oh so busy >

Jun 24, 2010 21:29

Wow... these days have been CRAZY.

I'm kinda sick of college-visiting... but they always manage to snag my interest back just as I get tired. XD 
So that's a good thing I guess. ^^

I've been on a sort of Ivy League RAMPAGE... two schools a day, for the past 3 days... oh yeah, it's been CRAZY. 
We've been to MIT and Harvard, Amherst and Williams, and Brown and Yale.

Before that, we went to UCSD and stuff like that... so yeah.

dead tired... -__-

B-BUT YALE. Has the world's most beautiful campus... ever... I swear. <33333

It also has the most BIPOLAR weather, of any college I've visited so far. -__- One minute, we were all fine and dandy, in beautiful weather, and then BOOMMMM THUNDERSTORM.. and then 15 minutes later... 95 DEGRESS with the sun BLAZING overhead. -_____-

Right... needless to say, this left our tour group only SLIGHTLY pissed off at the weather.

Yeah... for all those people wondering whether or not I'm still alive.. YES. I am alive, and well, but JUST barely. Tired is like... not even close. I've got 3-hours worth of jetlag from the west coast to the east. Sleeping at 8PM and waking up at 5AM is not something that's easy to get used to, and the weather is as humid as the rainforests....

ANYWAYS... it's like.. 12AM here, so I'm going to get to sleep. -__- Have to wake up insanely early tomorrow morning to figure out the maze of undergrounds and subways in NYC. -__- funnn~ 
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