Dear Mr. Gaskarth (14/?)

Jul 20, 2011 05:42

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (14/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits  
 Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat and Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: sausajizz , she requested this of me a while ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all, but the plot belongs to sausajizz  and myself

The next day at school, Jack was met by Zack at his locker with a peck to the cheek. It took his off guard at first, making him turn to the younger in question.

"Hey, you," Zack said sweetly, hanging on Jack's arm for a second as he pulled books from his locker. "Wanna go off campus for lunch?"

Jack nodded in agreement. "I want a damn burger."

Zack giggled at the harsh word and the way Jack had spat it but it stopped almost as soon as he'd opened his mouth to preform the action. That girl, Haley, had trounced her way down the hall, stopping directly by Jack.

"Hey Jack," she greeted, completely ignoring Zack in her flirting attempt. She was wearing a green tanktop that clashed completely with her bright red hair and blue miniskirt. She looked like a slut, Zack thought, rolling his eyes in no effort to hide his annoyance from her.

"You wanna go for lunch with me somewhere? Prefferably back to my place," she offered, reaching a hand out to slick a finger down Jack's arm with a sickly sweet smile. Much to Zack's liking though, the older boy seemed completely disinterested in her, shrugging a bit before closing his locker.

"Sounds hot but I just made plans, sorry," he said loosely and started off toward his next class, leaving her to stand next to Zack at his locker. He only offered a little smile to the boy.

It wasn't the perfect answer but Zack would take it.


The two boys were joined by Rian for lunch at SugarBee's and they all ate and were merry until the subject of Zack and Jack being a couple was brought up by Rian. They talked about it for a while, just kind of clearing everything up with him before the subject was pretty much dropped as soon as it came. Jack wasn't stupid though, he could see that Rian was completely unsure just like Jack was himself about it and he was sure he'd get his ass chewed later for it.

They made it back to school right on time for Jack to be rushing into his English class a few minutes late.

"Sorry I'm late," he whispered to Alex as he walked past. He realized then that he was disrupting a test that Alex had passed out right away and he grabbed one from him before sitting.

He finished it easily as it was only on the terms and steps of an essay, not actually writing one. Kyle was staring at him once Alex had said they could speak among themselves as he graded.

"How are things?" the blonde asked, leaning on his elbow on the table and looking at Jack expectantly.

"Fine," Jack said simply like he wasn't sure what Kyle had meant.

"With Zack?" the younger tried again and Jack let out a laugh.

"Oh, right. Uhm, fine, I guess. We just went for lunch today."

Kyle frowned then, relaxing back in his seat. "How do you feel about it?"

"Oh you women and your feelings," Jack teased and Kyle's frown tunred to a scowl.

"I'm not a woman. And need I remind you that I'm helping you out here? With out me, he'd probably hate your guts."

Jack nodded in agreement at that. "I guess I feel like it might work."

Kyle finally smiled then, placing a hand on Jack's knee in afirmation, rubbing it in a friendly gesture that had Jack's eyes widening.

"I'm proud of you for giving this a try. I've only known you for a few weeks and I feel like I'm your mother."

"You," Jack started, swallowing back the spit that had collected in his throat as he pulled his eyes from the boy's hand, innocently resting on his leg. There was no denying that the simple action, unbenouced to Kyle, was completely sexual to Jack and it had his dick twitching in his jeans. "Act like my mother too."

They talked, well mostly Kyle talked and Jack focased on anything that would get his boner to go down but it didn't happen. So when the bell rang through the halls of Dulaney High School singaling the end of the class, Jack was clutching his binder close to lap. Once the rest of the class had shuffled out, Jack finally stood.

Alex quirked an eyebrow at him as he passed.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked with an amused smirk. Jack simply answered with "boner", leaving Alex to chuckle at his desk.

They met again at the end of the day as Alex was starting his car. He spyed Jack starting off through the parking lot alone with his bookback over his shoulder, seemingly a little slumped over on himself.

"Jack," he called and the boy, only about twenty feet away, looked up at him with an awkward smile. "Where's your ride?"

"He forgot me. He's coming back now," Jack explained with a stupid smile, pulling out his phone and setting his bag down on the pavement. He took a seat next to it, not caring that it was still a little damp from the previous rain.

"Right," Alex said with a laugh. "So when are we gunna meet this week for your tutoring?"

"Do I seriously need tutoring, Alex?" Jack asked, rolling his eyes as he rested his elbows on his knees and then his head in his hands, trying to rub the fatigue away.

The teacher paused for a second, biting down on his bottom lip as he lied. "Erm, yeah."


"Jack," Joyce called and it echoed through the dark room. "Wake up."

The boy peeked out from under his tent of covers, absolutely hating the way she then flicked the light switch on, completely molesting his sleeping time.

"Mom," he complained, clutching at his head as a long string of pain rang through it. "My head hurts, mommy."

He wasn't usually one to complain. Okay, that was a lie, Jack would be the first to bitch over something - anything really, but when it came to pain, he was usually a tollerant boy. Today, even though the pain was only a dull gnawing on his brain, he pulled the covers over him tighter.

"Oh, Jack," she said with a voice full of worry. Jack always loved that she was so caring, always so gentle. "Here, let me get the thermometer."

Jack would roll his eyes if it wouldn't have made his head throb. When she came back, she was clutching a hot wash cloth in her hand, a thermometer in the other.

"Here," she called, sitting down on the side of the bed, mattress dipping in as she did. She waited for him to open his mouth before putting the utinsel in. He closed his lips around it with a fond smile.

"Mom, I don't think-"

"Shh," she cut him off. "You'll mess up your temp reading."

After a second the thermometer beeped and she pulled it out, the worried look melting from her face. "Jack, you're temperature is normal."

He gave her an unsure smile and shrug and answered it with an eye roll. "I don't feel well, though."

She gave a sigh and stood from his, bed, dusting herself off before walking back to the doorway. "Fine. Stay home, but I want you in bed all day. And I'll ask Miss Cook if you did!" She said and she made her way out the door to her car. Jack watched her get in and drive off before he hopped out of bed.

dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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