What I Saw: Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 7

May 13, 2013 01:54

Sansa Stark is a Stupid Stupid Girl.

There is nothing like self knowledge and Sansa has an Epiphany. "I am a Stupid Stupid Little Girl". Well, Sansa, you are not That Little, not compared to your future husband.

If there is a Wedding, Some one had better live Happily Ever After... )

game of thrones, good trash tv, trash tv, fantasy, soft core p, what i saw, sex, tv

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dawnybee May 14 2013, 15:13:03 UTC
Who knew that Jaime would actually do something decent in his life? He breaks in on King Robb of the Dimpled Butt's Drunk Uncle's Bachelor Party and saves Brienne from one Mean Stripping Bear.

I don’t know where I fall on Jaime in all of this. I admit I have become a Brienne and Jaime fan but I think that Jaime can only relate to people who do something for him. He can give that kind of regard and kindness to Brienne because she’s helped him. When he rides off and tells Roose Bolton to tell Robb the Lannisters give their regards it just reminds me of Jaime pushing Bran out the window, trying to kill Ned, his role in killing Lord Arryn (I’m assuming it was he versus Cersei who ordered his death. Maybe both.) So I appreciate Jaime’s burgeoning friendship with Brienne but he’s still a prick. Albeit charming one.

The woman is saved and the Bear is shot with an arrow. That is quite a change from the usual Hollywood entertainment where the woman is killed but the animal is unharmed. I was impressed.

No violence comes to the women of Game of Thrones unless you’re Ros. Just the threat of sexual violence. And nudity. And sex scenes with Alfie Allen (Theon) which is just unfair all around.

Of course, Cersei isn't going to put up with that crap once he and Brienne hit King's Landing. So I don't expect Jaime's conversion to Good to last too long.

I just want to see Brienne standing next to Tyrion. Cersei is going to think everyone mad. Everyone is changing but her. Tyrion is settling down and not the womanizer he was. Now he’s a boring accountant much to Lady Olenna’s dismay. And now Jaime is being considerate? It’s like everyone took Sansa Pills (the new name of Stupid Pills).

But back to Stupid and Sansa. The motto of the Starks should be "Winter is Coming, but Stupid is Always Here".

Even Bran said something stupid. Being pushed out of a window wasn’t some grand plan by the gods. Is he going to give Jaime a pass now?

(go make friends with Ygritte, Arya, she actually kills people and deer)

Arya only hangs with the boys. It’s a total sausage fest in Arya’s world. Gendry, Hot Pie, The Brothers w/ out Banners, Foghorn Cleghorn (which is hilarious!)

and then Arya runs away into the dark forest where....yeah, you got it, the Wicked Foghorn Cleghorn or whatever Sansa's old boyfriend is called, snatches her up and kidnaps her!

Now he can trader Arya for Sansa’s hand. It’s like Pokemon, see how many Starks you can catch and trade.

Arya! Did your mother never tell you "Don't take candy from Strange Men!" "Don't hang out in dark places where Strange Men can lurk doing what the Seven Gods only know Men can do to themselves and other Men and Women!" "Don't be a Stupid Stark Woman!"

I’m assuming she’s been on the run for a year because Jaime’s been a prisoner for that long. So let’s say a year give or take and she couldn’t wait two days for the men to return? Those Starks have the worst patience. She should be like Bran, just lying back on rocks having people do things for him. Have they even moved from their camp?

KAh yes, Catelyn forgot to tell Arya all that stuff just like she forgot to tell Sansa about Sex and Woman Stuff. I blame Catelyn the Mother! Make another Prayer Wheel for your Ignorant Daughters, Woman!

The wheels should be the Karma Sutra. Sansa better get to learning. Though all she has to ask is Margaery, she knows the ways. And Margaery is a better teacher than Littlefinger. He’d just have prostitutes do it in front of Sansa and think she’d learn it that way. The Stark children need hand on lessons which is why Jon couldn’t figure out that you should take your massive furs off before you have sex. He knows nothing!


The Strong is Stupid in This Land....II chatchien May 14 2013, 18:34:01 UTC
I admit I have become a Brienne and Jaime fan but I think that Jaime can only relate to people who do something for him.

Good Point to make. Jaime's act of kindness was only done because of someone else's actions. Jaime never initiates any kindness or regard for anyone on his own. Except Jaime would protest that he saved all those people in King's Landing from FireBrand the King who wanted to torch the place. But is that so?

Why was Jaime, the heir of Casterly Rock, a kings guard anyway? Tywin used the threat of the King's guard against Lady Oleanna and Loris, Loris can't marry as a guard and secure his line. That must have meant that Jaime couldn't marry and secure Tywin's line at Casterly Rock. It makes no sense to me, unless both Tywin and Jaime knew that they wouldn't be following the No Marriage Vow from the beginning. So Jaime was free of the King's Guard vow to protect King Firebrand and killing him was no biggie. I might be missing something here, but I don't know what.

And sex scenes with Alfie Allen (Theon) which is just unfair all around.

Things might have just gotten fairer all around.

Everyone is changing but her.

Cersei really is hemmed in and constrained in her role as Queen Regent. Even Shay has more choices and ability to do as she pleases than Cersei. Cersei doesn't have to pay for her crimes because she is serving life imprisonment already. Good observation.

It’s like everyone took Sansa Pills (the new name of Stupid Pills).

Hahaha! Snerk!

Being pushed out of a window wasn’t some grand plan by the gods.

Yes! Or it is the same godly plan as being brought back to life seven times so that you can keep camping out and not taking baths. What is the purpose of that?

The only plan is Our Silver Lady's plan---free all the friggin' Slaves!

So let’s say a year give or take and she couldn’t wait two days for the men to return? Those Starks have the worst patience. She should be like Bran, just lying back on rocks having people do things for him. Have they even moved from their camp?

FRom The Lord of the Rings, "Not all who wander are lost".

Yes, they are or they are just procrastinators of the highest degree. It is Alice in Wonderland where everyone runs as fast as they can just to stay in the same place. Time and distance don't work in this strange land. I just want some one to get some bloody where and then we can all have a party. The Burning Lady is the only one who actually went to the Band of Brothers and got Gentry. She must know Einstein's Law of Relativity or something.

Though all she has to ask is Margaery, she knows the ways.

Do you think that Margaery was hitting on Sansa? She was telling her about girls who like girls and locking arms with her while she did it.


Re: The Strong is Stupid in This Land....II brijeana May 19 2013, 17:07:55 UTC
Why was Jaime, the heir of Casterly Rock, a kings guard anyway?

He went against Tywin's wishes and became part of the Kingsguard without Tywin's knowledge. I'm sure it'll come out as exposition at some point. The things he does for Cersei... I mean love.

Do you think that Margaery was hitting on Sansa? She was telling her about girls who like girls and locking arms with her while she did it.

I think she was. Margaery is so adaptable. She's already paving the way for a love affair with Sansa to make up for what Joffrey lacks.


Re: The Strong is Stupid in This Land....II chatchien May 19 2013, 18:10:38 UTC
I wonder. Is the Kingsguard like a nunnery (but with guys) where you can decide that you no longer have the vocation and leave of your own accord? Because I just keep thinking of Tywin's reaction to Jaime when he finally scrapes the mud off his boots and makes it to King's Landing.

"First the Kingsguard, then Killing the King, and now you lose your hand in the Mud! Why must all my children DISAPPOINT me! Why don't you fools just do as I say? I am surrounded by FOOLS in my work and my family. You don't know what a hard struggle it is to try and guide all of your properly! Poor Me!"

And now the Children of Incest...I can almost sympathize with Tywin. NO, I WON'T!


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