[Stickler filler] Bad English Teachers

Jul 26, 2006 17:41

Being a stickler can be a gift and a curse. Working on the high school newspaper, it was a gift, as I could spot mistakes in an article with a brief scan. But since leaving high school, it's been a curse. I notice mistakes every day, and I no longer have the power to correct them. Reading myspace and youtube gives me a headache. But hey, I'm human, I make writing mistakes all the time, too, and I'm still not sure how semi-colons work. So while I wish more people would proofread before posting, I'm pretty tolerant.

Not this time. An ALT on the FuJET mailing list posts more times on there than anyone I've ever known, and he also has the worse English I've ever known. Some of his recent post headlines include: "FRi Nite. Drty 30s coktail prty," "hey do any of U know an online site to buy habu-shu," and "oI MEGAN. iVE LOST YA EMAIL ADDRESS." How can a guy that's job is to teach English be so bad at English? But the thing that really set my head a-fire was his most recent announcement: he has been chosen as the new publisher for FuJET!! o_O Dudes, this isn't the guy you want editing anything!

As further proof, his post included this cryptic message about the annual FuJET ski day: "Also It wont improve your sexuality, although ski day is a proven there. any injuries sustained during the consumption of this message are entirely the readers personal fault. Bwa ahahahahahahaha." I have studied Shakespeare, I have studied Beowulf, and I still have no idea what he's trying to say. >_<

Segue . .
Tell me I'm not the only wrestling fan who notices something wrong with pro-wrestler Randy Orton's proposed new t-shirt:

I see dead apostrophes.

Did the designer text message this t-shirt?

Again, it's not really the bad English alone that annoys me, but it's the fact that here you have a multimillion dollar company that apparently only has enough money to hire elementary kids to type its t-shirts. -_-;

In short, thank you everyone on my f-list for knowing how to spell. ;)

grammar, rant, wrestling

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