It's In The Blood (41/44)

Jan 07, 2011 13:36

Title: It's In The Blood (41/44)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest, More pairings soon.)
Rating: PG13 (Over all NC-17)
Dedications: My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (wooden_roses )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI. I only own the story and maybe someday, Alex too.
Authors Notes:  Getting close to the end here, loves.


The younger stopped what he was doing and rushed over to his brother like he had his entire life.

“Oh, here, Oli,” he said and dabbed at the trail of blood that trickled from his mouth. “Have some of this.” He held the glass of blood up to Oliver’s lips but the elder denied it with pursed lips.

"You have to take it, love," Tom objected, cupping his brother's cheek to get him to open his lips. Oliver responded by turning his head away and seeing Alex leaning against the door frame with a blank look on his features.

“Oh, Alex! You’re back. I was so worried,” Tom said, rushing over to hug him tight. Alex smiled at him a little and pulled him into his chest.

“Aren’t you always worried?”

“Yes, but for good reason,” he answered and glanced back at his brother who was just staring at the ceiling. “I’ll leave you two. I want to see the kids anyway.”

He left the room and it fell completely silent between the two for a while. The only thing that Alex could hear was Oliver's breath and he wished that he couldn't hear it at all. It wasn't smooth and easy like it should have been, but instead Alex could hear all the blood that filled the elder's lungs and sounded in a sick gurgling noise.

“Have you been getting some exercise?” Alex asked, realizing that he'd just been staring at him dumbly but it didn’t gain Oliver’s full attention.

“What do you mean? Does it look like I can get out of this bed?” he snapped and Alex cringed back when he finally made eye contact.

The mans eyes were a dull grey, lifeless and worrying. The, once bright and brilliant, red ring around his iris had completely faded, giving hint to his lack of power.

“Oli,” Alex said, demanding the man’s full attention with the harshness of his voice.

“What, Alex?” the vampire asked sharply as they met glares.

“I’m sorry,” he said after a few second of contemplating, feeling like he was going to lose his shit if he didn't stop pretending to be okay. There was a point when even that strongest of people would break and Alex was at his limit. He was thanking any kind of god that he couldn't cry because if he could, he would. He'd let everything out.

Oli shook his head gently and gestured Alex forward. “Come here.”

Alex obeyed and knelt down by the man’s side, grabbing the cloth by the side of the bed and reaching it up to dab at Oli’s forehead.

“Here, drink some of this,” Alex said, leaning the cup up to Oliver’s lips but he denied again.


“Oli, you have to or you’ll die,” Alex argued and rolled his eyes.

“Then let me die, Alex,” he said and the younger could hear the pleading in his voice. Alex’s heart pained at the line of words as he broke them down to their core. Let. Me. Die.
One is pleading for their life to be gone. Can it get anymore ugly than that? How terrible does someone’s life have to be before they plead for death?

Sure, Oli’s life sucked then, sitting in a dirty bed all day, bleeding but what about Tom? To have a brother that’s so much of yourself...Alex couldn’t bring himself to imagine one without the other. It was Oli and Tom, not Oli. Tom.

Either way, Alex’s stomach was twisting as he tried to comprehend the words and he felt himself swaying on his feet a little. He was loosing his own balance and he had to lean against the bed to hold himself.

“What? No, Oli. We need you,” he managed through the dizzy spell he was having. After all, just a couple days ago he was getting the news and now, Oli was in some kind of rush to get it over with?

“You don’t need me, Alex,” Oli argued with a bitter smile, letting his tired eyes droop closed.

“Yes! We do, Oli. You’re the base of this clan-” he started, tripping on the irony of the words and the ripping feeling in his chest. He reached forward, placing a hand on Oli’s shoulder in an attempt to make him re-open his eyes. He tried to speak again but Oli cut him off.

“Not like this. All I do is lay here and bleed,” he said tiredly and Alex could see all the strength to argue draining from his eyes.

Alex sobbed dryly and leaned down to take the man’s face in his hands. “You make me want to hit you, Oliver. Where’s the fight in you? The drive that I used to love?!”

“I don’t have the strength for that, Alex. But I prepared you for this; I taught you how to move on when this happened. I’m in so much pain, Lex. Just let me die.” Alex sobbed harder, leaning his face into the bloody sheets and just letting himself collapse on the floor. He regretted his previous thoughts about crying because, now more than ever, he wished to cry, just to let everything out like he used to. He missed the miserable feeling it brought, if that were possible. Because he'd never felt more vulnerable in his life.

Alex looked out over the rushing water below him as a few rain drops hit his hair and trickled down his scalp. The tears on his face were a sign of how weak he was when it came to conflict and he knew no other way to solve it; he ran so fast out the Sykes' door that he thought he might have broken it from it's hinges. But that was unimportant now.

He was soaked and the rain water itched against his skin like a wool outfit. He was sick of the shit that happened in the Sykes' house; sick of Oli's shit.

"Shut up, you stupid bitch," he had yelled and brought the back of his hand against Alex's cheek with a sharp crack. But it was Alex's fault. If there was one thing that you didn't mess with in Oli's life, it was Tom. The subject was completely forbidden to harsh words or criticism to anyone so you can immagine how the older brother felt when he found their lips locked on the front pourch.

It was a test: completely experimental between the two and after the first time, it would never happen again.

But see, Alex was a sick person.

No matter how many times the older brother pushed him away, Alex crawled back. When Oli had hit him, a bit of sick joy coursed through Alex's body just because they actually touched. They touched for the first time in their existence and it felt so good to Alex. He felt like a sick fuck for feeling like he did and maybe it was because he had battered wife syndrome, but he wanted it. Fucking wanted the contact again, any way that he could get it.

But no matter how he felt inside, his mind told him to be angry with the older brother, and so he was. He was as angry as his body would allow as he looked out over the dirty water of his bridge.

And he'd admit upon thinking about it, that it wasn't the smartest thing that he could have done, wandering out on the streets in one of the worst storms that London had seen but at that point, he was just a teenage with conflicting emotions.

He sighed and turned back toward the Sykes' house. He would go to make things right, to keep the peace between the three and mend the broken relationship that was forming somewhere in his heart for Oliver Sykes.

But it was too late and he regretted all the choices that he'd made that day as he heard the car coming toward him. He heard it's tires screech for purchase on the too-wet road but the action was over due because seconds later, the front bumper of the car was smashing into Alex's leg, sending a ridiculous amount of pain shooting through Alex's body. But he didn't have time to really feel it, let alone react to it before he realized that he was falling back and losing his balance on the railing of the bridge. His mind couldn't work fast enough to understand what had happened but it didn't matter when his body hit the cold, dirty water.

jalex, it's in the blood, slash

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