Dear Mr. Gaskarth (one)

Jan 04, 2011 22:48

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (one)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat, Olex (Alex+Oli)
Rating: NC-17 Over all
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, but the plot is mine and sausajizz 
Dedications: sausajizz  because she requested this of me looong ago.
Summary: Jack is forced to endour another year of junior English but when he finds out what's happening, he realizes it might not be so bad.


After sitting through a period of science and then a seemingly long ass hour of math, Jack was seriously dreading being the only senior in junior English, save for the other misfits that had been trying that course for years and years previous. As he walked down the dull halls, he cursed and mentally slapped himself for not trying harder last year, but he was pretty sure she failed him on purpose. And that sounded stupid, he knew, but as much as she hated Jack Barakat, she loved seeing him suffer, even if that meant a little self-sacrifice on her part.

He took the seat that he'd had for the same period the year before and let out a pained sigh as people, mostly pretty, preppy girls, filled in the seats on the edges of the room, leaving the middle seats and the front seats for the dirty boys who'd spent most of their previous life trying to beat all four Halo games in their basements after school.

The class started to quiet a bit as the final bell rang and Jack started to count to himself from one to thirty and like clock work, there she was. Today, like many others, she wore a brown pencil skirt up past her bellybutton and paired it with a mauve button down shirt, dark pantyhose that covered the small butterfly ankle tattoo that told you she was in the party scene herself at one time; she got wild and danced on tables topless and that thought made Jack shiver a bit. It was the small details that only added to her terrifying demeanor, and she paired that with a pair of murky brown dress shoes that had seemingly been worn a few to many times. Her peppery grey hair was pinned at the back of her head in the most professional manner. Yes, she was the devil himself, Miss Mae.

"Welcome class, I'm Miss Mae and you will address me as such. Any other name for me will be punished with any detention that I see fit," she said, walking to stand behind her desk and the second that she saw Jack, the terrible, devilish grin spread across her lips.

"Jack Barakat," she addressed and he met her icy stare with an eye roll. "So nice of you to be joining me again."

"Likewise," he drawled sarcastically and with all eyes on him, he opened the black note book below him to scribble down the class rules that he secretly knew would bring him 10 points extra credit in a week or so. Once she'd finished that, she handed out an English book to everyone for future assignments and took down the names that went along with the books. That took up pretty much the whole hour and Jack was thanking whatever god would listen that Zack was waiting with a smile for him. Besides Rian, Zack was the only person he could call "friend" in the god forsaken school.

"How was class?"

"Fucking sucked," Jack mumbled angrily, clutching his new books to his chest as they headed for locker 467, Jack's locker.

"Well," Zack started, biting down on his bottom lip and he reached up to fix his short, perfectly styled, brown hair. "Good thing that I got the new Call Of Duty game that you love and money for pizza tonight. Would you hang with me?" he asked sweetly, dusting off the front of his , already clean, v-neck for about the sixth time while Jack was occupied with his locker.

"Seriously?!" Jack asked, reaching forward to lightly punch Zack's arm with a huge smile that Zack returned excitedly. "That's awesome of you, dude! But, I have a thing tonight with my mom. Family shit, you know," he added, pushing the mess of books into his locker, missing the way Zack's big smile faltered considerably.

"Thanks for the offer though, bro." Jack started down the hall to his next class.

"Maybe," Zack called. "Next time, then?" He finished the rest quietly because Jack was already vanishing around the corner to his next class, obviously a lot more important to him than Zack was.


"Jack," Joyce called through the house when she heard the front door open. "Are you home?"

"Yeah, Mom," he assured, laying his messenger bag down on the couch and heading into the kitchen to greet her and the cheese and crackers that she had waiting for him. He grabbed a few like he did every night after school for the past however many years and headed up the stairs to his room.

"Get dressed, sweetie. We have to go soon and if we're late, I'll never forgive myself."

Jack rolled his eyes. Once a month, every month, his mother insisted on taking all three of her children to a fancy ass diner in Baltimore and Jack had been trying for years to figure out some kind of schedule on it, but there was none to be found. So when his mother showed up at Rian's house the night before, interrupting an epic game of Call Of Duty and declaring that she's be taking Jack to dinner the next night, Jack could only roll his eyes in agreement.

The dinners were always nice if it wasn't for the formal wear that she made them sport. Jack had never seen the point in dressing up like a business major  just to go to a stupid dinner but his mother had deemed it necessary. And with out fail, the black and white suit was laying across his bed, laughing at the annoyed sigh that escaped Jack's lips.

A/N: so yeah, this is starting off a little slow but there will be hot sex in no time.

merrikat, dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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