melodyxbelle wrote in
Jan 17, 2017 23:00
This is a stretch, I'm sure, but I am desperately missing CM. So many other fans want it back. Is there any way in Merlin's Beard that we can get the thing back up? I would even pay for it and do it. Someone please respond with any information you might have. Thank you!
turtle_yurippe wrote in
Sep 06, 2014 23:18
I miss browsing Checkmated before going to sleep. :(
Can the fics be accessed elsewhere or is there anything that can be done to help the site?
kp_mushu wrote in
Oct 22, 2013 21:52
Apparently, registration lapsed with the ISP, but I've started the paperwork to get reinstated. Thanks for everyone's patience.
shiningstar_82 wrote in
Feb 10, 2013 19:35
Any update on what's happening with the site?
I've seen mention of the site being down on Tumblr and everyone is kinda worried the site is gone for good.
melakem wrote in
Jul 19, 2013 13:13
I try the checkmated site every now and again, with not very high hopes. Today...SUCCESS!! The site is back up! Huzzah!
bridgetvictoire wrote in
Jun 23, 2013 23:40
Maybe I'm late to the game, but yesterday I noticed that I can no longer get on the checkmated forums or access the stories... is this just temporary? Hope it's not serious!
allichan wrote in
May 19, 2013 13:18
Hi all,
Sorry I didn't have a chance to post earlier. The forums are back. They've been up for a little bit, I just didn't have a chance to post. It still has the default look and feel but otherwise should be working.