Cracked! Chapter 16: More Cowbell

Aug 18, 2011 01:20

Howdy all! Cracked has updated, but rather than post the entire text here, I am posting a link to the new chapter on FFn. If you are so inclined, go read it and come back here to leave a review.


After a long weekend of hunting with Emmett and another stern talking-to
from various nosy members of his family (who seemed content to do no more than talk), Edward was scaling the exterior wall of Bella’s house, unhindered and unobserved. Only this time, he brought along oil to silence the slight metallic squeak of the window track.

What he did not anticipate were the wind chimes Bella hung inside her room by the window (big, loud ones purchased on Sunday from Tilly’s Nursery and Garden Supply with Bella’s half of Charlie’s poker

cracked, fanfiction, twilight

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