oh so busy >

Jun 24, 2010 21:29

Wow... these days have been CRAZY.

I'm kinda sick of college-visiting... but they always manage to snag my interest back just as I get tired. XD 
So that's a good thing I guess. ^^

I've been on a sort of Ivy League RAMPAGE... two schools a day, for the past 3 days... oh yeah, it's been CRAZY. 
We've been to MIT and Harvard, Amherst and Williams, and ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

kat_tunatic June 25 2010, 06:20:42 UTC
damn girly arent u all over the place.
what grade are you again? even i haven't done any college visiting thing LOL. well immah do it when i go back to the philippines this summer.

so anyways, you're going to NYC? damn.. i live in upstate NY so i'm like 4 hours away from NYC but i will be there next week or so. so anyways, have fun going around NYC. the subways are pretty easy to get used to. just know what subway route you took going to that place and took the same subway route back. :)
laterr girly.



cherri_oro June 26 2010, 01:20:37 UTC
Yep. ^^ <3

I'm... IN NYC right now. LOLZ. And I'm going to NJ tomorrow <3

It's fun~ visiting colleges and stuff (tiring and KINDA boring sometimes...). But it's always good to have a good start. <3

I'm really trying to do my best, because I'm trying to get into one of the Ivies.


himitsupath June 25 2010, 11:56:53 UTC
hiii there


cherri_oro June 26 2010, 01:20:43 UTC


chartreuse76 June 25 2010, 21:22:58 UTC
well...good part about that is you experience all kinds of weather xD [is that really a good thing?!] anyways~ goodluck!~


cherri_oro June 26 2010, 01:20:57 UTC
Yeah.. -__- XD LOLZ

thank youuu~ hahhah


epic_failness June 25 2010, 23:47:52 UTC
I'm glad you aren't dead xD
good luck visiting colleges :D


cherri_oro June 26 2010, 01:21:15 UTC
Teehee~ <3
thanks. ^^

It's funnn~


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