RH FF: Much's POV

Nov 19, 2006 21:53

I am Much.

I was born into servitude to the masters of Locksley.

I went with Master Robin on his quest to the holy lands.  I fought beside him, with him and always shall be that way.

He set me free as we returned home to England. It took longer to get back to our green shores then it did to get to the holy lands.

What did we learn from being in the holy lands?  I ask this question a lot.  No one seems able to answer it.  They kept telling us it was to free Jerusalem from heathens. This can’t be true, in some ways the heathens are better then us.  They didn’t start this war, we did.  They fought to protect what was theirs.  Nothing more, but we didn’t care.

Now we are home and I’m a free man.  I can leave Master Robin, if it was my wish.  I don’t wish it. Master Robin is on a new quest.  The new Sheriff of Nottingham, Vaizey, is taxing the country side so that there is nothing for the people to give.  They are starving, I’m starving too.  Sir Guy of Gisborne has been given Master Robin’s land and all that is important.  Sir Guy loves to gloat it over Master Robins head.

Master Robin still has feelings for Lady Marian.  I’m not sure about her feelings for him.  She cares, but then she doesn’t care either.  This woman is very confusing to me.  Well most women are.  Now Sir Guy woos her.  I’m not clear if he really loves her or just wants what she can give him; a step up the ladder or an heir that Master Robin can’t have with her.

So we live in Sherwood Forest with outlaws, Little John, Alan a Dale, and Will Scarlet. Roy was with us, but the sheriff had him killed.  Now we have Djaq, a woman who dresses as a man.  She is a heathen who was brought to England to work as a slave in the sheriff’s mine.  Her father was a doctor and he showed her things.  So she fixes us up and shares some of her ungodly ways.

We rob from those who have to give to those haven’t gotten.  The Master has lost his mind, I tell you Lord of mine. He gave away our food to a village that had none, because they didn’t trust us any more. Now they love us again.  I do wish they would make up their minds on us.

The Sheriff and Sir Guy grow bolder as the days go on.  Master Robin gets even cheekier. If I didn’t know better, I would think that they thought this was a contest to see who could out do the other.  Gisborne thinks of the nastiest plan and Master Robin thinks of how make that plan not work.

I want a place to live at.  I want food every day.  I’m tired of running from Gisborne and the sheriff. I want to take a bath again and not stand out in a cold forest any more.  I want things to be as they should be. I think I want to sit down and cry now, if I wasn’t a man of the world.
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