CliffRose BaCC: Fall year 1 Hanger

Sep 17, 2014 19:11

Landing on Mars might have been the scariest thing i've ever done in my life. After over half a year on the spaceship traveling I'd gotten used to the conforts of no gravity, and the view or endless space.  Once we neared the planet the joilt and violence of entering the artificially made gravity was like a nighmare and our pilots telling us that "It's perfectly normal" for outer parts of the ship to simply catch fire and fall off was a bit too much for some of us. I think the little girl, Paula? Patty?, vomited.
After a month of field training, in which our pilots stayed with us and showed us around the site that would be the town of CliffRose, and showed did brush ups on all of the training we learned on Earth, they simply left. We are alone. The only 13 living souls on this giant rock.
I have my own home which is nice, it's tiny but all I really need. It's not like I have much stuff. Or electricity. That's one of the thigns we have to figure out on our own; how to establish and maintain an electrical grid nd phone lines, as well as plum the town with water from the resovuires. For now we have small solar powered generators only large enough to run a small icebox per dwelling. in each icebox is enough food to last until winter so the first thing we all must do is plant. -Tasia H. 1.1

I hope I can live off of just tomatos for a while.

The next shipment of supplies doesn't come until the begining of the next season.

Tasia: As the youngest person here I think it's best that you come to me whenev-

Paola: Stop talking. Just because you are in charge of organizing our shipments and communications with earth doesn't mean you ar emy mom.

Jerry: *Maybe they'll fight!*

Jerry is not a very considerate person. He was invited over for them to get to know one another a bit more but he just sat down and started eating Tasias lunch.

Tasia: That was my sandwich you know.

Jerry: And know it's my sandwich. i don't see your point.

Unfortunantly these two are going to have to become best friends at some point if there is ever going to be electricity.

Tasia is trying very ahrd to make some friends but she tends to come off the wrong way.

Tasia: I think the first thign we should do is work on the power grid and I need you to start that right away!

Jerry: Whoa! First of all you have plenty you need to do before Earth will even send us that type of equipment; you were at the briefing. "In order to ensure the safety of Earth the power to build electrical systems will only be granted when and if your leaders can provide-"

Paola: We get it Jerry! We don't get power until we prove we're a cohesive and peaceful nation.

Jerry: What she said. Fact remains, I'm working on the design but i can't do shit until you do your part.

Elwood: It's so great that you were able to come out here with us all.

Paola: Why? because I'm a kid?

Elwood: Well yeah, but mostly because I appreciate your efforts at starting up a newspaper. I know the astronauts going back to Earth got a kick out of you issue about the day we landed!

Paola: Oh thanks. That was a funny issue, i'm sure Earth will love to hear about how vomit wiggles in air in zero g's!

Tasia is the only one who brought a chess board (though everyone ordered one for the next shipment in) so Elwood and Paola bond over a game. They are both genuinly sweet human beings but Paola can get a little defensive, during training she felt she had to be twice as good as everyone else since she was deemed "The Baby Martian."

At least I have my books.....

One day Tasia noticed what looked like butterflies in front of her house

That can't be right....Butterflies are Earth bugs.

Whatever they were they wer gorgeous so she tried to catch one in an empty jar used for samples.

They were too fast for her.

With no electricity to run a proper stove each of the houses is equipt with a small grill....some people just aren't good at grills.


Tasia: I do NOT want to die like this!!

She managed to put the fire out herself with the provided fire extingusher.

Because Tasia had to await confirmation (sent via unmanned drone after their own shuttle had already started it's journey) that Earth government would accept her as a political leader in a new city before she could do much in terms of taxes, and asking for aid she spent her time exploring. Though the planet had already been thouroughly explored and documented by previous researchers and archeologists she still occasionally found something interesting.

Tending the garden took up most of her time, that and studying from the books provided by the Project.

Tasia counted herself the luckiest human in the universe, one day she was biting and clawing her way through shady politics and the next thing she knows she has her own plot of land, on her pwn planet, with the best view of the lake (reservoir).

Let's pretend these make sense okay? Okay
Late in the 'Fall' season Tasia manages to get her paperwork and closed circet connection to the Project allowing her to officially begin her duties as leader. First she will have to play politics with the Project and the Earth governments earning her people the right to build an elecrical grid.

As the season ends I can only say one thing for certian; this is a lonely life. Making friends was never high on my to-do list when i signed on to Project CliffRose but I realize now that working well with the only other humans is not only essential wo the project but my own sanity. As I write this it has been a full week since any of the other colonist volunarily interacted with me...-Tasia 1.1


Politics career lvl 1
Being the first person to need a social bunny


So what do you think of this way of writing? Journal entries at the beginning and end but more commentary style in between? It's much easier to write this way and I can finish chapters quickly.
Okay so according to the rules i have Tasia must get to lvl 3 in her career AND befriend a Sim with maxed mech skill in order to unlock power and running water. Then once she get's to lvl 4 we unlock community lots so the settlers can starts businesses or pool their money to open them; each community lot will get us another settler!
Again i'm using THESE rules in case you get confused and want to knwo what's up

bacc, cliffrose, sims 2, build a city

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