Dear Mr. Gaskarth (36 + 37/46)

Nov 23, 2011 23:08

Alex woke up Saturday morning to an empty and freezing apartment, and beloved Oliver didn't show until around noon. The second his boyfriend stepped through the door, Alex knew something was wrong.

He could almost see the negative energy around Oliver, though he came in quietly.

"Morning, Alex," he greeted, eyeing the man across from him on the couch.

"Morning," Alex returned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Something wrong?"

Oli offered him a bit of a dirty smirk, cocking his head to the side. "Yes, there is. Do you know what's wrong, Alex?"

"No." Alex seemed to shrink a bit in his seat, biting on his bottom lip.

"Where did you go Wednesday night while I was gone?" Oliver asked, scowling at him. He looked calm, but Alex could practically see the fire in his boyfriend's eyes.

"I left at about five to get McDonald's because I was hungry," he lied, keeping up - what he thought - was a convincing demeanour.

"Really?" Oli tried and Alex nodded, though all confidence quickly faded. Oliver stood, leaning into Alex so their faces were only a few inches apart.

"Oli, don't," Alex whimpered as the man clenched his teeth.

"Where did you go?" he growled, and Alex could feel his hot breath against his face.

"I don't-" he tried, but Oli wouldn't let him finish, just reached an arm out, striking Alex hard across the cheek.

"God damn it, tell me where the fuck you went!" he demanded pinching Alex's chin in his hand and the man whimpered. "Did you see that kid? That student of yours?"

Alex shook his head no, but Oli could see through his lie. Oliver outstretched his arm again, this time in a fist while the other hand held Alex by the collar.

He struck once, hitting Alex straight in the jaw and eliciting a loud "AH!" from him. Once again he gave Oli the same sound only louder, so he did it again - a third time - and he got a, near blood curdling, scream.

When Alex looked up at his boyfriend, there was a stream of blood dripping down from his nose. He reached a shaky hand up to dab at the crimson liquid, sobbing a little surprised blurb. He didn't cry, couldn't cry, didn't have the time before he got a swift kick to the gut.

He choked a little on the need for sound. His chest burned to take in the air that had - literally - been kicked out of him.

"Are you ready to talk?" Oliver asked, not giving Alex time to say anything before he sent his foot forward, two more times into Alex's stomach, and then the ribs as the boy shifted in pain.

He didn't know what to do but just take it, writhing on the floor like a fish out of water.

"I said," Oli tried again. "Are you ready to talk?"

Alex scowled then. He thought of Jack then, thought about how the boy's lips came up in a perfect little smirk. He knew that if he ratted Jack out then, they'd both get it. Oliver would find Jack and hurt him. Maybe kill him.

So he'd work through this like he had for years previous.

"No," Alex spat out blood - that seeped its way into his mouth - onto the floor. "You can fuck yourself."

Oli's eyes flared then, fire inhabiting the dark of his pupils.

"You think you can talk to me like that?" Oli prompted, pulling Alex up by the collar of his tee-shirt, pressing their foreheads together with force. "You're wrong."

Alex screamed then, loud enough that he was sure enough the paint of the walls was peeling. Oli let him go for a second, but only long enough to grab a chunk of the man's hair, and using only that, he dragged Alex into the bathroom.

Alex was screaming bloody murder, kicking and screaming like no tomorrow, but every time he got louder, Oli tugged a little harder.

Finally, when he got Alex to the bathroom, he reached up and ripped the towel rack off the wall, taking it and slamming it against Alex's head as hard as he could. The noise it made was a sickening crack!

Flipping the knob on the bathtub, he started to strip Alex of all his clothing, ripping it when he got impatient. The blow to Alex's head was starting to bleed, red liquid making it's was down his chest. Hard enough to knock him out, but not hard enough to kill him - not that Oli cared in that moment.

Alex started to whimper. His hand looked like a flopping fish as he reached up to feel the spot on his scalp. He pulled a blood soaked hand back.

He didn't have time to react before Oliver was picking him up from under the arms and lifting him into the full tub. At was at that point that Alex realize that he might not make it out of that shitty, dirty Baltimore apartment.

He placed Alex, right side up in the tub, giving him a good slap before placing both hands on the man's chest and pushing down.

Alex's jaw dropped, coming to and realizing what was happening, but he was a little too late. He thrashed hard, reaching his hands up to scratch and claw at his boyfriend as he was being held under water. Oli let him come up for a second, but only to gasp in a watery breath before he shoved the boy down again.

Alex tried to scream, but under the water it was just muffled and sad sounding. He opened his eyes, seeing only a terrifying and blurry silhouette of his boyfriend, and he made the horrible mistake of opening his mouth. Water instantly rushed in, and nothing on his entire body hurt worse than the burn in his lungs as liquid rushed in.

Oli let him up for another breath, but he couldn't even take any in. All he could do was try to push the water out, choking and convulsing.

After a second of Alex's thrashing, Oliver stood and left, just like that, and soon after, Alex was able to force most of the water from his chest and onto the bathroom floor.

As weak as he was, Alex was able to manoeuvre himself out of the tub and into the living room. He was freezing. Completely naked and wet, he had to practically crawl to get to the phone. Every time he coughed, he fell, and every time he fell, it took that much more energy. He didn't make it to the phone before blacking out from the pain.


I hate doing that to him.

This is Warren, my inspiration for Delilah. Here he's 2 months old. <3 :'3

.jack barakat/alex gaskarth, dear mr. gaskarth, slash

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