What I Saw: Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 7

May 13, 2013 01:54

Sansa Stark is a Stupid Stupid Girl.

There is nothing like self knowledge and Sansa has an Epiphany. "I am a Stupid Stupid Little Girl". Well, Sansa, you are not That Little, not compared to your future husband.

If there is a Wedding, Some one had better live Happily Ever After... )

game of thrones, good trash tv, trash tv, fantasy, soft core p, what i saw, sex, tv

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Comments 10

dawnybee May 14 2013, 15:11:58 UTC
There is nothing like self knowledge and Sansa has an Epiphany. "I am a Stupid Stupid Little Girl". Well, Sansa, you are not That Little, not compared to your future husband.

But Tyrion has Big Dreams! Unrealistic dreams that he really thinks Tywin will let him achieve. He’s a Stupid Little Man.

( If there is a Wedding, Some one had better live Happily Ever After..

In “Game of Thrones”? I don’t even think Prince Charming lookalike Jaime can have a happy ending.

Loris is now the future husband of Cersei and not long for this world. Cersei does not suffer Husbands gladly. She didn't like that old Fart Robert and she doesn't like the perfumed Loris.

But he looks so much like her cousin that she’s boffing.

Lancel, wherefore art thou?

Stay away from Bores and Boars is my advice for Loris.

I can’t say he’s into Bears cos he liked Renly shaved.

Shay will screw the King's Guard and take her gold and go join Our Silver Lady Dany in Guys With Eyeliner Land or what ever gated community that Danys is hanging outside of with intent ( ... )


The Strong is Stupid in This Land.... chatchien May 14 2013, 18:09:49 UTC
Lancel, wherefore art thou?

I forgot about him. Yeah, where is he? Has Cersei used him and thrown him to the bears and boars already?

Shay needs to be wherever Dany is. Dany is freeing all the slaves. It would due them well to have Dany as Queen. She needs to work for Dany because she speaks the truth.

Our Silver Lady Danys is John Brown and Nat Turner all in one! WITH DRAGONS! She is a fiercer Abolitionist than Thaddeus Stevens in Lincoln.

13th Amendment All the Way! No 3/5s People!

Danys can stay across the Skinny Sea and liberate the Slaves as long as she likes. She is the only one doing anything worthwhile these days.

And the minstrel whose tongue Joffrey took could play “The Roof is on Fire” and everyone won’t be aware that, no really, the roof is on flipping fire.

Another one whom I have forgotten about. You have the Memory of a Northsman!

"The North Remembers!" "Miss DawnyBee REmembers!"I wonder how that minstrel is doing. With his tongue gone, did he have to join a Boy Group to earn his living? Now he just hums and ( ... )


dawnybee May 14 2013, 15:13:03 UTC
Who knew that Jaime would actually do something decent in his life? He breaks in on King Robb of the Dimpled Butt's Drunk Uncle's Bachelor Party and saves Brienne from one Mean Stripping Bear.

I don’t know where I fall on Jaime in all of this. I admit I have become a Brienne and Jaime fan but I think that Jaime can only relate to people who do something for him. He can give that kind of regard and kindness to Brienne because she’s helped him. When he rides off and tells Roose Bolton to tell Robb the Lannisters give their regards it just reminds me of Jaime pushing Bran out the window, trying to kill Ned, his role in killing Lord Arryn (I’m assuming it was he versus Cersei who ordered his death. Maybe both.) So I appreciate Jaime’s burgeoning friendship with Brienne but he’s still a prick. Albeit charming one.

The woman is saved and the Bear is shot with an arrow. That is quite a change from the usual Hollywood entertainment where the woman is killed but the animal is unharmed. I was impressed. No violence comes to the women of ( ... )


The Strong is Stupid in This Land....II chatchien May 14 2013, 18:34:01 UTC
I admit I have become a Brienne and Jaime fan but I think that Jaime can only relate to people who do something for him.

Good Point to make. Jaime's act of kindness was only done because of someone else's actions. Jaime never initiates any kindness or regard for anyone on his own. Except Jaime would protest that he saved all those people in King's Landing from FireBrand the King who wanted to torch the place. But is that so?

Why was Jaime, the heir of Casterly Rock, a kings guard anyway? Tywin used the threat of the King's guard against Lady Oleanna and Loris, Loris can't marry as a guard and secure his line. That must have meant that Jaime couldn't marry and secure Tywin's line at Casterly Rock. It makes no sense to me, unless both Tywin and Jaime knew that they wouldn't be following the No Marriage Vow from the beginning. So Jaime was free of the King's Guard vow to protect King Firebrand and killing him was no biggie. I might be missing something here, but I don't know what.

And sex scenes with Alfie Allen (Theon) which is just ( ... )


Re: The Strong is Stupid in This Land....II brijeana May 19 2013, 17:07:55 UTC
Why was Jaime, the heir of Casterly Rock, a kings guard anyway?

He went against Tywin's wishes and became part of the Kingsguard without Tywin's knowledge. I'm sure it'll come out as exposition at some point. The things he does for Cersei... I mean love.

Do you think that Margaery was hitting on Sansa? She was telling her about girls who like girls and locking arms with her while she did it.

I think she was. Margaery is so adaptable. She's already paving the way for a love affair with Sansa to make up for what Joffrey lacks.


Re: The Strong is Stupid in This Land....II chatchien May 19 2013, 18:10:38 UTC
I wonder. Is the Kingsguard like a nunnery (but with guys) where you can decide that you no longer have the vocation and leave of your own accord? Because I just keep thinking of Tywin's reaction to Jaime when he finally scrapes the mud off his boots and makes it to King's Landing.

"First the Kingsguard, then Killing the King, and now you lose your hand in the Mud! Why must all my children DISAPPOINT me! Why don't you fools just do as I say? I am surrounded by FOOLS in my work and my family. You don't know what a hard struggle it is to try and guide all of your properly! Poor Me!"

And now the Children of Incest...I can almost sympathize with Tywin. NO, I WON'T!


Weddings, Weddings, Weddings... brijeana May 19 2013, 16:59:06 UTC
Oh man I wish I could get Chatchiene/Dawnybee commentary for all the GoT episodes. Reading this was so much fun. <3

There is nothing like self knowledge and Sansa has an Epiphany. "I am a Stupid Stupid Little Girl".

I didn't like Sansa's epiphany. I just don't think she's that self reflective. LOL!

I am not really worried about Sansa's future marriage to Tyrion. Based on Sansa's past marriage prospects and the history of them, it will Never Happen. So Miss Sansa, you may be Stupid but you will never be married.This seems to be the season of wedding plans. How many weddings are in the works? Littlefinger/Lysa, Sansa/Tyrion, Cersei/Loras (though maybe Loras is going to be Kingsgaurd now), Margaery/Joffrey (Hey this is going to be a ROYAL WEDDING like Kate and Wills), Edmure and The Frey girl... so many weddings. I can't think of anything that could thwart Sansa's next wedding though. The Tyrells and the Lannisters are now on one accord ( ... )


Re: Weddings, Weddings, Weddings...Reply chatchien May 19 2013, 18:35:28 UTC
This seems to be the season of wedding plans.

Ha Ha!

  • And Cersei is the Bridezilla, Beware Her Wrath for Perfection!
  • Sansa is Always the Bridesmaid and Never the Bride!
  • Margaery is the one, who if she were to have any sense, would plead circumstances during the ceremony, "Does anyone know any reason or circumstance why these two should NOt be wed?" And Margaery would be the RunaWay Bride!
  • And Edmure would be the Reluctant Bride. And he would cry throughout the ceremony. "But Uncle, I don't love him her!"

  • Cersei thrives on the politics in King's Landing. It would be like being put out to pasture. Even if she offed Loras, wouldn't she still have to stay in Highgarden?
    She is the Queen Regent for all the power that gives her with Tywin running things. And she has an underaged son and heir (that little boy whom she tried to kill when she thought things were going badly) so I don't think that they would make her leave. She would have to stay. At least, that is what all my reading in French and English Royalty History would have me say ( ... )


    Weddings, Weddings, Weddings... PART 2 brijeana May 19 2013, 16:59:37 UTC
    The motto of the Starks should be "Winter is Coming, but Stupid is Always Here".


    and someone tell me how he is any different from Osha's Dead Husband, Blunt Trauma? They both are Dead but Alive.

    7 times dead can still interact with his friends, has his same personality, isn't a mindless killing machine, his eyes don't glow blue and he was raised by the FIRE GOD - or so the fire god followers believe. Osha's husband was raised by the ICE CREATURES? I can't remember what they are called on the show. He was a mindless killing machine who couldn't/wouldn't communicate with anyone, like the zombie Jon had to kill with fire back in season 1. I don't know if fire would kill 7 times dead guy. And 7 times dead guy is losing his memory ... every time he comes back he's "less" so maybe eventually he'd be like the ice zombies but who knows.

    then Arya runs away into the dark forest where....yeah, you got it, the Wicked Foghorn Cleghorn or whatever Sansa's old boyfriend is called, snatches her up and kidnaps her!Hahahaha! Well they DID ( ... )


    Re: Weddings, Weddings, Weddings... PART 2 Reply chatchien May 19 2013, 18:48:09 UTC
    Interesting contrast between 7 Times Dead Guy and the Ice Zombies ( ... )


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