Next Time For Sure

Jun 29, 2014 21:45

Title: Next Time For Sure
Pairing: Jongdae/Sehun
Rating: PG-13
Length: 615w
Summary: Sehun gets ready for training with Jongdae's help.

Sehun feels eyes on him as he places his gym bag down on the bench in the locker room, turning the dial on his locker before pulling it open. He pulls out his swimming trunks and goggles and even then he still feels eyes on him and he knows it’s his new boyfriend.

“Jongdae hyung, stop looking at me,” Sehun says as he turns around to face the older boy.

“Just continue what you were going to do,” Jongdae replies, leaning against his own locker next to Sehun’s with his arms crossed and eyes trained on Sehun’s chest.

Sehun feels his cheeks burning and he turns around to avoid Jongdae’s gaze but before he could even walk away to change somewhere else, a hand grabs his arm and pulls him back. He’s forcefully spun around to face Jongdae who’s smirking up at him and Sehun doesn’t like that smirk because it usually ends badly.

“Hyung,” Sehun warns.

“It’s not your first time changing in front of me,” Jongdae whines, tugging at the hem of Sehun’s shirt.

Sehun’s cheeks flush a deeper red as the rest of the swim team chuckle at their exchange. Jongdae keeps on pulling and Sehun gives in, pulling his shirt off and dumping it into his bag. Jongdae’s obviously happy about it by the way he grins and he starts to pull at Sehun’s trousers, helping him undo the button and pulling down the zipper.

“Jongdae, you need to change too,” their team captain, Joonmyun, comments as he looks at them with an eyebrow raised and arms crossed.

“Hush, hyung, don’t ruin the moment,” Jongdae tells him off, not even turning to face him.

Joonmyun shrugs and forces the rest of the team out of the locker room even though Chanyeol’s whining about how he wants to stay and watch the new couple. Jongdae gives Joonmyun a salute and waits until the door shuts before he turns his attention back to Sehun, crazy wide grin on his face.

“Hyung, you need to change fast or Coach is going to be angry,” Sehun tries.

“Okay,” Jongdae agrees, to Sehun’s surprise.

Jongdae starts taking his shirt off and unbuttons his pants, eyes locked with Sehun’s even as he steps out of his pants and puts them inside his own gym bag. Sehun clears his throat and turns his back, getting out of his own pants and when he tries to put his swimming jammers on, Jongdae stops him yet again.

“Aren’t you going to take your underwear off?” Jongdae asks.

“Uh,” Sehun stutters.

Sehun gingerly pulls his boxer briefs down his thighs and then steps out of them, getting ready to put his jammers on when he feels a hand land on his ass. He jumps slightly and reddens even though he knows that it’s only him and Jongdae inside the locker room.

“Nice ass,” Jongdae compliments.

Sehun doesn’t know if he should thank Jongdae so he wordlessly pulls his jammers up his legs. When he turns back around to face Jongdae, he’s already in his own jammers with both their goggles in one hand while the other is stretched out towards Sehun.

“Let’s go,” Jongdae says, soft smile on his face.

Sehun zips up his bag and takes Jongdae’s hand, letting the older boy lead him out the swimming pool. The rest of the team whistles when they see the two of them walking hand in hand but with Jongdae beside him, Sehun doesn’t mind.

“Next time, I’m not letting you turn away when you take your underwear off,” Jongdae says casually.

Sehun has nothing to say and it feels like his cheeks cannot get any more redder than they already are.

rating: pg-13, pairing: chen/sehun, length: drabble, fandom: exo

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