First Love Chapter 6

Sep 03, 2010 21:18

Chapter 6

I’m drowning. I’m drowning in him.

What a way to go.

Luke gradually became aware of his surroundings again. He felt the weight of the water, the weight of Reid. He felt totally, irredeemably lost. In him. He couldn’t imagine not feeling Reid’s skin against his skin, Reid’s hand in his hair. The prospect was simply unbearable. I can’t lose him. I can’t lose this.

Luke pushed against the wall and turned so that they were facing. Closing his eyes, he wrapped both arms around Reid and buried his face in Reid’s neck. After a moment, he felt Reid’s arms close around him. They stood there, silently, under the spray.

Luke lost track of time. Eventually, Reid withdrew, but not before kissing Luke on the side of his head.

“We should probably save some hot water for the other guests.” At the surprised look on Luke’s face, Reid added, “What? I’ve grown.”

Luke grinned and reached for the soap. “Well, then, we should get you clean.” With dogged efficiency, Luke washed Reid’s chest, his shoulders, under his arms. He lingered only briefly between Reid’s legs. Turning Reid around, he lathered his back and arms. Luke’s single-mindedness faltered, however, when he reached Reid’s buttocks. He was irresistibly drawn downward, in. But before he could investigate further, Reid pulled away.

“Not bad, Nurse Snyder. But poppa needs some breakfast.” Reid shut off the shower and began to dry off. He tossed a second towel to Luke. By the time Luke left the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, Reid was rummaging through the minibar.

“Reid, you do realize that stuff is ridiculously overpriced?”

Reid turned to him, his mouth already full of cookies. He looked at Luke blankly. “There’s food. In my room.”

Luke rolled his eyes and caught a bag of skittles.

Reid began to throw on clothes. Luke sat on Reid’s bed, suddenly uncertain. What’s happening? It’s too soon.

“Feel free to order room service. My talk shouldn’t take that long. I’d be shocked if I got any coherent questions from this audience.”


Shrugging on his jacket, Reid paused when he saw Luke’s face. Reid adjusted his cuffs. “No…right. You said you had an early meeting. Right.” Silence. “Right.” Blinking, Reid turned away and began to gather papers.

What are you doing? Snap out of it.

As if pushed, Luke sprang off the bed. “Well, actually, it’s not all that important. The meeting." Not like it took six months to arrange. “It was just since I was in town anyway….” Not like it was the whole reason I was in town in the first place. “I was just going to talk about foundation stuff.” With the mayor. “I can cancel.”

The guards were up. The sentries were posted. “No, really, have your meeting. We can catch up some other time.”

The fuck you say. “I’m canceling.”

They stared at each other. Gradually, the sentries put down their weapons. Went back to their naps.

Luke stepped toward Reid and reached out to adjust his badge. Smiled shyly. “You look handsome.”

Reid’s eyes dropped to Luke’s mouth. Lower. “So do you. That look suits you. Though I think I prefer you like this.” Reid smoothly undid Luke’s towel. “Now all you need is a feather duster.”

Luke put his hands on his hips. “You know what you can do with your feather duster.”

Reid leered. “Why yes, I do. Do you?”

Luke’s mouth opened in mock offense, and he swatted at Reid’s shoulder. He tried to hide the quick quiver that ran through his body. I wonder which end?

Grinning, Reid grabbed his laptop and kissed Luke on the cheek. “I’ll be home soon, dear.”

Though he knew the words were in jest, Luke’s heart swelled.

Reid paused as he reached the door. “Listen, Luke…if you wanted to go back to your room to get things for any reason…to change, or whatever, I could…I could leave the key. But, of course,” Reid swallowed, “you’d have to be here when I got back. I mean…it’s the only key.”

Standing naked, stripped, in front of Reid, Luke looked directly into his eyes. Willed him to understand. “I’ll be waiting.” For as long as it takes.

Reid left the key.


Lying naked on Reid’s bed (it smells like him), Luke wondered what Reid had meant. What constituted “things,” exactly? Just a change of clothing? Something to read while waiting? An overnight bag? Everything I’d need to start a life with you right now? Luke was simultaneously anxious and hopeful. The thought of spending another night with Reid - one we could start off right - suffused Luke’s body with heat and his soul with joy. One hand drifted to a nipple. But he was petrified at the possibility of assuming too much. He could always make due with less should he be so lucky - too much might scare Reid off. Are you worried about Reid or your own pride? Better to show that he was committed? Luke’s head hurt. Don’t overthink.

And what about the room? It looked like a bachelor pad - one in which the bachelors had been having enthusiastic sex with each other.

Luke knew there was a lot to do and only a little time in which to do it. And Reid still hasn’t had a proper meal. He also knew that the undisputed worst-case scenario would be Reid’s knocking on the door to an empty room. There would be no third chance. Better make this one count.

Now get your hand off your dick and get to work.

Luke picked up the phone.


Oh, fuck.

“No, please, that can’t be right. You don’t understand - there has to be a room.” Luke was closing in on hysteria. He had neglected to mention to Reid that he was scheduled to check out that day. Luke had figured it wouldn’t be a problem extending his reservation another night (or two…or ten). He’d been wrong. Panic had already started to set in during the excruciatingly long wait in line at the reservation desk. No time, no time. His other errands had taken longer than expected. Now this. He could feel the sweat spotting his shirt.

“I’m sorry, sir, but we’re booked solid through the weekend.”

The wooden edge dug painfully into Luke’s abdomen as he pressed against the desk. “Please. I know how hotels work - there’s always a room. Seriously, I’ll take anything.” This isn’t happening.

The woman’s face was sympathetic. “I’ve checked. I’m sorry. Turns out we’ve booked those rooms, too.”

No. Nonononono. Luke forced himself to think. Concentrated through the cacophony in his head. Maybe he could stuff essentials into his smaller bag and ask to put his suitcase into storage. So he’d run the risk of appearing presumptuous - pride was the least of his concerns now. And Reid would never have to know.

Fuck, what time is it?

Would nearby hotels be booked as well? Fucking summer tourists. Surely there was an empty room somewhere in New York City. But could he find one quickly enough? Maybe he should just check out now and then quietly call hotels from Reid’s bathroom? Shit, but what about the luggage? Maybe he could….

“Mr. Snyder will be staying with me tonight.”

Luke spun around to see the owner of that quietly commanding voice standing behind him.

“Room nine twenty-six.”

A few keystrokes and it was done. “Very good, Dr. Oliver. I see you’re checking out tomorrow.” (Too soon, too soon.) “Mr. Snyder, here’s your key. Enjoy the rest of your stay.”

A bit dazed, Luke walked away from the reservation desk with Reid. Luke was certain that all of the blood in his body was now concentrated in his face. That was ridiculously mortifying. That was ridiculously hot. “You didn’t have to do that, you know. I…I was gonna figure something out.”

Reid glanced over at Luke as they walked. “I know.” They moved farther into the lobby, toward the elevators. “But you realize your little freak-out was unnecessary. I had no intention of letting you sleep anywhere but in my bed tonight.” Reid’s eyes were hot. Possessive.

Luke wanted nothing more than to be possessed.

They reached the elevators. “I wasn’t freaking out, you know.” The corner of Luke’s mouth lifted. “I was merely…weighing my options.”

“Got it. No rescuing necessary.” Reid pinned Luke with his eyes. “But you never really had a choice. You’re not going anywhere tonight.” The elevator arrived, and Reid stepped in first. Luke wasn’t sure he heard correctly what Reid said next. “I don’t care who calls.”

Reid pushed the button for the ninth floor.

Once again, Luke felt the physical effects of Reid’s proximity. He’s like a drug. Luke tried to clear his head. “I should probably…get my stuff now.”

Reid just looked at him expectantly.

“Oh, eighth floor.”

Reid nodded and pressed the button. Held out his hand.

“Right, your key. Here…and thanks.”

Reid nodded again. The elevator hummed.

Luke smiled slyly. “So…you sure you’re going to be OK riding to that last floor? Alone?”

Reid gave him a flat stare. “You did not just bring that up.”

Six…seven… Luke’s grin widened. His eyes veritably batted. “Sure you don’t need me to stay on to distract you?”

Eight. The doors opened. “Oh, I’ll be able to think of something to distract me.”

The last thing Luke saw as the doors closed behind him was the salacious gleam in Reid’s eyes.

Luke sprinted to his room.

lure, rating:nc-17, luke/reid, first love, atwt, fan fiction

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