NCIS:Rag Doll. Angst/Drama PG 13 18/? (Tony-centric)

Nov 12, 2011 16:57

Title: Rag Doll
Chapter: 18/?
Fandom: NCIS
Author: cheekymice
Rating: PG13
Beta: Scousmuz1K
Genre: Drama/Angst
Disclaimer: I don't own anything relating to the TV show NCIS sadly.
Notes: Sorry I've been MIA! Life has been hectic and a little crappy ( Read more... )

ragdoll, ncis fic

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Comments 3

fredsmith518 November 13 2011, 20:33:01 UTC
definite cliff hanger, very packed read


iantalia November 14 2011, 21:40:24 UTC
Yay, you posted! Sorry to hear RL is still being a bitch though. *hugs*

...Now why do I get the impression Tony's about to rip Gibbs a new one? Looking forward to reading it!


60schic November 23 2011, 05:38:31 UTC
*sigh* As usual, the characters voices are spot on and you make them come to life. Having just watched the most recent episode with 'Senior' in it, I think you may want to call up CBS and ask about some royalty checks they owe you - you've got that man's backstory down so well! (though Tony admits that he loves the man in spite of it all)

I hope things are looking up for you now. If not, consider this a {{hugs}} message.


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