fool you!' he yelled in his head, but to no avail.

"Mm, it has been quite some time," Sho smiled softly. Slowly he started walking again.

'Yes that's it Sho-chan~ Fall for it~ Forget what you might have saw earlier~' Aiba smirked at his plan and spread out his legs more and sucked on his finger harder, wishing the darn thing would stop bleeding before Sho suspects something again. The pressure of his suckling made him wince at the sting on his finger and accidentally let out a whine which sounded more like a moan.

Sho bit his lip and smirked at him. He reached where Aiba was sitting and leaned in for a kiss, but only now noticed how the man was sucking on his finger.

"Wait are you okay? You're sucking on it rather hard," he pouted.

Aiba shook his head stubbornly and without much choice since he had to do this for the sake of protecting his precious box and what was inside, he took Sho's face in his hands and pulled it toward him and kissed him a little too eagerly, kind of like those times when Aiba was a real sex hungry monster. Aiba leaned against the table, pulling Sho’s body against him some more.

'Don't you worry my precious secret, Papa will save you from being discovered,' Aiba thought in the back of his head.

Sho moaned softly at the kiss, wondering what that slight aftertaste was. He let himself get pulled further in, nearly losing his footing at Aiba's eager approach. When he tried to lay the man fully down, he noticed a box in the way.

"Baby move it over," Sho murmured against his lips while lightly tapping the box.

Aiba shook his head childishly.


Sho pulled back a bit to look at him.

"Why?" His curiosity was now peeked again.

Aiba's eyes could nearly see animal ears perk up on Sho's head when he pulled away and decided to act fast. He pulled him toward him again and tried to seduce him again.

"I can think of it as something to prop me."

'Just don't hurt my box or I'll kill you!'

"But that doesn't seem too comfortable," Sho pouted. "Also we have those cushions on the couch for that reason. So..." Sho then reached for the box, trying to move it out the way.

Aiba's hands pushed Sho away when he saw him touch the box.

"No!" He grabbed the box, holding it to his chest before stalking away. "Don't touch it! My box!"

Sho was shocked at the display. It was as if Aiba was a lioness and he touched her cub.

"What the fuck?" He whispered to himself, almost afraid to follow the man.

Aiba walked into their room and sat on the floor against his side of the bed.

"Don't worry. Papa Sho won't hurt you this time."

He kissed the box and opened it again to play with the "real baby" he was trying to protect.

Sho remained where he was, deciding to leave Aiba be. Though he really could've used the sex.

"Ah~ha!" Aiba grinned when he was finally satisfied. He went back into the living room.

"Surprise Sho-chan!" He held up the "real baby" he has been protecting and hiding for a few weeks now.

The older man turned around with a pout, but his face slowly changed in shock. "What's that?" he asked, pointing to what Aiba was holding up.

Aiba giggled.

"Well your surprise! Duh!" He pranced over a little closer to Sho and pressed the top against Sho.

Sho looked down at the garment with a confused look.

"My surprise? Seriously Masaki, what is this?" he asked again.

Aiba's smile started to fade.

"Y-y-you don't like it?"His lips started to quiver as he fingered the sequins he sewed up onto the shirt."This is my new hobby. I started to take an interest in making clothes. And...I-I-I thought I would give you my first creation like I did with the other inventions I made from my other hobbies..."

The rapper's eyes widened. "N-no, I like it, it's just...I was shocked, that's all."

He took off his top and put on the shirt, giving Aiba a smile. Albeit in his head he wondered if it came off as forced.

Aiba tilted his head to the side with his hands in between his legs innocently.

"You really like it?" He admired his rainbow sequined top on Sho.

"Mm," Sho smiled, whimpering in his head at how it was a tiny bit itchy.

Aiba squealed in happiness as he clapped his hands.

"YAY~! And you can wear it with those tight skinny jeans that I love seeing you in tomorrow when we head over for our VSA filming! We should go to sleep now! It's getting late! Can't wait to show off my design! I'm so lucky to have you as my personal mannequin Sho-chan!"

Aiba gave Sho a big kiss before running into the bedroom.

After Aiba had gleefully ran off, Sho stood there frozen in his tracks.

'What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?!' he yelled in his head. 'I definitely can't wear this outside. Oh my god I can hear Nino's voice now,' he continued to yell in his head. Sorrowfully, Sho took off the shirt and folded it while going into the bedroom.

~ ~ ~

The next morning, Aiba untangled himself from Sho, who was literally his body pillow, and let out a big stretch on the bed and yawn before padding to the bathroom to wash his face. When he came back, he saw Sho's new shirt neatly folded on the dresser.

'Aww!' Aiba blushed. 'He folded it up all so it's ready for him to show off today! He must really like it!' He headed to the kitchen to prepare them breakfast. It was a usual routine for him to walk around in just his boxers before it was time to get ready for work or until he was not so lazy to layer up more.

Sho's eyes moved restlessly under his lids as he slowly woke up to the smell of food wafting into the room. Had this been a cartoon, he would've been floating in the air, following the delicious smell. He woke up and scratched his head, looking at the time. Though before his eyes connected with the clock, he noticed the shirt that Aiba made for him. He really didn’t wasn’t to wear it, but seeming how Aiba slaved over it, he figured he should be nice enough and wear it once. 'At least once,' he thought while he put on a shirt and his boxers before going into the kitchen.

Aiba hummed to himself while singing along to the radio using the spatula as a mic as he cooked.

'Oh this will be a great day! My lover will be wearing something I made that he loves!!!'

At that thought, he slid down the tiled floor on his knees as he attempted to kill a high note on this certain song. He gagged and coughed dryly after that, stick out his tongue while shaking his head, trying get his mouth back to normal. When he looked up, he saw Sho already up.

"Oh! Good morning!!!" He scrambled up from his spot on the floor and lunged toward onto Sho. 'Was he wearing those earlier?' he thought to himself as he looked at Sho's home clothes.

The man stumbled a bit as Aiba flung himself at him.

"Good morning," Sho kissed Aiba's temple. "What's for breakfast?" he asked as he walked towards to stove, one arm still wrapped around Aiba's waist.

"Your favorite type of omurice for a very special man that will be making history for the both of us and our careers," Aiba giggled as his lover looked at what he cooked. "I can't tell you how excited I am." Aiba returned a kiss on Sho's cheek.

Sho smiled and nodded. 'Oh it'll make history alright,' he thought, rubbing the back of his head. He sat at the table and awaited his plate. Granted his mind was reeling on what horror was to come his way later on that day, food always cheered him up.

The younger man set their portions on two plates and squirted on some ketchup on the tops before going over to the table and placed Sho's omurice in front of his lover first, which had 'Sho-Bear' written on the top. After putting the other plate at his place, he whipped out a napkin and started to tuck it in front of Sho's shirt halfway.

"For my Sho-Bear~!" He leaned in and kissed the top of Sho's head lovingly.

Sho chuckled at the words and relaxed a bit more with the kiss. He let out a small sigh, clasped his hands together, before shoveling the food in his mouth. Man was he lucky to have Aiba as his lover, cause he's sure his table manners would've turned other people off.

Aiba followed suit in giving thanks before eating. He really could not wait for later and what laid ahead for him and Sho...especially him! He could just predict it: when they get to work later, everyone would be asking Sho where he got his shirt, they discover it's Aiba's! 'Oh God! I'll make Arashi more popular, I'll get my own gig somewhere out of Japan! I hope it'll be in Canada or New York! Then me and Sho-chan can get married [I'm pretty sure he'd want to!] and we can adopt an adorable baby! We can have a family like we wanted!!!'

Aiba's mind couldn't take it anymore! 'Oh we gotta hurry! The sooner we get through today, the better! I really want my gig, getting married to Sho-chan, and our own family!' He shoved the rest of his food into his mouth in lightening speed, and was still munching when he got up to pile up the dishwasher and fled to the bedroom.

Sho, who was completely oblivious to his over-imaginative lover, was going though his own personal turmoil. 'Okay, granted the shirt isn’t the best thing in the world. But I mean it's only for a day. Then again he wants me to wear those black skinny jeans and fuck with that together things can go wrong,' Sho's eyes closed as he wallowed in the pain.

"I~get~to~be~the~future~Liber~race~a~future~Liber~race~!" Aiba sung and danced around in the shower before skipping out to get dressed before he eyed his designed shirt on the dresser, neatly folded, and ready to make its debut today. 'Hmm...' Aiba folded his arms before scratching his chin in a very Nino-ish way. 'It needs more oomph...AH!' Aiba scrambled into their closet and came out with a pair of tight leather jeans in his hands. 'Perfect!' Aiba folded it and laid it under the shirt before changing.

After Sho was done with his food, and tried not to cry when he heard Aiba's song, he went into the shower where he continued to debate wearing the outfit. 'It's to support him, you're a Johnny's, you've worn worst,' he repeated in his head.

When he stepped out, toweling off his hair, he stopped dead in his tracks when he caught sight of an old foe.

"Um, what are those doing there?" Sho asked slowly, pointing the leather jeans he caught sticking out from underneath the shirt.

Aiba sat up from fixing the cuffs of his pants to make them his favorite 5/8 length when he heard Sho. "Hey handsome!" He trotted over to his lover. "I think those would compliment your outfit well. We want my Sho-chan to look good right?" He snuggled his face into Sho's neck and kissed it softly while running his hands around Sho's waist cutely.

"Mm," Sho whimpered. He put on his briefs from underneath the towel before putting on the shirt. 'Itchy~' he pouted mentally. He then mustered up all the courage he had to put on the leather jeans. 'I won't be in them long, I mean we'll be doing VSA today. I can’t jump around with these on, right?' he thought to himself.

When he opened his eyes and looked into the mirror, he held back a yelp of fear when he noticed the way it fit him. 'I Obnoxiously so...'

Aiba, who was waiting in the car, called him. "Sho-Bear let's go!" He checked his phone to make sure he had a lot of room to take pictures of Sho later.

Sho sighed and grabbed his bag before rushing out to meet up with Aiba and into his appending doom. Aiba squealed in happiness when he saw Sho and didn't stop taking pictures of him even when they were in the agency heading toward their green room.

"Aiba~" Sho pouted as he tried to walk ahead of the man. However, it only prompted his lover to take more pictures, stating he has such a lovely ass.

"Come on Sho-Bear~" Aiba pouted before throwing himself on Sho's back. "You look like you back when we were still young..." He added in a sultry voice. "...And it turns me on so much..." He went in to give his lover's neck a little suck before getting off his back and hurried into the green room.

Sho blushed at the man's words, biting his lip at the slight thought of Aiba in his aroused state. Though the minute he got in front of the door his heart dropped into his stomach.

Jun heard Sho's footsteps come into the room, but didn't look up from his book. "I was wondering when you were coming in...What's with that thing Aiba's telling about you-" He peered up only to have his eyes bulge out when he saw his former tutor..."-the hell?"

Aiba squealed again and clapped his hands excitedly. "Mind if I borrow this?" He reached into Jun's bag and produced his professional camera from the now frozen member. "Sho-chan! Show us what you got!" He held the camera up to his face.

Sho blushed under Jun's stare before turning to Aiba. "Baby...can we not do it like this. It's embarrassing," he said through his smile of clenched teeth. Granted he wanted to die right then and there, he was an idol and once a camera was on him, a smile just magically appears.

Just when Aiba was able to get a few shots of the new and improved Sho, Ohno walked into the room mindlessly whistling as he daydreamed about going fishing until what he saw in front of him made him hit a low note and his bag drop from his shoulder as he gawked.

'Shit, this is getting worse,' Sho thought as he now had two members staring at him while Aiba was trying to become a photographer, using random English phrases that almost had nothing to do with what he wanted. 'I best pose my ass off now or else Nino-'

He was cut off when the gamer came in, head down as he played with his DS. Nino got ready to give a quick glance to his band mates, but hearing the shutter flash brought his attention to Sho.

Much like the rest, he stood there with his mouth opened, barely blinking as he tried to take in what the hell was exactly going on.

"Oh. My. Fucking. Gahaha," Nino fell to the floor while holding onto his side. "Oh shit…oh fuck," the thin man continued panting and laughing. "Aiba's a genius. I love it," he laughed, wiping his eyes. Sho didn’t hear the end of Nino’s mouth the rest of the day as he gave snarky compliments.
~ ~ ~

A few days later, Aiba went to go visit the News Zero studio while Sho was working. 'Sho-Bear forgot to wake me up so I can make his bento for today...' Aiba pouted when he woke up alone in their bed this morning. 'Well I hope he likes this surprise!' He carried the "surprise package" under the bento box as he navigated through the building and stood next to the door outside the studio room, and waited til the “Recording” sign above the door turned off and for Sho.

It's a slight running joke amongst his group that his face is so serious when he does New Zero, but there's an obvious reason for that. Can't do a news report while smiling all the time. When they were finally done, Sho bowed to his colleagues, thanking them for the hard work before stepping out the room. He was pleasantly surprised to see Aiba waiting for him. "Maa-kun what are you doing here?" he smiled, giving the man a quick peck on the lips.

Aiba smiled as he licked off the taste of Sho's mouth from his lips. "Silly Sho-Bear forgot to wake me up so I can make your bento~" He held up the bento proudly.

"Oh!" Sho's lit up at the box, giving the man a deeper kiss as his thanks. He sat down by the nearby table and got ready to eat.

Aiba giggled at the many kisses he was getting from Sho. Yeah he was guilty for being one of his lover's bullies, but he loved when Sho would always forgive him without a second thought and shower him with affection. After watching Sho eat, he wiped his mouth like he was a big baby.

"You're so adorable Sho-chan~"

Sho chuckled and smiled with a mouthful of tea that he gulped down. He blinked when he noticed another box in Aiba's hand.

"What's that?" he asked while casually cleaning up the table.

"Umm about that..." Aiba fingered one of the corners of the box as he blushed. "Is there somewhere we can be alone...Sho-chan?" He bit his lip which Sho took as one of Aiba's aroused signs.

Sho's eyes sparked with lust, grabbing Aiba's wrist and dragging him into his dressing room. It's been a while since they've had sex and Sho was more than willing to do so right now.

He took off his blazer, folding it neatly on the table along with his tie and shirt.

Aiba sighed as he waited on the couch, slightly out of breath from running to the dressing room. "...I'm ready..."

"Me too," Sho smirked in his near naked state. He approached the man and brought Aiba's hand to his pants, silently telling him to remove them for him.

Aiba raised an eyebrow at Sho before looking at his hand and back up to Sho. "You want to do it with your pants off?" He asked baffled.

"Yeah, how else were we going to do it?" Sho smiled. "Unless you wanted this to be quick and I just pull it out from the zipper?"

Aiba's eyes widened. "Sho-chan! As your lover, I know how...arousing you are, but for a photo shoot...Well I guess we can try to make it like An-An and not show what belongs to me." Aiba shrugged.

"Huh?" Sho blinked. "Pho-photoshoot? So...we're not having sex?" he pouted.

Aiba raised his eyebrow again before he giggled. "Silly Sho-Bear! Of course a photo shoot! Here!" He reached for the package again and thrusted it into Sho's hands.

"Just finished it last night while you were typing up your report for today"

"Ah~" A light bulb clicked in Sho's head. 'He's made me another...creation,' he thought fearfully. Sho swallowed and opened the box. 'Please don't let it be bad, please don't let it be bad...'
He peeked and saw the sweater. It had animal patches on it. 'Oh my god, he's trying to ruin me,' he thought with wide eyes.

Aiba mistook Sho's wide eyes as a happy expression. "I knew you'd love it!" Aiba pulled out the sweater and unfolded it as he held it out. "Look and I put a lot of squirrel patches and one bear patch...'cause well..." Aiba blushed. "...You're everyone's favorite squirrel but you're my one and only Sho-bear..." Aiba peered at him in a very sweet manner. "You like it right?"

"," he smiled at his lover. "It's great," 'It’s horrible!' he yelled in his head.

Aiba threw himself happily at Sho for a hug and a brief kiss before pulling away and throwing the sweater into Sho's arms as he went to grab the camera. "Let's make some magic already!"

Sho slipped the sweater on, trying his best not to crumble. Though every time he saw how much Aiba's eyes lit up, he couldn't help but smile. 'It's for him I doing this. Just for him,' he thought before making a pose.
~ ~ ~

Due to two successful outfits made, Aiba thought he was on a roll with stuff. From then on, he devoted a lot of his time into his hobby. The more outfits he made for Sho, the more bizarre they coming out to be. The younger man started becoming too busy to be his lazy, ditzy, Sho-clutching self. He would force Sho into making their TV time into fashion show marathon time. Even his homemade cooking had dwindled down. All he could manage to make nowadays was ramen or just buy tons of bento. He’s also been neglecting his habit of putting a bib on Sho when they ate.

He rarely went to bed the same time as Sho and would stay up most of the time in the living room sewing. The only words he really spoke to Sho now were just "Good morning", "Thank you", "You're welcome", and "Good night". And he started to take the habit of wearing fake dork glasses on a daily basis, thinking he looked smarter and classier. In addition, he didn't make Jun too happy when he asked if he could borrow his camera for a long run and if Jun could teach him how to properly develop film.

Sho pouted in the kitchen as he saw the store bought bento he was going to have to eat, AGAIN. Ever since Aiba's creations he's been getting less and less time with him. The only time he got was when they had work together and even then that wasn’t long enough. He wanted nothing more than to let Aiba explore his new hobby but he felt that Aiba's time management skills sucked. No longer did he gets called his 'Sho-bear,' all he got was 'Ne,' or if he was lucky 'Sho.'

Sho went to the room where Aiba chose to isolate himself in, 'The Playroom,' and stood by the door, trying to listen his lover working.

Aiba obliviously kept working on his current creation. He held it up to observe the off the shoulder top in his hands before smiling to himself as he thought, 'Perfect!' He reached over to check his phone before setting it down and continued to sew. After sometime he unlocked the door, walking out without seeing Sho, and headed straight to the fridge to get a bento box for himself and some tea.

Sho sighed and followed the man like a puppy. "Aiba-kun..."

Aiba closed the fridge to come face to face with Sho. "Oh! Good that you're here Sakurai! I need you to try something on for me!" He pushed the bridge of his glasses up and motioned Sho to follow him back into the Playroom.

"Wait-" Sho got ready to call out, but Aiba had already marched past him. Letting out another heavy sigh he followed he man in. Somehow he didn’t even care if the outfit he made was horrible, he just wanted some more time with him.

After getting Sho to come along with him, he had Sho fit into an off the shoulder top as he munched on his dinner once in awhile. He made some adjustments before taking some photos of Sho, then turning fully to his work while writing the new information in his notes. "Thank you, you can go now."

He peered at Sho over the top of his glasses.

Sho stood there shocked at how cold that was. "That's it?"

"I'm busy right now...Plus don't you have other stuff for News Zero, read the newspaper, write rap lyrics?"

'And I thought I didn't have that much hobbies to occupy me'

"I don't because I've been left alone for more than a few days by someone who used to happily occupy most of my time," Sho said, anger seeping into his voice."We haven't seen each other much and whenever we do it's either for fitting or photo shoots. I am not a model, I am your boyfriend."

Aiba gave Sho an astonished look and opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by his phone. He picked it up. "Hello? You're here? Great!" Aiba's irritated frown turned into a smile. "I'll come down to see you guys. Just give me a couple of minutes!" He closed his phone and seemingly forgot Sho was even there and ran out of their apartment.

Sho threw his arms down and left the room to go into the living room, where he sulked until Aiba's return.

After awhile, Aiba came back, slamming the door open as he tried to help show two men that were rolling in a table that had a sewing machine perched on the top of it. "Careful, careful!" Aiba scolded as they tried to ramp it over the genkan step. Eventually they managed to get the table in and maneuver it into the Playroom.

Sho jumped at the sudden noise, wondering what the hell did Aiba do. He was shocked to see two delivery men backing up the sewing machine into the Playroom. "The fuck?" he said to himself and followed. "You bought a sewing machine?" Sho asked Aiba, even if the answer was terribly obvious.

Aiba looked at Sho as though again he just realized he was there. "Oh good you're here! Yeah sewing by hand takes too much time. With this baby around, it'll give me more time to get most of my creations out faster."

Aiba tipped the men as they left. "Thanks for helping."

Again when he saw Sho, he acted as though he just acknowledged his existence. "Oh good you're here. I need you to try this on." He held up a bustier and a kilt.

Sho was beyond done with all this. "No, I am NOT wearing that," he said angrily.

Aiba scoffed, in a very unnatural way. "Of course you can. We were bizarre stuff all the time. Unless you want me to hire Nino to give this to him, fine with me."

"Will you listen to yourself?! You're not a designer, you're an idol who's hung up on a hobby," Sho complained. "I'm really glad that you're taking a liking to this, but you are neglecting me in the process," he continued to yell.

Aiba glared at him. "For your information, this hobby is going to help us get more famous. I want a gig here and a gig outside of Japan, possibly Canada or New York so we can get married and adopt. I thought you would want a family."

"I would love nothing more than to be more famous and marry you and have kids, but don't and can't just up and become a designer."

Aiba frowned more at his lover's slight objection. As little as it was, this was the first time Sho had discouraged him from something he really wanted. He looked down at his feet. "Yes I can..." he said quietly.

"No you can't , because it's as much of a full time job as being an idol is," Sho sighed. "You won't be able to keep up with everything. You've already decided to demote me as a model rather than a lover because of this," the rapper said softly.

Aiba turned up his nose. "So you want me to give this up? Hmph! I want you to leave this room!"

"No I-" Sho tried to argue back but he was pushed out the room. The door slammed shut in his face, causing his stomach to clench.

"Aiba!" he yelled, knocking on the door. He jiggled the knob and knocked a few more times, but to no avail. He sighed, plopping down next to the door. He pulled his knees up to his chest and rest his head on them, hoping that Aiba would come out soon.

Aiba's chest heaved deeply after slamming the door with all his might.

"You know I never talked you into slacking off when you decided to continue onto college while having our career! I supported you! Nice how it had to be different for me! I hate you!"

Aiba threw himself into a pile of stuffed animals in a corner and hugged one of them as his eyes streamed hot angry tears down his face.

Sho wanted to yell back that him going to college was completely different that Aiba designing horrible clothes. He practically had to go to college for his family's sake. But he held his tongue, he couldn’t bare any of this anymore.

Aiba's sobs grew to more than just sniffling. He felt like all his wishes and hopes were crushed because of Sho..."I hate you..." He repeated softly but angrily.

~ ~ ~

The next morning Aiba got up from his restless slumber after spending the whole night crying his eyes out. When he opened the door, he blankly stared at Sho’s sleeping form. Because of the nagging feeling he got in the back of his head that he's been neglecting this person's needs, he gave in and cooked Sho's favorite omurice. But didn't bother to decorate it with the usual "Sho-bear" or "I love you" before getting ready for a long day of individual work. For once he was glad to not be cooped up in this house with Sho 'cause to tell you the truth, the man now just ticks him off.

A few minutes after Aiba left Sho woke up. Immediately he went to check the room, but Aiba was already gone. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he went into the kitchen where he saw the omurice waiting for him on the table. He bit his lip to keep his tears down but after taking a bite, a few slipped past his eyes. Granted it didn’t have the usual loving message, the fact that it was made for him got him tearfully eating his breakfast.

Once he was done, he sat in the bath in hopes he could come up with a way to solve everything. Like he basically yelled at Aiba. He wasn’t so much against the man's want to create clothes for him, it was more on the fact that he was too focused on a dream that frankly was impossible.

After his bath he went into the bedroom where he changed and waited for Aiba to come back. It was another day where he was left alone on his day off.

Aiba opened the door to their home later that night. He did everything he could to avoid going back here, heck this morning when he was packing his bag for work, he brought an extra change of clothes. After work, he desperately called any member of Arashi and any of his close friends if they could let him stay at their place for the night [even more, if he was lucky] but everyone had their own lives to attend to and were wondering why Aiba wanted to do a sudden sleepover when usually he'd refuse to spend the night anywhere unless Sho was with him.

Going back to his parents’ home was out of the question since he and Sho decided, long before they moved in together, that they would only have one car for economic and safety reasons. If he took the car with him, Sho wouldn’t be able to get access to it for God-know-how-long. It would also give Sho more of an excuse to get impatient and call Aiba begging him to come back, and Aiba wasn't having any of that. He shed too many tears last night and wanted nothing more than a quiet night between them...or maybe not since it'll be too awkward. Aiba pouted at how much of a complicated decision he had to make.

He slipped off his shoes and padded to His Playroom and locked the door again, not in the mood to eat or do anything but isolate himself since he couldn't escape from this. No matter how much his heart still loved Sho, he felt like this [their apartment] was the worse place to be in.

Sho had been writing in his notebook the whole day, lyrics and words simply flowing out of him due to his current situation. He's had fights with lovers before, but this one hurt more than ever. Especially when it was over something so trivial. His ears perked when he heard Aiba coming in, but of course the man simply went into the Playroom, the place Sho now hates more than ever.

Sho closed his notebook and went to the kitchen, where he prepared a sandwich and tea for the man. It was the least he could do for him. Knowing that the door was most likely locked, Sho knocked before telling Aiba that he left him some food in the kitchen. After waiting a few seconds by the door for any movement, he sighed and went back into their bedroom.

When he heard the bedroom door close, Aiba immediately snuck out of the room and grabbed the food and back into the room, locking it again. 'I think I should learn how to bolt it. It might as well since sooner or later this will be my new room,' Aiba thought as he took a bite of the sandwich. His face wrinkled slightly when he bit down, slowly munching on it before taking a swig of tea.

'Even a sandwich...' Aiba thought helplessly. 'Even a sandwich...though it was nice of him...' He sighed and scribbled a note of thanks. Very silently and quickly like a mouse, he scurried out of his room to shove the note under their bedroom door before locking himself in his room.

As for finishing his food, he tried to fool himself into eating it, by pretending to feed one of his stuffed animals in hopes it would make him feel hungry.

Sho heard the door of the next room opening and closing a few times, along with the quick scurrying of feet, but he remained on the bed, on his computer until he heard footsteps terribly close to the door. That was when he saw the paper fly in from underneath.

He went over to it and read the note. "We can't be like this," Sho pouted. Sucking up the courage he needed, Sho opened the door and knocked at the Playroom door.

"Aiba-kun...please can we talk. I don't want to be like this with you," he yelled through the door. "Please," he called out desperately.

Aiba's head irked when he heard Sho yell. It was rare for Sho to shout at him, he dreaded stuff like this. But when he heard the desperate "please", the natural mercy he carried in his heart gave in. However, before he thought of opening the door, he threw a big bed sheet from the closet over him and unlocked the door before bolting to the other side of the room and curled up into a ball. He made sure to cover his head and was in fetal position faced down.

It hurt Sho to see Aiba like this, like he was preparing for a hit that was never to come.

"Aiba-kun..." Sho said softly, approaching the man. "Please look at me."

Aiba shuddered when he felt Sho near him, like the lover intuition they have grew 10x stronger since they were finally less than a few meters away from each other since last night. But instead of doing as he was told, Aiba crawled a few inches away and settling back down with a huge pitiful sniff.

"Baby, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just hated becoming second best in your life," Sho said now kneeling down so that he was closer to him. He reached forward to try and lift Aiba's head, granted there was a huge struggle, Sho manged to grab hold of the man's head. His hands cupping his cheeks. "I'm sorry," Sho said again.

Aiba's heart thumped hard when he heard Sho call him by his usual baby name, knowing it always felt so good hearing it. Sure when Sho uses it to act in role playing segments in their variety shows or in his lyrics, everyone makes fun of him and saying "How gross" or "How desperate", making him seem like the worst smooth talker; but honestly it always won Aiba's heart. When he looked up into Sho's eyes after several coaxing attempts from his lover, Aiba gave him the lost-cat-expression and mewed quietly.

"I'm sorry too..."

When Sho heard the apology, his eyes watered up. "I shouldn't have been so hard on you. I said I was going to support you, didn’t I?" he smiled. "So it was wrong of me to get so mad."

"Well you seemed to hate whatever I made I can't blame you..." Aiba said, it did hurt that Sho hated them.

"It's not that I hated them...they just....weren't my favorite kinds of clothing," Sho winced, trying to moonlight his words.

Aiba nodded and lifted his head out of Sho's hands and went back to being a big white bundle on the floor.

"I guess that's it then..." Aiba felt dreadful when he confirmed the fate of his dream.

"No, no it's not," Sho said trying to pull the covers off him. "You can make clothes just don't forget you have a boyfriend too...that's not simply there to be your mannequin."

"But what if I do get a real mannequin...It'll occupy my time and then you'll get jealous of it," Aiba pouted.

Sho chuckled and ruffled Aiba's hair. "I don't mind being your mannequin once in a while. I just want more us's been long, you know."

"Us time?" Aiba shook his head. "It hasn't been that long. You see me mostly every day. We've been a couple for some years now that our scents are blended together [your cologne with my outdoorsy smell], the taste of each other's kisses are practically embedded into each other's mouths, and we have lovers intuition...good or bad. Even the other guys in the group don't mind us getting all lovey dovey once in awhile...well except for Jun but I think he's just jealous. Then there was the time you showed up on TSD, you guest starring in My Girl...oh wait that one was awhile..."

"Aiba!" Sho said cutting the man off. "Yes, we are one, but when this whole next top designer fiasco was happening, we weren't. You were locking yourself in here to keep away from me, accidentally and then purposely. I just want this to be put behind us. I hate it when we fight especially when it's over something such as this."

Aiba sighed. "Okay I'll sleep in our bed again." He stuck out his hand as though making a deal.

Sho pouted and slapped the hand away, pulling the man in for a kiss.

"That's not all I want. I want you back. I want to be your Sho-bear and I want us to be normal again."

Aiba was startled with the kiss but gave into it. "Okay. I'll be your overly affectionate kitten or puppy, whatever you call me or think of me as, and you’ll be my Sho-bear."

"You mean it? You're not just saying it so I will stop bothering you?"

"Well when my dream launches, who am I going to marry and spend my whole life with?"

"Hopefully it'll be me."

Aiba reached into a hug. "Of course it'll be you. I love only you..."

"I love you too," Sho smiled, holding the man tightly. He pulled back to place and gentle kiss on Aiba's lips.

Aiba kissed back but pulled away. "How can you ever doubt spending our lives together?" He looked into Sho's eyes in sad wonder. To tell you the truth, it hurt hearing that Sho wasn't firm in declaration that he was his.

"I was just scared that I was going to lose you over this," Sho pouted. "Sorry," he apologized bowing his head.

Aiba pursed his full lips as he watched Sho. "But before this?"

"I never doubted us before this. You are the only I would love to spend my life with. Only you," Sho said seriously, looking into Aiba's eyes.

A grin spread on Aiba's face. "Good! 'Cause if you ever do again, you'll never get any of this!" Aiba captured his lover's lips playfully into a kiss. "Or this." He doted Sho's lips with a kiss again. "Or this!" He kissed his lover softly but impishly on the lips. He pulled back still smiling in the dark.

Sho smirked. "You'll be the one begging for this soon." He pressed a kiss to Aiba's lips, biting the lower lip gently before moving down to his neck.

Aiba moaned softly as he rubbed his chin over the top of Sho's hair and gently clawed through his hair.

Sho kissed his way back up to his lover's lips, removing the cover from around his shoulders, letting his hand linger on his hips.

Aiba immediately felt aroused at Sho's affection as the cover slip onto the floor. A whimper escaped into Sho's mouth as he cupped Sho’s cheeks while they kissed.

Sho laid the man down, crawling above him and slipping his hand under the shirt.

"Sho-chan~" Aiba said in between their kisses, small breaths leaving his lips as he looked at Sho with half lidded eyes.

"Yeah Baby?" Sho said licking and sucking at the tanned neck.

Aiba shuddered again. "Make love to me..."

Somehow at those words Sho blushed. He's gotten so used to their nights of animalistic fucking or simply having sex. It's been a long while since they've made love, since he's made Aiba a part of him and him a part of Aiba.

Sho gently kissed the man, stroking his cheek with his thumb before he pulled back to remove his shirt. He kept his eyes locked on Aiba's, there was more than lust in them; there was anticipation, eagerness, and pure love.

Aiba's eyes gleamed up at Sho's angelic profile. Even though they were in his poorly lit Playroom, Aiba was always able to look beyond the darkness to see his love. For some reason after this fight, he felt like he has fallen deeper in love with Sho. So what if he had his doubts during their incident? He wanted to work it through and that's what matters. Aiba's hands went up and touched Sho's body.

'This is all mine...' he thought to himself. He leaned up and kissed Sho's abdomen, his eyes fluttering close. He turned his head ever so slightly as his lips pressed against the soft pale skin.

Sho sighed at the feeling of Aiba's lips touching him. His skin felt hot wherever those lips went, making his erection twitch underneath his sweats.

Aiba felt a small nudge against his collarbone, and knew.

"You can go all senseless with me if you make love to me first..." Aiba blushed.

"I definitely will make love to you," Sho murmured and leaned down to catch the lips in a passionate kiss.

Aiba laid down on the sheet once again, wrapping his arms around Sho as they deepened their kiss, eager but loving.

Sho moaned into the man's mouth when his lower half came into contact with Aiba's thigh. He pulled away for a quick second to remove the taller idol's shirt, latching his lips to the birth-marked shoulder once it was exposed.

Aiba's face pressed against the side of Sho's face as he kissed it softly, blushing as Sho kissed his birthmark, not forgetting that he was the one to tell him to not to be ashamed about it, that he later added when they fell in love that it was a part of him and he was beautiful overall.

Sho's lips moved down to his nipple, licking then sucking it briefly before moving down to his belly button. He gently bit the skin below it, feeling the bulge in the shorts against his shoulder.

"Mm-mmp Sho~" Aiba whined as he spread his legs to give his lover more room as he raked Sho’s flawless back with his blunt fingertips.

Sho moaned against his skin and hooked his fingers in the rim of Aiba's shorts and boxers, pulling them down in one go. He buried his face against the hot and hard flesh, kissing it all around.

Aiba squirmed with overwhelming pleasure and gasped in small intakes of breath as he became flushed around his neck and face.

Sho brought a hand up to stroke his lover while preoccupying his mouth with his balls. He sucked on them softly, while fisting the hard cock. Sho then ran his tongue up the length of Aiba's arousal, catching the precum that had leaked.

"Mmm~" Aiba shifted slightly from the ministration his lover was doing to him. His hand went up from his back to his nape and softly fisted a small handful of hair as he looked down at Sho enjoying himself to his delicateness.

Sho sucked him off for a while before pulling away and kissing Aiba again.

Aiba kissed Sho desperately, slipping his tongue in to coax Sho's out so he could wrap his lips around it to suck off both his and his lover's taste, while his wet erection made dark wet marks against Sho's sweatpants.

Sho moaned in Aiba's mouth as his clothed erection came into contact with the man's exposed and wet one. God he'd love nothing more than to fuck this man raw, but he wanted to take his time. He had plenty of other days where he could do that. Right now he just wanted the man like this.

Aiba pulled away with his lips swollen and rimmed from the inside with his own cum and Sho's saliva before swallowing, and looking into Sho's dark eyes. "...Should I do something for you?"

The man chuckled at the statement. He could do many things for him.

"Yeah," Sho breathed.

"What would you like?" Aiba asked softly, sounding like he was his innocent lover.

"For you to suck me off," Sho smirked. "Then let me take you," he continued, placing a small peck on Aiba's lips.

Aiba blushed at Sho's request but pulled down Sho's pants and positioned his lover above his mouth as Sho was already commando and prepared underneath those pants.

Sho watched with intent eyes as Aiba took him in his mouth. A shaky sigh left his lips, his stomach twitching at the things the man was doing with his tongue.

Aiba's tongue lapped skillfully at the underside of Sho's head before sucking it loudly. His hand stroking the base as he kept at his work. He moved his head to the side as he explored his lover’s length in his mouth, taking in as much as possible, making it all his. His head shook as he took him whole before taking him out and started to lap at the head again.

"Ah...Masaki," Sho gasped. His fingers clenched in the brown hair. He was trying his best to keep his hips down and not thrust into the warm mouth, but with the way those lips worked around him, it was proving to be a hard task.

Aiba fingered Sho's balls tenderly before going in and lightly licked at them, taking one in his mouth as he continued to pump Sho, not bothering that his tousled hair was getting small drippings of Sho's precum. As he sucked Sho's balls, he tongued the rough skin relentlessly before popping it out and doing the same to the next one.

Sho called out some more, his erection twitching and releasing more precum. "Fuck," he gasped. He always forgets how good the man was with his lips. Something that he was pleased to find out the first time they slept together. He remembers he came quite a lot when Aiba first sucked him off, though he apologized for coming way too soon. Sho's hand that was resting in Aiba's hair, moved down to the man's shoulder, grabbing at it with blunt nails.

"Mm~" Aiba released the ball, the strings of saliva webbed to his mouth, and lapped at the cold precum only to be greeted with more warm liquid as he tried to clean it. He loved how turned on Sho was when he gave him a blow job. He may be the uke in their relationship but he couldn't complain when he gives his lover maximum pleasure...only him.

Sho's breathing was uneven the more the man lapped him up. "Baby, if you don't stop I might come already," he gasped.

Aiba have Sho's head one final lick, his tongue grazing the slit, before stopping and looked up at his lover.

Sho quickly kissed the man, tasting himself on the wet lips while he maneuvered their bodies so he was on top of Aiba. "Are you ready?" he asked against his lips.

Aiba looked into his lover's eyes full of love and everything he felt so passionate for this man, gulping and nodded.

As much as he didn't want to ruin the mood, he didn’t want to hurt his lover. "Is there anything we could use?" he asked, hoping for something to use as lube.

Aiba looked around before pointing at a stuffed animal on the desk.

"Since I don't like kangaroos that much and didn't think he's cuddle worthy, I made him the essentials holder. There should be lube in its pouch. " He blushed after he explained

Sho bit back a laugh and got up to grab the toy. And just like Aiba said, there was a small bottle in the pouch. There just might be more meaning to this room's name.

He came back and got in between Aiba's legs pouring the lube on his erection and on the tight hole. He easily got a finger in, then a second one, scissoring and hooking then as he stretched his lover. He finally added a third finger, moving them faster in and out of him.

Aiba cried out very much like a porn actress and tossed his head to the side, his hair plastered to the side of his face from the sweat and his lover's cum. One hand gripped the sheet underneath them while he bit the knuckles of his balled up fist.

Sho slowly pulled his fingers out. He wanted to be inside him already. Gently he pushed in, keeping watch on Aiba's face to make sure he doesn't hurt him. When he was fully inside, he let out a shaky groan.

Aiba moaned softly as his eyes opened again to look at Sho lovingly, his fingers moving upwards so his fingers intertwined through his dark locks at his lover’s nape.

Sho moved his hips at a steady pace, trying not to go too fast, but every now and again he'd thrust roughly into him. The man below him was so beautiful: the way his lips were open, panting as he pushed into him, the soft moans he'd let out, his flushed skin; everything about the man was beautiful.

Every time Sho couldn't control himself and thrust into him, Aiba held on tight but other than that he enjoyed their slow but passionate love making, since it was something they haven't done in a long time. He stared up at his handsome lover who was watching him with those wide eyes he adored through his bangs, which made him look hotter. Everyone in the media or whomever looked at Sho with just lust were just very unfortunate. Through this Aiba saw more to Sho than just a sex symbol but someone that is everything to him and he's willing to keep. As their lips brushed together, Aiba kissed him gently, feeling the bangs tickle his face.

Sho slipped a hand in between them, stroking Aiba in time with his thrusts that have now picked up speed. "You feel so good," he moaned through their kiss as he felt the walls twitch around him.

"Ah~ah~ah!" Aiba felt his back rub against the floor when the sheet crumpled under them. His sultry breath escaped between their lips as he tried to kiss Sho every time they got their lips to fully meet. Sho was burying so deep into him that his walls were tightening once in awhile the closer Sho got to his spot. Aiba spread his legs up and higher to assist Sho.

Sho angled himself and slammed down into the man. He was close to coming that his hips no longer listened to him. The way Aiba sounded, the way he felt was too much for him now. He had to fuck him faster, harder.

Aiba let out a silent cry as he felt Sho pounded into him hard. He should of known better that it would only be a matter of time before Sho wanted to really give it to him. His legs buckled down as he arched as much as he could, his walls squeezing Sho when he cried out, meaning Sho found it.


"Ma-ugh-Masaki," Sho grunted at how tight the walls were around him. He pulled Aiba up, hand on his hips, and thrust up into the tight hole. "So fucking good," the rapper moaned in Aiba's ear. His hands were now cupping Aiba's ass, holding them up and apart as he moved faster the closer he got to releasing. "Fuck," he called out.

Aiba's arms encircled Sho's slopping shoulder, holding on as much as he could as he cried out his moans into his lover's ear, licking the spot where the man used to have his ear piercing. But soon he started to bounce in a faster pace as Sho's hands opened his ass more.

"Mmm Sho-chan~" he repeated as he came up and slammed down Sho's cock. This soft mantra only lasted awhile before Aiba was practically screaming when his lover increased his pace to an unbelievable pace.

Sho was so close he could feel it. His panting was lost in the screams of pleasure that his lover was letting out. Again he reached in between them, squeezing the hard cock as he jerked it off. "Come with me baby. I'm so close," Sho moaned.

Aiba whimpered as he gave Sho a very arousing look that screamed "fuck me more harder harder!" as he rode him. "I'm c-c-Sho-chan!" Aiba threw his head down onto Sho's shoulder as he released his love juices hard. He tightened his walls just as he came.

Sho called out as he followed soon after. The visual and feeling of Aiba's orgasm was too hot for words. Slowly he laid the man back as he slowly pulled himself out. "Shit, I came inside," he panted as he watched some of his cum slip out the slightly gaping hole.

Aiba smiled and shook his head. "I thought you knew by now Sho-chan that I like it that way." Aiba gave him a glazed after sex look.

Sho chuckled breathlessly and pulled Aiba in for a final kiss. "Mm, so fucking sexy," he chuckled.

Aiba kissed back as he rubbed his tired legs against Sho. "I love you.." Aiba giggled

That giggle, that giggle made Sho smile so hard. "I love you too."

Aiba felt his heart fill with complete joy, love, and content as he heard Sho's words before he pulled his lover close as his eyes started to drift off.

Sho smiled at his sleeping boyfriend before carefully arranging them on a pile of stuffed animals and pulled the covers on them. He kissed Aiba's forehead before closing his eyes and sleeping.


Special thank you to Ohno Buddy Buddy for doing this collab with me and volunteering to beta it!!!  Awesome birthday treat! Buddy Buddy amazing! <3  You have no idea!

Comments are love!!!

fanfic my mannequien sakuraiba nc-17

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