It's In Your Head (9+10/?)

Jun 29, 2011 19:01

Titled: It's In Your Head (9+10/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex, mentions of Sykecest
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Vampires and lots of boysex.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, only the plot and story are mine.
Author's Notes: Sorry I've been gone so long :/
SEQUEL TO IT'S IN THE BLOOD I can't stress that enough.

It's In The Blood is here


Alex let out a huff as a ball of packed snow hit the side of his head and he heard Jack giggling as he ran to hide behind a tree.

Jack tried to catch his breath from all the quick maneuvering as he weaseled his skinny body so that it fit perfectly, guarded by a big oak tree. He tried his best to not giggle before peaking out from behind the tree, smile falling when he found nothing. He took in a gasp when he felt a warm breath on his neck, head snapping toward it and he let out a little yelp when he saw Alex staring back. There was a wide grin on his lips as he lifted the snow ball in his hand before squishing it onto the top of Jack's head.

It was cold, freezing cold and Jack gasped again as he reached up to pull the wet snow from his hair.

"Damn it, Lex. That's freezing!"

"You started it," Alex argued with a shit-eating grin on his features. "Not my fault, bitch."

Jack let out a challenging laugh, leaning down and grabbing a chunk of snow to throw at him, but Alex was already gone.

"Over here," Alex taunted, voice behind the boy and Jack turned quickly. "I wish you weren't so slow,  babe."

"I won't be for long," Jack growled and started toward the vampire when the front door opened and David appeared from the entrance. The couple stared at him for a second before he joined them by the frozen creek at the edge of the property.

"Hey, guys," he said gently as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a single cigarette before sticking it between his lips and lighting it.

"Look at you, making an effort to socialize," Jack praised with a big smile and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Well," David stumbled, blushing with his words. "I-uh. Tom was cleaning in the living room and I needed to get out of Christofer's room for a second, so."

Jack gave him an understanding smile before his tone suddenly changed and he bit his lip.
"You know, David, I've known you for over a year and I still have no idea what you do."

David looked over at him, removing a strip of his dark hair from his eyes before giving him a shy smile. "What do you mean, 'what I do'?"

"You know," Jack said, giving a general gesture of quotation marks in the air. "What's your power?"

David let out a little laugh. "Why would you think that I have one?"

"You have the prettiest little amber colored rings around you iris'," Jack complimented and the boy huffed another embarrassed laugh.

"I-yeah. They're still developing. But uh," the boy paused, kneeling down to the ground and dabbing the cigarette out into the dirt before hovering a hand over a patch of grass. Jack wondered at first what he was doing but only a second later, a small sprout popped it's little green head out of the snow and opened up, exposing the cutest little blue flower. The action of the little sprout couldn't have been more graceful; it happened all in a matter of seconds. David plucked it from it's spot and held it out for Jack to take, giving a little laugh when he saw the human's mouth a gape. Jack's smile grew when the boy thrust the flower forward gently again, getting Jack to take it this time.

"Alex, did you know about this?" the human asked, tickled pink by the act of kindness that David had just shown him.

"Of course. I wouldn't let him stay in my clan if I didn't know about him. Which reminds me," Alex said suddenly, turning to the younger vampire. "How's my son?"

Jack chuckled a bit as David's eyes grew big. He looked like a deer in the head lights of a semi. "Chris is your s-son?"

Alex rolled his eyes and let out a little laugh. "Well, theoretically. Why do you look so worried?"

"No reason."

"Right." Alex didn't sound convinced but he continued anyway. "I have to go check on Chris. Watch Jack while I'm gone," he instructed and David nodded before the older vampire started off back toward the house.

David waited until he was gone before he sat down on one of the rocks on the edge of the stream and Jack joined him instantly. The boy played, smashing a patch of his ice with his foot and giggle as he did so. He still clutched the little blue flower in his fingers and he smiled down at it.

"What's your favorite color?" Jack asked and David frowned, reaching up to rake his fingers through his hair.

"I really like purple."

"Perfect," Jack said and nodded.

"Why, what's the purpose?" the boy asked as he leaned down to drag his fingers along the glassy ice.

"Maybe I'll get you a purple tie for our wedding then," Jack answered, smiling over at David with care.

"What color will you wear?"

"I don't know yet," he admitted. "Probably a white tie. I don't think I'm attractive enough to pull off something like purple."

"Well, if you're not then I have no chance," David said, a blush rising on his cheeks when Jack quirked an eye brow at him. "I mean, you're a very nice looking guy."

Jack huffed a little nervous laugh.  "You think?"

After a quick pause the boy nodded. "I think Alex is lucky."

"Naw," Jack said. A nervous reaction and he leaned forward to place a little kiss to the boy's warm cheek, nose brushing the other boy's and feeling the cool little ring. David stared at him when he pulled away again, mouth gaping as his face reddened and he gulped audibly. Jack giggled a little.

"'M sorry."

"Alex is gunna kill me," he whispered and Jack laughed, rolling his eyes.

"He won't care," the boy assured. "He knows that I love him. But I know you're not the biggest fan of contact, so sorry again."

"No, I'm used to it. Christofer's a very touchy person."

"You two are really cute together," Jack chuckled and David smiled the smallest amount.

"You think?"

"For sure."


"Tom," Alex asked and the other vampire's head snapped up from the couch. He was sniffling back his runny nose, slumping in on himself when Alex found him in the living room. His dusting spray and cloth had been discarded.

He didn't respond, knowing he'd been caught and Alex just walked over to take a seat next to him. "Tom, love. Talk to me."

Tom seemed to shy away from the touch that Alex placed, stroking his fingertips along the younger vampire's cheek.

"I'm alright, Lex. I," he paused for a second to turn to him. "I just really miss my brother sometimes, even after a year of him being gone."

Alex let out a small sigh, clutching the boy closer to him so Tom could lay his head against the elder's chest. The room was nearly silent save for the noise that the various electronics gave off, even when not turned on and the sound of Tom's soft breathing.

"You know," the elder started, rubbing soft circles into the back of Tom's grey and black striped sweater. "I don't think you're ever going to stop missing him and I wouldn't want you to. You don't just forget someone like him."

Tom sniffled and nodded. "I know. But it's just hard sometimes."

"I'm right here, love." Alex pressed the younger's face into his chest gently, stroking through his hair with the utmost care and concern. They sat like that for a while, rocking back and fourth gently until Tom seemed to have calmed a bit.

"Lex," Jack said, announcing his and David presence in the room in case he were interrupting things.  Alex turned his head to confront them.

"I was thinking that we could go get the groceries rather than Tom getting them. Maybe he should just rest a bit," he offered and Tom gave a little half smile and a nod. "We'll take David too if he wants."

"Thank you, Jack. That would be nice."


That night had all went well. They went to get groceries and ended up getting some new clothes for David as well. David was even treated to a nice dinner by the couple. Everything was well until they arrived home. Alex and Jack stayed by the car for a second, and thank god, because perched on the door step was a small, rolled up letter with his name inscribed on it.

He picked it up quickly and carried it up to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. His heart and head began pounding because he could recognize the scent that the letter gave off. He squeezed his eyes shut and popped the wax seal on it, letting it fall open.


It has come to my attention that your job is finished. Come and see me or I'll be forced to come to you.

, Havok.

David gulped back the lump in his throat before crumpling the note up tight and dropping it into the water of the toilet. He bit his lip a bit, contemplating before leaning down over the white porcelain, forcing up the food that he'd eaten and flushing it down.

Maybe that would cover up the sickly sweet scent of the letter.


Tom sat himself gently on the side of the bed. Oli's side. It still vaguely smelled like him, even after this long. He rested back gently against his brother's pillow, pulling in the scent through his nose. He closed his eyes.

He reached a hand forward and stroked his fingers through the soft, dark hair as gentle as he could manage; the way only Tom could. The dark, simple brown eyes stared back, Tom thought he could detect something like regret in them, but that was wishful thinking on his part. He let out a little sigh, leaving his mouth open to speak.

"You're here," he declaired simply and the older brother nodded. He barely noticed the hot, wet tear because that wasn't supposed to part of his time with his brother. He wiped it away and reached out to circle his arms around his brother's neck and sighed against his pulse point.

"I missed you." The words, again, were simple but true and Oliver remained unmoving. But that was alright with Tom, as long as he got him time with the older brother, everything would be okay. He felt one of his own tears fall from his eye and down his nose. Wiping it away quickly, something caught his eye. The chair  in the corner of the room had been his favorite, being that it was the spot that the brothers had first experimented kissing. They were simple, innocent and sweet but perfect in Tom's eyes. Even thinking that though, a purely sorrowful feeling washed through his body, through his veins and pooled in his chest. His family had gotton rid of the chair, replacing it when his mother had found a completely new living room set. Of course she could have never known how much it meant to the youngest brother but that didn't stop it from breaking his heart.

"Tom," Alex's voice came, breaking through his thoughts and making the eldest brother disappear from behind Tom's eyelids.

"No wait!" Tom pleaded, eyes shut tight, ignoring what ever Alex was saying in favor of trying to recover the blurred, whispy image. "Please."
The last was a whisper, knowing that he'd have to wait again until he could have complete and utter silence to be able to meet with his brother again. He opened his eyes, a hard frown set on his features and he turned to Alex.

Tom looked heart broken, simply heart broken and Alex paused, leaning against the door frame. Tom took in a deep, jagged breath and shot Alex a look. One that made the elder vampire cringe back.

"What do you want, Alex?" he snapped and Alex's brow furrowed. The sound out of Tom's mouth was almost a little malicious and it sounded wrong pair with those pretty, caring blue eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you that I made dinner for us," he said and paused. "So you wouldn't have to."

Tom just offered a stiff nod, pursing his lips together tightly and hung his head a bit. "Just go away, okay?"

Alex didn't respond, just turned and walked away, leaving Tom to rub gently at his eyes and huff a breath. He felt bad for yelling at Alex but it seemed so easy then. He felt vulnerable like he had when Oli first left. It was like he had an open wound that everyone wanted to clean, and that would have been okay, save for the fact that the wound was part of him now. 
Even if he wanted it to, it wouldn't close. It couldn't heal because the gap was too large. With out his brother to fill the deep void, it might not ever close.

jalex, slash

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