Jun 24, 2010 21:02

Title: A Bridge Among Two Nations
Pairing: Schnidal (Bernd Schneider/Arturo Vidal)
Rating: NC-17
Character crew: Bernd Schneider, Arturo Vidal, Bruno Labbadia, Gonzalo Castro, Tranquillo Barnetta,Joachim Löw feat. Deutsche Nationalmannschaft.
Disclaimer: Tout faux, F.I.C.T.I.O.N, Fake... every synonym related to 'false'
Warning: Some slang and swearing.Unbetaed.
Summary: Sometimes love is a bridge for communication among two totally different nations.
In this part - Arturo is going to achieve the goal of making the first half of the job and then Bernd packs his bags... warum??

Previously on "Bridge"

Arturo made it with anticipation. A copper plaque with a handwritten legend made by Arturo himself > was ready, but indeed he woke up early for going to a hardware store.

He takes a look of what he needs to complete the task. A special glue (known in Chile as 'No Más Clavos'), floor tiles and coloured glass mosaic tiles. All of them were white, black, blue, red and yellow.

Then he buys a photo frame and he's ready to come back home.

So at the balcony he prepares the materials to make this special craft. Even he bought an entire ceramic tile box in case of failure.

Then, he puts the glue with precision on the copper plaque. Then he makes the same with the glass mosaic tiles.
After that he prints a photo downloaded from the web.
The one smiling for the official EUROphoto.

Everything is ready to proceed.
He calls Bernd and it's dropped to the mailbox:
"Hallo, Bernd? It's me, Arturo. Hör mir zu, the stuff for Robert is ready. My tickets are for 6 PM.Peace!"

Arturo took the tile and wrapped it with some oldie Bild newspaper.

Then he looked for Bernd. The facade was covered with wooden tiles and nets.



"Where were you?"

"I was watching TV. Some bad news... maybe I'll not be with you in Southafrica."

"What are you talking about?" Arturo said surprised.

"Jogi didn't called me. Also he ripped off Frings and Rolfes for injury."

"No...it cannot be true. You will leave me alone for the World Cup! No!"

Arturo cried in Bernd's arms.

"Sorry.Aw, so sorry. He kept me for the future. Perhaps with the time he will shall the efforts to make your dream come true. Pardon. I mean... our dream come true."

"But I'll be without you. I'll miss you so much then!" Arturo said drying his tears.

"Well, let's get up to your ride and let's get out of here. Indeed. I'm so worry about the case. Adler case..."

"What's up with Bruno?"

"By the way, he's in preventive prison. He's accused of carrying a forbidden weapon, of the flag burning stuff and also René's raping.
And maybe he can pay 45 million euros of damage repairing. I don't need that money. Perhaps we can release it to Carl Zeiss Jena or your birthtown... we don't need that."

"Nope! Who needs that if we earn really well?"

They giggled.

After that, Bernd drove Arturo's new car.

"This is not a Nissan..."

"Rest in Peace Nissan. It gave its life for ya that day. Look at the...hmmm..."

"It's a Porsche!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP! THAT'S WONDERFUL! It's an awesome car, Arturo!! When did you changed it?"

"Just... few days before the lunch in Jens' house. You didn't noticed that it was a Porsche?"

"Nope. Indeed we were in my car." he emphasizes.

"Aw! So it was your car" Arturo said "It looks almost exactly like mine's."

"But mine's it's an Audi."

"The four rings!! Aww,man! I get confused sometimes."

They talked the entire highway, about their love, their plans, until they arrived to Neustadt am Rübenberge, the place where Robert passed away.

"Are you ready with the glue?"

"It's here"

"Geht los!"

Arturo and Bernd parked the car and then went to the train station, where Robert passed away several months ago.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes. Just be careful with the floor tile. I'll whipp some glue over here."


Arturo whipped special glue on the floor, near of the place, but far of the train line.

Then, Bernd unwraps the tile and then it fits.

"Very nice craft! Who is this handwriting?"

"It's mine's" Arturo says "And it's made on copper."

"Alemania y Chile siempre..."

"Siempre en el corazón de Chile y Alemania" Arturo corrects.

"Awww, you're wonderful! You wrote it bilingual!"

Then, some bonus track brought by Bernd.

"What is that?"

"It's a Bible. But it's in German..." he grins

"Doesn't matter."

"Well, you read it. I'll hear you."

"No, Bernd, please..."

"Just read it"

The book was opened in Psalm 91.

"You believe in these things. So, read it and I'll be with you...I need to hear you"


Arturo made the Sign of the Cross and then he reads in German:

"Wer unter dem Schirm des Höchsten sitzt
und unter dem Schatten des Allmächtigen bleibt,
der spricht zu dem Herrn: Meine
Zuversicht und meine Burg, mein Gott, auf den ich hoffe!

Denn er errettet mich vom Strick
des Jägers und von der schädlichen Pestilenz.

Er wird dich mit seinen Fittichen decken,
und deine Zuversicht wird sein unter seinen Flügeln.
Seine Wahrheit ist Schirm und Schild,
daß du nicht erschrecken müssest vor
dem Grauen des Nachts, vor
den Pfeilen, die des Tages fliegen,
vor der Pestilenz, die im Finstern
schleicht, vor der Seuche, die im Mittag verderbet.

Ob tausend fallen zu deiner
Seite und zehntausend
zu deiner Rechten, so wird es doch
dich nicht treffen.

Ja, du wirst mit deinen
Augen deine Lust sehen und schauen,
wie es den Gottlosen vergolten wird.

Denn der Herr ist deine
Zuversicht, der
Höchste ist deine Zuflucht.

Es wird dir kein Übels
begegnen, und keine Plage
wird zu deiner Hütte sich nahen.

Denn er hat seinen Engeln
befohlen über dir, daß sie dich
behüten auf allen deinen Wegen,
daß sie dich auf den Händen
tragen und du deinen
Fuß nicht an einen Stein stößest.

Auf den Löwen und Ottern
wirst du gehen und
treten auf den
jungen Löwen und Drachen.

Der Herr sagt: Er begehrt mein,
so will ich ihm aushelfen;
er kennet meinen Namen,
darum will ich ihn schützen;
er rufet mich an, so will ich ihn erhören.
Ich bin bei ihm in der Not;
ich will ihn herausreißen
und zu Ehren machen.
Ich will ihn sättigen mit
langem Leben und
ihm zeigen mein Heil."*

Bernd, even he's not Catholic, sobbed a little.

"Oh, Arturo! Why you're doing this to me?"

He hugs him and held him so tight. Even Arturo cried a little.

"Aw, Bernd. Stop pouring tears that I'll pour them too!" the Chilean pouts.

He grins after drying them.

"Now, go ahead. Translate it."

"Say what!?"

"Just translate it. Do you know it?"

"Just a little. But I can make a concept."

"Okay. Do it."

Arturo tried to translate word by word and this came from his lips:
"Tú que vives al amparo del Altísimo
y resides a la sombra del Todopoderoso,
di al Señor: "Mi refugio y mi baluarte,
mi Dios, en quien confío".

Él te librará de la red del cazador
 de la peste perniciosa;
te cubrirá con sus plumas,
y hallarás un refugio bajo sus alas.

No temerás los terrores de la noche,
ni la flecha que vuela de día,
ni la peste que acecha en las tinieblas,
ni la plaga que devasta a pleno sol.

Aunque caigan mil a tu izquierda
y diez mil a tu derecha,
tú no serás alcanzado:
su brazo es escudo y coraza.

Con sólo dirigir una mirada,
verás el castigo de los malos,
porque hiciste del Señor tu refugio
y pusiste como defensa al Altísimo.

No te alcanzará ningún mal,
ninguna plaga se acercará a tu carpa,
 porque él te encomendó a sus ángeles
para que te cuiden en todos tus caminos.

Ellos te llevarán en sus manos
para que no tropieces contra ninguna piedra;
caminarás sobre leones y víboras,
pisotearás cachorros de león y serpientes.

"Él se entregó a mí,
por eso, yo lo libraré;
lo protegeré, porque conoce mi Nombre;
me invocará, y yo le responderé.
Estaré con él en el peligro,
lo defenderé y lo glorificaré;
le haré gozar de una larga vida
y le haré ver mi salvación".**

"Okay. Do you know... a prayer?"

"In which language?"

"I don't know. Whatever.Spanish, German, English. Whatever."

"Our Father...can it be?"

"Natürlich. If it's the one you know, just go.Language for me is crap. I love to hear you."

"Okay. Take my hand, please."


Bernd took Arturo's hand and with respect he made the prayer he knows by heart since those old days in San Joaquín:

"Padre nuestro que estás en el Cielo
santificado sea tu nombre,
venga a nosotros tu reino
hágase tu voluntad así
en la tierra como en el cielo
dános hoy nuestro pan de cada día
perdona nuestras ofensas
como también nosotros
perdonamos a los que nos ofenden
y no nos dejes caer en tentación
y líbranos del mal.

And then, Arturo tried to translate it into German.

"Unser Vater, bist du..."

"Nein! Arturo!"

Vater unser im Himmel...
Geheiligt werde dein Name.
Dein Reich komme....??"

Bernd says 'yes' with his head.

"Dein Wille geschehe,
wie im Himmel so auf Erden.
Unser tägliches Brot
gib uns heute...
Und vergib uns unsere Schuld,
wie auch wir vergeben
unsern Schuldi...gern.
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen.

Weil...ehrm, nein!
Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit. Amen."****

Arturo makes the Sign of the Cross and the rite is done.
The Chilean removes his rosary and puts it to fit into the four corners of the ceramic tile.

"Robert. I made the first part. I'll be in Chile to make the second half. And then we're done, man."

"Geht los, Arturo."

But after he jumped into the car, Vidal's tears just poured like unstoppable rain.

"I can't believe what I've done...!"

Then the key made contact and engines started. With tears already wiped, Arturo comes back to Leverkusen and leaves Bernd at few blocks of his house.

Then he packs his bags and his passport. The tickets are already done. 6 PM. Frankfurt Airport. He must leave the country to come back to his.

But something is going on with Bernd. Without even notice, Schnix is making his bags too.

So, Arturo goes to the airport through some trains and taxi cabs... he doesn't want to use his car.
Bernd takes the same trip.

And then, Arturo is there, nervous, waiting for the great moment.
Bernd tries to get a ticket to Santiago de Chile via LAN Airlines. (Formerly known as Lan Chile)

Arturo incredibly has a ticket for LAN too...but anyways he cannot expect some kind of events like this.

And then... for just fifteen minutes, at last! Bernd got his flight ticket. At 6 o'clock, just like Arturo.

"Bernd? Why you are here?"

"I wanna be with you...I don't want to be alone there in Leverkusen, waiting for the results...huh?"


"I don't know. Some kind...of feeling was around me...but anyways, let's go."

Both went with their luggages to the check in and register to Santiago.
The gate 51 were waiting them.

But Arturo is at 10 seats of distance of Bernd...hummm...

The engines starts. The tension begins.

But at last, they'll take the trip to complete Arturo's mission: his German naturalization.


* = In English: http://www.allaboutgod.com/truth/psalms-91.htm
** = Spanish Version of Psalm 91. For protection.
*** = Spanish Version:
Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be the name.
The kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil.
**** = Vaterunser: http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Vaterunser

a bridge among two nations, deutsche nationalmannschaft, bilateral slash, leverkusen, chilean national team, chile, bilateral love, soccer, real people slash, fanfictions, bernd schneider, schnidal, arturo vidal, footie love

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