North and South FF:Time part 2

Mar 17, 2006 17:28

Title: Time part 2
Author: T’PeeJ
ARCHIVE: Sure, but let me know where.
SUMMARY: Doctor John Thornton asked a question. Is time travel possible and why would you do it?
DISCLAIMER: North and South belong to Elizabeth Gaskell and BBC so any problems take it up me or Auntie Beeb.
When the class ended, Margaret moved up to John. “Are you still asking that time travel question?” she wondered, stretching up onto her toes to kiss him on the cheek.

John smiled at Margaret. “Yes I still ask. It’s a valid question, Margaret.”

“What is it with you?” asked Margaret as she laughed. John finished packing his books and they walked out of the class. “And the time travel question. If it was possible, don’t you think the scientists would be crowing about it?”

“What if a scientist made it work and didn’t tell anyone?” Said John as he looked wide eyed at Margaret. “You know some people don’t crow about everything.” The two of them walked out of the building and out to the car park.

“Wouldn’t it be a good thing to share with the world?” asked Margaret as she unlocked the car door. John opened the door for her and Margaret handed the keys over to him. Walking around the car, John watched Margaret put on her seatbelt. Getting into the car, Thornton started the car up and put on his seatbelt. Margaret placed her hand on top of his on the gear shift.

Lifting her hand up, John kissed it. She smiled at him. They couldn’t get married until after she was finished with university, but she was in her last year. So it wouldn’t be that long of a wait.

Putting the car into gear, John drove over to Margaret’s flat. Parking the car, Margaret gathered her things. “Are you coming in?”

“Not tonight, my love,” said John as he looked at the books she was carrying. “I think the rest of the staff has ideas on making you work a bit harder this term.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you to talk to them about that,” said Margaret with a smile. “I mean it is my last year. Shouldn’t I be able to goof around this year and take all easy classes?”

John just laughed at Margaret. “I had to work my butt off, now it’s your turn. I want you to do better then me.”

“Oh good, then I’m going to be the next Queen of the United Kingdom,” said Margaret with a straight face.

“Why would you want to be queen?” asked John as he turned to face her. “She has to pay taxes just like the rest of us.”

“Yes that is true,” said Margaret. “But did you ever think how I would look in those jewels she owns. I won’t want to own them, but I’d like to wear a couple of the bobbles.”

John started to laugh again. Margaret should be covered in jewels and furs, but he knew that he couldn’t ever afford it and she wouldn’t want it either. “Go do your school work and leave me to play with my toys.”

“Oh working on your time machine?” asked Margaret.

“Yes I am,” said John with a smile.

“So where do you keep this time machine?”

“Well if you must know, under my bed.” John looked at Margaret very seriously.

“Under your bed?”

“Yes, it’s just a small platform to stand on and you hold the control panel.”

“Why do I bother asking you about this stuff?” Margaret stood there with the car door opened. “Well if you go out time traveling and you happen to be in Russia before the revolution, grab me one of the Faberge Eggs.”

“Now why would you ask for that?” asked John.

“Well as long as you are being silly, I’m going to ask for something silly too. I’ll call you tonight, if I ever get out from under the work.”

“Alright,” said John. Margaret shut the door and walked toward the building. John sat there watching her until she was inside, then he drove away.

He smiled as he went home. He had told Margaret the truth, the time machine was under his bed. It wasn’t his fault that she didn’t believe him. Since his sister no longer lived with him and his mother, the bedroom was the safest place to keep the machine. John took care of his own room and his mother only went in there to bring in his clean clothes. She never snooped through his stuff. John had taken over Fanny’s room as he’s workshop. So going back and forth to get things wasn’t bad. Getting to the house, John parked the car and took his stuff inside with him.

Hannah Thornton sat in the parlor working on one of her cross stitch projects. “John, your home early. You aren’t having dinner with Margaret tonight?”

Walking over to Hannah, John leaned down and kissed her. “No, not tonight, she had too much work to do. Thought I’d leave her in peace to get some of it done.” He moved into the den, putting down his books. He looked at the calendar to see what classes he was teaching tomorrow.

“So I will start dinner then,” called out his Mother.

“That is fine,” said John. Sitting down at the desk, Doctor Thornton started to go through students papers. He had spent most of his time working on his lectures and grading student’s papers. Sometimes it felt like he really didn’t have the time to work on his time machine.

Though he did prove it worked. When John Thornton had meet Margaret Hale, she was confined to a wheelchair. There was something in the young woman’s eyes that cried out to John. She was locked in a body that she couldn’t do anything with. Machines were breathing for her and speaking for her. Thornton saw something in her and he started to dig into her past to find out what had happened to her.

It was a good thing that Margaret’s Godfather was a billionaire. Adam Bell wasn’t hard to find on the internet and had been the person who Margaret had been living with since the accident.

So, he found an article in the Portland, Oregon newspaper, ‘The Oregonian’, about a car accident on Interstate five just within the city limits of Vancouver, Washington. Adam Bell’s car was the first car in the pile up. Five more rammed into it within a minute. There was only four survivors out of twelve people in the accident. Margaret and Adam Bell were the last to be found. By that time, they barely kept Margaret alive, but with Adam’s money they did. Her parents and brother died there at the scene. Only the dead stayed in Washington State, the rest were sent to the bigger hospitals across the Columbia River in Portland, Oregon.

Adam Bell had spent a month in a coma. Margaret laid in a coma for two months before coming to. Adam moved Heaven and Earth for the girl. The trip to the United States was supposed to be a trip of a life time, not the death sentence it had became.

Adam made sure Margaret had the best education. He made sure the girl got everything she wanted. All Margaret really wanted was having her family back and to be able to get out of the chair, without anyone’s help.

John talked to Margaret one day after class about the trip to the States.

The machine that spoke for Margaret sounded like Stephen Hawking, “We flew from London to Canada first. Spent a couple in days in Québec and then went down to Montréal. I saw my first baseball game there.”

“Really?’ said Thornton. “Who played?” Like he knew anything about the game.

“Montréal Expo’s and the Minnesota Twins,” said Margaret. Thornton watched the woman’s eyes. Just talking about it made them dance.

“Who won?” asked John.

“The Twins, 10 to 7,” said the girl.

“Then what happened?”

“We flew to Winnipeg, Manitoba and got a train to Vancouver, British Columbia Canada,” said Margaret. “We were in Vancouver for several days. Adam had a car waiting for us and we saw all of Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Then we drove down across the boarder to the states. Spent several days in Seattle and then went down to Mt. St. Helen’s. Then we headed for Portland, Oregon where we were going to get back on the plane and fly to Hawai’i. We never made it that far.”

“It sounds like before the accident you were having a good time of it,” said Thornton.

“We were,” said Margaret.

Coming back to the present, Hannah Thornton came into the den with a cup of tea for her son. Putting it on the desk, Mother looked at son and knew he had been in deep thought.

“So what is so important that you look so worried?” asked Hannah.

“Nothing Mother,” said John. “I was just going over some old stuff in my head.”

“If you are sure?” asked Hannah.

“Yes,” said John as he picked up the tea to take a drink. He watched his mother leave the room, shutting the door behind her.

He’s first trip back in time was to the day they landed in Québec. He watched them from a distance. Writing places they went and the times.

He’s second trip was to the baseball game in Montréal. They had box seats and Thornton couldn’t afford that, but he did get a seat just outside the box. As he watched the girl that would became his Margaret, he saw how delighted she was with the game.

‘Note to myself-Learn about baseball. Margaret seems to like it a lot.’

Each of these trips was on different days. Thornton didn’t want to push his luck with trying to get to the next place in time.

He’s third trip was to the Winnipeg train station. He bought a ticket to the next town. He carried his small size time machine in the suitcase he carried. Unlike Margaret, Thornton sat in the cheap seats and stayed close to the dining car. So he did see the group several times.

When he got off, he stood there watching the train leave him. Walking away to a quiet place, Thornton took out the machine and sent himself back to he’s correct time. Standing in his bedroom, Thornton slid the machine under the bed once again.

He still hadn’t thought of what he was going to do to stop the accident. He really needed to think about that one. The next trip would have to be to Mt. St. Helen’s where they were all still alive and safe. There had to be something he could do.

Part 1

character:margaret hale, character:john thornton, north and south-bbc ff: time part 2

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