Together We Map The World

Jun 29, 2014 17:21

Title: Together We Map The World
Pairing: Chanyeol/Joonmyun
Rating: NC-17
Length: 760w
Warning: self-lubrication
Summary: Chanyeol takes good care of his kitty.

Chanyeol comes home to an empty living area with Joonmyun nowhere in sight when normally the latter would be sitting by the door waiting for him to come home. He’s confused for a moment and when he checks the calendar, realisation hits him and he hurries towards the bedroom where he knows Joonmyun will be.

The door is unlocked and Chanyeol pushes it open to be greeted by a naked Joonmyun fingering himself on the bed, ears flat against his blonde hair and tail wrapped around his thigh. Chanyeol had completely forgotten that Joonmyun’s heat was due.

“Help me,” Joonmyun whines as he gets off the bed and runs up to cling onto Chanyeol’s shirt, trying to tear it open with his hands.

“It’s okay, I’m here,” Chanyeol tries to calm him down as he pushes the two of them towards the bed.

Joonmyun is still trying to get Chanyeol’s shirt off him and he finally succeeds, ripping it open and sending the buttons flying everywhere. Chanyeol would have gotten mad because it is one of his favourite shirts but he’s already feeling guilty enough for leaving Joonmyun alone to deal with his heat that he just ignores it and pushes Joonmyun down on the bed, climbing on top of him after shucking his pants and boxer briefs off. His dick is already half-hard from watching Joonmyun finger himself earlier and now that Joonmyun is whining below him with his leaking cock curving up against his stomach and his hole dripping wet and ready for him, he can feel the room getting hotter and himself getting harder.

“Please,” Joonmyun begs, legs wrapping around Chanyeol’s waist and light brown tail going around his thigh.

Chanyeol wraps a hand around himself and works it up and down his length, his cock fully hard after one, two, three hard strokes. Joonmyun is waiting and Chanyeol doesn’t want to make him wait any longer than he already had to.

Joonmyun is already stretched from when he fingered himself earlier and Chanyeol wastes no time in pushing his dick inside Joonmyun’s hole. It’s hot and tight around him and he lets out a loud groan, burying himself balls deep inside Joonmyun’s ass. He stops himself to let Joonmyun adjust to him but then Joonmyun is already bucking his hips up and Chanyeol starts to move, pulling out until only the head of his cock is inside before slamming in again.

“Harder,” Joonmyun pleads.

Chanyeol goes harder with each thrust, the headboard of the bed slamming against the wall each time he moves. Joonmyun is delirious, fingers gripping onto the sheets trying to find purchase and high-pitched moans leaving his mouth incessantly. Joonmyun squeezes around him and Chanyeol holds himself back from coming too fast because Joonmyun’s needs are more important than his.

Joonmyun’s mewls are rewarding when Chanyeol reaches a hand down to wrap around Joonmyun’s leaking cock, stroking in time with his thrusts and using his thumb to spread the pre-cum oozing from the slit. He knows Joonmyun is close when he starts to squeeze even harder around Chanyeol’s cock and when he wraps his legs even tighter around his waist. Chanyeol picks up speed in both hand and hip movements, slamming back inside Joonmyun again and again faster and harder while his hand goes up and down Joonmyun’s length.

Joonmyun comes with a cry of Chanyeol’s name on his lips and all over his stomach and Chanyeol’s hand. Chanyeol strokes him through his orgasm and his hips still as he also goes over the edge when Joonmyun purposefully clenches around his cock and he comes deep inside him. He thrusts shallowly until he’s done, pulling out only after as Joonmyun stays in his spot, sated and spent. Chanyeol unwraps Joonmyun’s legs and gently puts them down on the bed.

Chanyeol weakly reaches over and grabs tissues from their bedside table, cleaning Joonmyun’s come off his hand and Joonmyun’s stomach. He throws them into the bin afterwards and turns Joonmyun on his side before he hugs him from behind, arms going around Joonmyun’s waist.

“I’m sorry,” Chanyeol apologises, nuzzling his nose in Joonmyun’s blonde hair.

Joonmyun doesn’t reply but his tail wraps around Chanyeol’s wrist and Chanyeol knows he’s forgiven. His eyelids start to fall and he can already hear Joonmyun’s soft snoring, so he lets sleep claim him for now until Joonmyun’s heat wakes them up again in a few hours.

He’d better call in sick to work for the next few days to take better care of his kitty and his needs.

length: oneshot, pairing: chanyeol/suho, rating: nc-17, fandom: exo

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