First post in ages because I stink at posting

Aug 04, 2016 18:13

Went to see Latrice Royale last night. It was amazing, and I got pulled onstage for a group dance thing with a local drag queen. It was awesome and I may have accidentally shown a lot of people my underpants.

Also got an autographed poster and a photo:

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Comments 3

electricwitch August 6 2016, 07:47:00 UTC
oh my god you saw Latrice!!!!!! LOOK AT YOUR FACES OMG

I saw Bianca this week, I bloody wish Latrice would play here!


checkerdandy August 9 2016, 02:43:35 UTC
I would love to see Bianca! You're lucky; he had to cancel dates for vocal cord surgery.


electricwitch August 9 2016, 18:01:10 UTC
Wow, really? That's a shame. Yeah it was great actually, but Id seen her before. Havent seen Latrice, but who knows!


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