CliffRose BaCC: Fall year 1 Girls Dorm

Nov 02, 2014 01:15

Meet the Settlers

Year 1 Fall: Hanger, Dominion, Shingler, Girls Dorm, Boys Dorm

The headline of my local paper read "Pleasantview Native Paola Ruddy to be Youngest Astronaut on Project CliffRose". My high school senior portrait was plastered all over with captions like "18 year old journalist-in-training to go where no man has gone before" and other cheesy lines like that. It was amazing. Then i got to training and the drill instructor (who so rudely implied I go home to my mother) called my the 'Martian Baby" and it was all down hill from there. One the trip over I spent most of my free time alone formatting the newspaper I want to start for our colony, my first issue was 2 pages of news about training and short interviews with each of the other founders and our pilots. The senior pilot Kevin Litwich laughed when i presented him with the finished version to take back to Earth but the young one, Rey Ayers smiled when he took his copy. Watching the only person who never laughed at the name Martian Baby walk back onto the shuttle and fly away hurt more than i thought. If I can make it through this first season i will be grateful.- Paola Ruddy 1.1

Alberta: Have you ever planted a garden before?

Bunny: You dig a whole and put the seeds in right? What could be easier?

Alberta: Literally anything, these things seem to enjoy death and it's our job to pull them off that ledge over and over and over and over until they're ready to eat. Then we push them them.

Bunny: Wow. You a dark bitch ain't you?

Paola, meanwhile, spends her first few days reading books donated to the Project.

Paola: This...this has nothing to do with the color grey...

Paola: I'm so excited and nervous about this whole experience, I've even started formatting the new-

Eli: Yeah you're 18 right?

Paola: Umm...yes.

Eli: D'you wanna go...?

Paola: No. Bye.

Alberta and Antwan bond easily, sharing a mutual love of cooking and children.

Alberta; I've always wanted to run a restuarant and this is my chance. As soon as we've approved for expansion i'm going to build it!

Antwan: That's amazing, I'm already in line to be your first customer. Haha

Alberta: Oh, d'you maybe want me to make you something some time? Just to see what i can do?

Antwan: That'd be amazing!

Bunny: Get. A. Room. This is the third time today!

Antwan: Hahaha it's not even like that Bun'!

Alberta: yeah, we're just having some fun. you guys are boring.

Bunny: *whispers* I could cut the sexual tension with a knife

Paola: and Antwan?

Alberta: What? No, Baby I really am not that attracted to him. We just click is all. Friends.

Paola: Famous last words. Is all I'm saying.

I don't like him. I barely know him. We just have fun together. If they spent as much time in the garden as they do dreaming up romances for me we might make it through next season.

Alberta took it upon herself to do the cooking in the dorm. She wanted the practice with the ingredients avalable for when she was finally able to build a small resturant.

Bunny spent most of her time trying to stay active. She couldn't swim, and didn't want to run too far from the settlment (it's amazing how easy one can get lost when the whole planet looks the same) so she contented herself with jumping rope. Sometimes she would sing songs, and pretend she was a little girl again.

It wasn't hard to do either, especially with late night water balloon fights being her new friend Linas favorite activity.

Bunny: You know, you aren't sucha  stick in the mud as I first thought!

All of the girls are becoming fast friends, the regularly converge around Bunny's easle, or the kitchen when Alberta is cooking, just to spend some time together.

Eli is a regular guest once dinner is served.

Alberta: Eli, love, could you go home?

Eli: How can I court the lovely Rabbit if i'm all the way at my house?

Bunny: It's Bunny, and your house like 10 yards away. Please leave.

Paolas stargazing paid off when, yet again, the new vantage point has allowed one of the Martians to discover a new solar body.

Bunny: Hey Baby ca-

Paola: My name is Paola. P-a-o-l-a. Poowla

Bunny: Woah, you know I don't mean it that way! Right? Paola, we don't call you that to belittle you, you're our baby but in the good way.

Paola: Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean i'm incapable of being a valuable member of this settlement.

Bunny: Girl, you are a million times smarter than me, you can write like you were born to it and you JUST discovered a star that NASA hadn't noticed. The fact that you are the youngest just makes us all so proud, not ashamed of you! I mean Lina is the oldest and her greatest acomplishment thus far is growing crotch fruit.

Alberta: So Bunny told me you and her had a talk. Are you feeling better now?

Paola: Yeah, I just over reacted. It's a cute nickname if I have to have one.

Alberta: Yeah, besides Baby, no matter how old you get, or how many babies are born here you will always be the youngest settler on Mars. Even the Dominion baby only got here by luck, you worked for the spot.

The air here is so much fresher than Earth!

Alberta: Ah! Hahaha stop Bun'! Stop! Ahahahahah

Bunny: Not until you say we can have pancakes for dinner!

Alberta: OKAY!!

Paola: So we have Bunny Rabbit and Baby, Alberta needs a nickname!

Alberta: Sorry girls, I'm not interesting enough for a fun nickname and 'Berta is jsut ugly haha

Bunny: Boring Berta. It's canon. No take backs.

Alberta: *giggle snort* Sure.

The garden was a bit neglected. Half of it died.

I guess i have to at least try, or we're going to starve next season!

One Earth i had more family than i could count; Sunday dinners were a huge event that sometimes required catering, children were everywhere and no one was ever quite sure which kid went to which adult, cousins stuck together like glue, and siblings were your team for life. Here there is just Bunny and Alberta. Our dining table only has 4 chairs and one is usually empty, my bed has space enough for three more bedmates but I have it all to myself. I thought it would be unbearable but somehow it's not. The girls remind me of my older cousins and siblings. They look out for me. Alberta cooks for us and makes the home smell wonderful and warm. Bunny keeps us on our toes with pranks and jokes. I don't know what I have to offer them but I'm starting to love our little family. I hope we can stay together for a long while. Paola Ruddy 1.1


I got this chapter out
I really don't remember
Guys what is life. I don't know.


This has been sitting in my drafts since September.
I don't even have an excuse for this one.
Sorry ya'll

(Also look at those typos! Damn!)

Hope you liked it. I'm sure it switches between present and past tense a lot. i wrote it over the period of almost 2 months. Let's just pretend this is okay.
Also i LOST MY PHOTOSHOP ACTIONS! I downloaded some stuff i shouldn't have and some files went missing. Nothing important i guess but I DON"T KNOW where I got the action i used on these pics so future chapters will look different.
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