Mar 24, 2014 14:34

email: funkylordchen@gmail.com
twitter: @ funkylordchen

f. a. q.

chenpionships + community related
Round 3 calendar
What is a fic fest?
Prompting and Claiming
Writing and Deadlines
Postings and Reveals

Q: Chenpionships??? What's that?
A: We're a writing community dedicated to generating fanfic focusing on Chen of EXO! We've recently finished our first round, and we're going full speed ahead towards our second! chenpionships is run by Socks and Shoes of lordchen aka #TEAMFUNKY

Q: Where are your fics from Round 1? I can't see them D:
A: You'll have to be a member of the community! Sign up for an account on LiveJournal (you can just link your twitter or Facebook account if you're lazy), and follow the steps here to join us!

Q:What are the dates for Round 3 like?

10 May - Prompting starts
24 May - Prompting closes
28 May - Prompts doc released
1 June - Claiming starts
15 June - Claiming ends
6 July - First Check-in (750)
3 August - Second Check-in (1,500)
31 August - Final Submissions (2,109)
6 September - Posting starts
20 September - Guess who?!
21 September - ♡ Lord Chen's birthday ♡ + Reveals

Q: What is a fic fest?
A: A fic fest is where people leave fic prompts and ideas, and writers will then select prompts that they like and/or feel a ~connection~ to, and write a fic based on it! This is totally different from a fic exchange, where everyone writes a fic and gets a fic written in return~

Q: Do I have to leave a prompt to claim a prompt?
A: Nope! Feel free to prompt as much as you'd like and claim none, or prompt none and claim a special one for yourself! Or anything in between, whatever tickles your fancy.

Q: Do I have to have a LiveJournal account to leave a prompt?
A: Nope! Feel free to leave a prompt as an anon~ All prompts will be screened, collected by us onto a spreadsheet and released to the wild all of you for your picking. All prompters' details will be removed, so that we can all have a little more fun guessing ;)

You will, however, need an account to claim a prompt!

Q: I love the prompts! Can I claim more than one of them?
A: We're really sorry, but you can only claim one prompt at a time. Once you're done writing your first prompt, do submit it to us via email following these guidelines and we'll work out how you can claim another!

Q: Could you ask my prompter if they want this au/plot element/kink/etc in the fic?
A: As much as we would like to help everyone, it's very difficult to be emailing two different parties back and forth, more so if multiple people are asking the same thing. Please read through your prompter's requests thoroughly first before asking us! However if you are thinking of adding certain elements that may be triggering (eating disorders, self-harming, etc) and your prompter did not state that she did not want it, we would try our best to ask them for you.

Also, some prompters may be anon, in which case we will let you know that there is no way for us to contact them for you (we're sorry u_u).

Q: What's the difference between the fic ratings? Do we have to warn for stuff in fic?
A: Here are the guidelines in fic ratings:

G: For general readers. No sex, violence and/or other offensive material.
PG: May contain tame hints of violence and/or coarse language.
PG-13: Recommended for teenagers or older readers. May contain some violence, coarse language and/or sexual themes, but not graphic and mainly simply implied.
R: For mature readers. Contains some adult content, including violence and/or sexual content. May also contain other mature content (handling of psychological issues, etc).
NC-17: For adult readers. Usually contains extreme violence, explicit sexual content and/or other mature content.
chenpionships' general fic guidelines:
Any and all fics with rape and other sexual activities that are non-consensual and/or dubious in consent are not tolerated, together with fics with phobic sentiments towards any demographic (race, religion, sexual identity, etc). All fics that feature these elements will not be posted.

In addition, all fics that deal with sensitive issues that may be triggery in nature (suicide, eating disorders, etc) will require a clear warning in the header.

Q: What do first and second check-ins mean?
A: These are just for us to keep track of your fic writing progress! We wouldn't like people to write their fics last minute, so we'd want you to email us your fic in progress on these dates: 6th July for the first draft (min. 750 words) and 31st August for the second (min. 1500 words)! We will be emailing you to remind you to write!

Q: Can the wordcount for the check-ins include planning?
A: No. You can include planning, however you are expected to submit a minimum of 750 and 1500 words of pure fic for the first and second check-ins respectively.

Q: Are we allowed to have betas/proofreaders?
A: Yes, of course! We would highly encourage you to find a beta or a proofreader to read your fic for you when you're done with it! Feel free to ask a friend of yours, as long as they are sworn to secrecy and will not leak any elements of your fic out into the big, bad world.

If you need a beta, check out this post! A couple of lovely people have offered their services so hit them up!

Q: Is there a minimum/maximum word count? Can we submit chaptered fic?
A: The minimum word count for this round is 2,109 words. There is no maximum word count. We only ask that your fic is complete when you submit it!

As for chaptered fic, it is highly encouraged that you keep each part/chapter between 6,000-10,000 words so that we don’t waste post space (since LiveJournal’s max is around 10,000 words per post).

Q: I might not be able to meet the deadline(s) because of school/exams/work.
A: Send us an email and we can work out an extension for you!

Q: I dropped out of the last round. Am I still allowed to participate in this one?
A: Yes, of course! We don't have a banning/suspension policy. Just hop back on the ship and get ready to sail!

Q: How many fics will you be posting a day?
A: This depends on the number of fics submitted! We will be keeping an eye on the number of participants and the fics, since it will change due to people dropping out and others claiming a second prompt.

Q: Will the identity of the prompters ever be revealed?
A: Yes! It will be revealed along with the authors on Lord Chen's birthday~ You can also guess who prompted which prompts on the Guess Who? post on the 20th of September!


If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below (comments are screened and anon is on), hit us up on twitter or simply email (funkylordchen@gmail.com) us!

faq, 2: chen's birthday 2014, 3: chen's birthday 2015, #teamfunky

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