Cracked! Chapter 16: More Cowbell

Aug 18, 2011 01:20

Howdy all! Cracked has updated, but rather than post the entire text here, I am posting a link to the new chapter on FFn. If you are so inclined, go read it and come back here to leave a review.


After a long weekend of hunting with Emmett and another stern talking-to
from various nosy members of his family (who seemed content to do no more ( Read more... )

cracked, fanfiction, twilight

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Comments 3

reetinkerbell August 18 2011, 10:07:45 UTC
I know you probably already know this, but I loved it. OMG, it was funny. I'm trying to imagine Edward sitting around with glue on his pants, and playing cards stuck to his shoes, trying to figure out what Bella is saying. And the idea of Bella, going around her room thinking 'I'll just put some glue here, and some rat traps there' is too funny.

As for the rest of the Cullens; you're right, since talking obviously doesn't stop him, they should be trying to actually stop him, since they are so against it. It is kind of selfish of them; both for the reasons they don't want him to get together with her (even if it's not so selfish with them being against the way he's "pursuing" her) while at the same time they don't actually get involved, but just go 'well, I've told him how I feel, end of', when clearly that is it not the case.

Much love over this chapter. I think one of the funniest one in the story, thus far (no pressure :P).


chelleybell August 18 2011, 13:54:16 UTC
See, what gets me riled up about Meyer's story is that the Cullens don't even BOTHER to tell Edward "Hey, maybe sneaking into a human's room every night isn't such a good idea, particularly a human whose blood you've been jonesing for." Edward's Victorian/Edwardian sensibilities were curiously absent when it came to what he wanted. This is why I agree with him (in canon) when he refers to himself as selfish. It's true. What he doesn't admit is that he's a cad and a hypocrite. And his family is no better. But since Bella is pretty awful herself, she fits right in.

Still, it was fun to write a Bella smart enough to set traps but dumb enough not to scream for help when the traps went off. And I loved writing Edward caught off guard, getting flustered and nervous and eventually just plain embarrassed. Because that's how we all feel at some point, and Edward just wouldn't be getting the full first-love experience if he didn't have those feelings.

Thanks for the feedback. I love hearing from you.


reetinkerbell August 19 2011, 08:40:47 UTC
But since Bella is pretty awful herself, she fits right in. LOL!!!

I think actually, that I would like the Cullens more if they didn't say or do anything. They might disapprove, but if they just washed their hands of the whole thing, then that would be "better" than them pretending that they want to stop him and thinking that words would be enough and then just going "well, I've done mine". I don't know. I do love that they talk back to him and disapprove out loud in the story, but in canon, it's like they don't care at all, which sadly fits in with their characters (since they don't get involved, ever).

True. I also love that Edward is so utterly clueless as to why Bella had such elaborate and kind of weird traps. He doesn't even suspect that he might be the cause of them. LOL. He's such an idiot.



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