Dear Mr. Gaskarth (36 + 37/46)

Nov 23, 2011 23:07

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (36 + 37/46)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: Everyone who has commented on this. Thank you. Sincerely thank you. <3
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself
Beta: paigerhiann, the lovely darling
Facebook: HERE (If you add me here, introduce yourself please.)
Tumblr: HERE


Alex got home that night, giddy and excited for some reason. He'd picked up dinner at a local Chinese restaurant, and set it up really pretty on the dining table and waited for Oliver to get home. He wait. And waited. And waited.

And finally, at nine PM, Alex sat down to dinner all by himself. He ate his share, tears streaming down his cheeks in disappointment.

"Fucking bastard," he grumbled angrily as he washed up the dishes in the sink. "That's what I get for trying to do something nice for the prick."

He heard the door unlock then, and Oli came spilling in. He brought with him the overwhelming smell of pot and stale alcohol.

"Alex!" he exclaimed, a huge grin on his lips. "Baby, I'm home."

Alex scoffed at that, looking into his blood shot eyes. "Yeah, it's kind of hard to miss you."

Oli laughed heartily. "Yeah, what's this?" he asked, leaning against the table like he couldn't stand without it. He gestured to the food with a shaky hand.

"Oh, that?" Alex said sarcastically, wiping his hands on the dish towel before turning to him, crossing his arms over his chest. "That's just a kind gesture from your boyfriend that went to waste."

Oli scowled at that. "Are you trying to make me feel bad?"

Alex shook his head. "No, Sir. But you should feel like shit. I tried to do something nice for you, and all you care about is your drugs. I'm going to bed."

And that was all that was said that night.


Friday night, Jack was standing in Kyle's bedroom, watching the boy run a flat iron through his hair.

"C'mon, Kyle," Jack huffed impatiently. "It is literally twenty minutes to ten. The party started at nine."

Kyle rolled his eyes. "I'm almost ready. We don't want to look eager, do we?"

"Quite honestly," Jack said, crossing one leg over the other as he sat back on Kyle's bed. "I don't give a fuck. I wouldn't be going if it weren't for you."

"You can thank me later. It's better than sitting around thinking about our English teacher," Kyle jabbed and Jack sneered at him.

"Would you just hurry up, Princess?"

When they got there, Jack pushed through the crowds of people, Kyle clutching his hand tightly. They ended up making it by ten thirty and the party was in full swing. There were sweaty, drunk people galore, and Kyle had a look of disgust on his normally soft features.

"Jack!" he yelled over the thumping music. "There's alcohol here!"

Jack looked back at him and laughed curiously. "Well, yeah! What kind of a party did you think it would be?"

Kyle shrugged shyly. "I don't know. Can't we all just play some board games?"

Jack scowled at him. "Get a drink and try to fit in. I'll find Caleb."

Kyle just stood exactly where Jack left him, looking around the room nonchalantly. After a minute, he got bored and leaned a hand on the table, glancing down at his nails.

"Kyle," Jack called, Caleb by his side, a drink in both of their hands. "You know Caleb, right?"

Kyle gulped, nodding like he knew exactly what he was doing. After a second, Jack started to stare at him, gesturing with facial expressions for him to say something.

"I-uh," Kyle stumbled, looking back at Caleb. "Yeah."

"You're that really smart kid in my sciences class," Caleb noted with a crooked grin. "I never expected to see you here."

Kyle bit back a shy smile, just shrugging. Jack nodded, obviously proud of himself. "I'm going to see if I can find Rian," he said, patting Kyle on the back with a smug look. "You two have fun."

"He's upstairs," Caleb called after him as Jack worked his way back through the people. "You want a drink?"

It took Kyle a second to realize that the redhead was talking to him. "Oh, uhm," he mumbled, blue eyes fairly confused. "Do you just have soda?" he asked sheepishly, blushing a light shade of pink.

Caleb pulled an awkward frown. "I uh..."

"That was a joke," Kyle lied casually, reaching out and placing a small hand on the elder's shoulder, offering a nervous laugh.

Thirty Seven Here

.jack barakat/alex gaskarth, dear mr. gaskarth, slash

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