I'm Your Doctor, I'm Your Whore (S/A)

Jan 30, 2011 21:42

Titled: I'm Your Doctor, I'm Your Whore
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Rating: NC-17 Porn.
Pairing: Jalex
Disclaimer: Title to Cute Is What We Aim For. Don't own the boys, do own the plot.
Summary: Jack has a medical kink. Alex is a nurse

This is for the kink contest on ATB.  Here
Tumblr here

Jack sat in the cool waiting room of Baxter Medical Clinic, tapping and rapping his fingers on the edge of the arm rests repeatedly. Some would say that he was scared, terrified even, of the doctor's office, but they were definitely wrong.

"Sir," the receptionist called, giving him a warm smile as she beckoned him forward. "Please sign in."

"Uh, I'm here for my physical with Doctor Baxter," he said, starting toward the desk of the empty office and the lady behind the desk smiled again, maybe a little amused with him.

"I just need to know your name, sir."

"Barakat. Jack," he muttered, blushing a bit as he looked down at the mahogany desk in embarrassment. Her fingers pressed over the letters of the key board a few times before she told him to just take a seat and it would be a short wait.

He sat in the same seat as before and, absentmindedly began to tap his foot quickly against the marble floor.

"Excuse me for a second, I'll be right back," the lady said, standing and walking out of the office and Jack let out a breath that he was holding. He checked around the room, doing it against to be sure before clasping his hands together.

"Okay, God. Buddah, Alah, whomever is listening. Please, please, please, let this doctor be female. Please! And if you hate me enough to actually bring me to a male doctor, please let him be unattractive. Ugly as fuck," he whispered before letting out another breath and resuming his normal position. He reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose, pushing back what he could feel was rising in his stomach as bile.

"Mr. Barakat, is it?" Came a voice, male voice, from the door behind him and Jack squeezed him eyes shut. He knew that he just had to get it over with and so he stood, ripping off the band-aid so to speak, and turned to him.

"Yes," he answered, taking in the man's appearance and he let out the biggest mental sigh of relief he could have imagined. The man was old, short, fat and damn ugly. He sported the most unkempt, white mustache that Jack had ever seen and he was practically swimming in the pale blue scrubs that he wore.

"Come with me, son," he said and beckoned the boy through the door and into the rest of the clinic. Once he'd taken Jack's weight and height, scribbled it down on the clip board, he'd sat Jack down in the exam room and Jack was starting to get a little clammy. The room was fairly small with a desk area and a computer, a sink and counter area, a long exam chair in the corner next to the door with a shelf to the side and a few sitting chairs for the family of the patient.

"So you're just here for a simple physical, Mr. Barakat?" Dr. Baxter asked as he ushered Jack to the exam chair and the doctor sat close, face to face. Jack pulled their gazes apart in favor of pretending to gawk at the "impressive" Doctor's Certificates on the wall.

"My boss sent me. Annual physicals," Jack answered, laughing awkwardly and not even looking at the doctor when he stood and went to was his hands before pulling out a pair of latex gloves. It was when Jack hear the rubber snap against the man's skin that he felt it. It felt just like someone lit a match in his stomach and he had to purse his lips from letting out a little squeak.

"So, was there something wrong with your old doctor?"

Jack gulped a bit. "I, uh," he started but stopped himself. "Just needed to change."
It wasn't entirely a lie, it just wasn't the whole truth. Not like Jack could tell him that he got a new doctor every time because ever time he went in for a check up, he got a raging hard-on. But it wasn't ever really a big problem finding a new one; there's lots of doctors in Baltimore.

"Right, so shall we get started?" the doctor asked and Jack just paused for a second before nodding. He was just adjusting  his gloves when the receptionist came in, hanging on the door frame.

"Dr. Baxter," she started. "I need you to sign some paper work quick. When you get time," she added and the doctor nodded.

"Mr. Barakat, I'm going to have one of my nurses fill in for a few minutes while I take care of this," the doctor said before excusing himself into the hall.

Jack opened his mouth to object when the heat started to boil again in his stomach. He was pretty sure he was going to puke if this "nurse" wasn't ugly as all hell. Or a woman. Same thing.

"Alex, room 182," the doctor called from the hall way and Jack relaxed. Thank god. A lady. But when he saw Alex, he knew he was in for a world of misery. The boy was drop dead; perfect caramel colored hair just above his shoulders and he clutched the clip board to his slender body.

"Hello, sir," he started. "I'm Alex Gaskarth."

Jack didn't dare move, breathe, let alone speak a word.

"Are you just in for a physical, Mr," he paused to check the chart as he sauntered over to the counter area. "Barakat?" Alex washed his hands well and pulled on a pair of rubber gloves before turning to Jack who was sitting as far back in the chair as he could possibly.

Alex's friendly smile faltered a bit. "Are you alright, sir?"

Jack shook his head back and fourth slowly. "No," he squeaked.

Alex frowned for a second before giving an assuring smile. "I promise it'll be alright; it's just a physical."

Jack didn't respond with anything as Alex grabbed the tool and took Jack's blood pressure before reaching over to the shelf for the stethoscope and pressing the cool, circular surface to Jack's clothed chest. He listened for a second, completely oblivious to the way the other boy was desperately trying to hide the serious bludge in his jeans.

Alex moved the end of the tool around Jack's chest trying to get a good listen and every where that it moved, Jack's skin would itch. It felt like tiny pin pricks cursing the top layer all the way through to his ribs and Jack was fairly sure that before this was over, he'd both puke and come. He wasn't sure which would come first though.

"So, where do you work?" Alex asked casually, giving Jack another assuring smile as he pulled the stethoscope from his ears and laying it back on the shelf next to them.

"I, uh," Jack tried, strained and struggled through his dry mouth. "Stocking."

Alex gave him a questioning look, warm smile never fading and laughed gently. "Alright. Well, it's good that you're coming in then. Need to make sure you're ship-shape with such physical work."

Jack just nodded feebly, looking directly into Alex's chocolate eyes for the first time and letting out a jagged breath. Easily, Alex was the most attractive nurse/doctor he'd ever seen, maybe even the most attractive boy he'd ever seen in general and it was not helping.

"Let's have a look at your throat, alright?" Alex reached into the jar of popsicle sticks and waited for Jack. "Open up wide for me."

Oh, fuck. That sounded sexual, Jack thought as Alex leveled himself out so he could peer into the boy's mouth and that's the time that Jack's cock started to twitch a little below the denim.


"Okay, looks good, Jack. How about your eyes."

Jack wasn't focusing on what the nurse was saying while he shined the little light into his eyes until he saw Alex's teeth reach out to bite down on his plump, perfect pink bottom lip.

"You have really nice eyes," he complimented sweetly before flicking off the light and pushing it back into the pocket on his pale blue top.

Jack pursed his lips together tight and just nodded a thank you, not trusting his voice or any other traitorous part of his damn body.

"Okay," Alex started again, standing and walking back over to the counters where he pulled off his gloves and washed his hands again before pulling on another pair. "If you wanna go ahead and get undressed for me."

Jack was good at one thing and it was noticing details. Small ones like how Alex reached up to absentmindedly scratch the side of his nose or how the front of his shirt would hang down just enough that he could see the perfect contours in Alex's collar bone. But there was one detail in particular that stood out and it was the "for me" that Alex added to the end of that sentence. Like it was an option. Like he was doing a favor to the nurse by undressing himself. Like Alex wanted it.

But there was only one problem and it wasn't small anymore.

What kind of sick freak gets turned on by going to the doctor's office? Jack didn't know but he did know that he was that sick freak. He couldn't get off anymore without pretending that there was an exam table below him and a guy with any kind of doctor's instruments pressing, standing over him.

He wouldn't survive this. No way.

"Uhm," Alex said quietly, awkwardly and that's when Jack realized that he'd been staring at the nurse with terrified, wide eyes. "I can go while you undress, if you like."

Jack didn't respond, just reached down to pull his tee shirt off with shaky hands. He let it drop to the floor next to the chair and Alex was looking at him with a look of serious sympathetic confusion.

Jack paused, mentally refusing to go any further and Alex raised an eye brow.

"Okay, that's a start," he admitted with a little laugh, taking a seat next to Jack, placing a hand on Jack's left shoulder to push him back into the chair gently and Jack's lips opened to let in a little gasp. He didn't dare look at Alex. Didn't even think about it. No, instead he kept his eyes directly up at a spot on the ceiling.

"Thank god this only happens once a year for you," Alex joked though they both know it was a true statement.

"Five," Jack said, voice cracking into a whisper.

"What?" Alex asked.

"Five. I usually wait five years," Jack admitted, keeping his eyes on that suddenly interesting spot.

"Well that's no good. You should go at least every six months," Alex answered and reached over to press his fingers into Jack's right peck. "Tell me if you feel tender or sore where I press."

He began to rub gentle circles into the area with care, seemingly feeling for anything particularly out of place. Jack felt sore everywhere but that wasn't new when he went to the doctor; he'd been clenching so tight that they'd be sore for weeks.

Slowly but surely, Alex's hands worked their way down Jack's body, feeling, touching, pressing. But when his fingers pressed directly over the boy's stomach, Jack whimpered a little.

Noticing this, Alex asked, "Is that sore?"

Jack bit his lip as he faught the bile that was rising in his throat, fire raising in the very core of his stomach. He shook his head no but Alex still seemed concerned.

"Why are you so scared of this?" he asked with care and a smile but Jack shot him a terrified look, pushing back bile with everything he had.

"I-" he started but decided against it in fear of hurling all over the hottest nurse he'd ever seen.

Alex waited to see if that was all the response he was going to get. When he decided that it was, he stood again.

"I'm going to turn around while you undress yourself the rest of the way," he said and walked to the counter area to re-wash and change his gloves. "When I turn back around, you'd better be naked," he joked.

Jack seriously felt like crying as the fire in his stomach started to travel through his stomach, churning with the stomach acid there and making him more nauseous than he'd ever felt.

"I don't hear undressing."

Jack gulped and slowly pushed his pants down, taking the boxers with them and letting them hit the floor before sitting back down and attempting to cover his traitorous boner for as long as he could with his hand and his forearm. So when Alex turned back around, he saw Jack, basically huddled as far back in the chair as he could, hiding his entirely exposed body like a scared child.

Alex laughed a little. "You know I see guys every day, right? It shouldn't be awkward for you."

If he only knew and as much as Jack was dreading this, he was fucking craving for Alex to touch him. Fucking needed it like no one could imagine. Talk about your self conflict.

Alex sat back down next to the naked Jack and reached forward for Jack's hand, the one that was covering his junk, and took it into his own all while keeping perfect eye contact with the scared boy.

"It's okay," he promised and Jack took in a deep breath before Alex reached down to gently prod at Jack's lower abdomen and noticing the fully erect cock.

He laughed, giving Jack a disbelieving look. "That's what you're worried about? You know, it happens to more people than you'd think."

Jack could barely understand or hear what he was saying because his fingers were just inches from the tip of his cock and he wanted to rut up so fucking bad that he physically had to push his hips further into the chair to stop himself.

Alex continued when he didn't get an interesting response, gently pushing around the stretch of lower abdomen with careful hands. When he found nothing wrong, he moved a little lower, prodding around the, cleanly shaved base of Jack's cock, before picking up the cock itself so he could feel ever closer to it and that's when a quiet, yet noticeable moan tumbled from his lips, spilling into the air and Alex looked up at him blankly. Jack blushed like mad when the nurse gave a little laugh.

"You'd think that you enjoying this more than actually being afraid of it," he observed, giving him a little half smirk before returning to pressing gently at the very base of Jack's dick. Meanwhile, the fire in Jack's stomach is burning hotter than ever and slowly working it's way straight to his cock.

"I'm terrified of enjoying it," Jack admitted shakily, being the first real thing he'd said since he'd been in the chair. Alex looked up at him with a thoughtful face.

"Well, you shouldn't be afraid of that," he said with a little laugh and it almost sounded seductive to Jack.

Alex must have rubbed it wrong (no, not wrong, right) or something because, with out warning, Jack rutted his hips up, letting a moan fall from his lips again and Alex gasped a bit.

Jack bit his lip, blushing like mad because it felt so good and he couldn't stop himself from repeating the action, thrusting up again and sliding his boner through Alex's loose grip.

"Jeez, Jack," Alex whispered, looking to the door quickly to check, dropping his cock in the process.

"I'm sorry," Jack whimpered reaching down to brush his fingers across the head of his own dick. He tried it again quickly before taking it into his hand and stroking the length a few times.

"Stop that," Alex demanded, slapping his hand away hastily.

"I can't," the other groaned, reaching for it again before Alex grabbed his wrist.

"This is not the place, Jack," he practically pleaded. "I could get fired."

"Lock the door," Jack tried, leaning forward as much as the chair would allow to connect their lips for a second. His brain was like slush in his skull at that point, thoughts swimming through it aimlessly like dumb goldfish. Alex pulled back abruptly and stood, seemingly offended by Jack's actions like any normal human would be.

He paced around the room for a second until he realized that Jack was stroking himself again, small "uhn's" falling from his lips.

"Jack, stop that," he barked, quiet enough that no one out of the room could hear.

"God, Alex," he pleaded, because stroking himself was only doing so much for himself. Not even close to how he felt when Alex's, rubber glove clad hands, were on it.

"What's wrong with you?!" Alex asked, reaching a hand over to flick the lock on the door before walking back over to Jack, gesturing to his lower half as he sat back into the chair. "Why are you like this?"

Jack reached forward to grab onto the back of the nurse's hair.

"It's the doctor's!" Jack whined, talking directly into his mouth. "Medical things, fuck, they turn me on. I masturbate to General Hospital, for fuck's sake."

He leaned forward just enough to slot their lips together again until Alex pulled back.

"Jack, I have a boy friend and everything. This is so inappropriate."

Jack huffed a little, ignoring what Alex had said completely in favor of grabbing the nurse's hand. He brought it down to his cock, rutting against the latex and letting out a little moan.

Alex rolled his eyes and recoiled his hand. "Fine, you wanna play doctor?"

Jack let out a quick "uhn" as Alex reached down to grab the hem of his own shirt to pull it up and off. He laughed a little as Jack made grabby hands at him, humming jibberish when he finally gained purchase. Skin on skin made his finger tips tingle as he dragged them down the nurse's perfectly contoured torso.

"Dear fuck," he mumbled as he pulled the nurse closer to the exam table, connecting his lips to the side of Alex's stomach and mouthing against the skin, desperate for something, anything.

"Jack, that tickles," Alex laughed a little trying to undo the knot in the tie string of his scrubs, pushing Jack away half-heartedly. He continued though, despite Alex's warning, sucking the tender skin into his mouth and gnawing it gently until Alex got his scrubs onto the floor with shaky fingers. Jack then moved his mouth over a few inches to Alex's lower abdomen, just under his navel to work the skin there. He tucked the tips of his fingers under band of elastic on Alex's briefs, pulling them down slowly until, they too, fell to the floor onto the pale blue scrubs.

Alex let his head fall back as he pushed Jack's face down further by knotting his fingers in the man's raven hair until his mouth was just hovering over Alex's semi-hard cock. Jack didn't waste time either, grabbing it with one hand while the other reached up to pinch at one of Alex's nipple, squeezing and twisting it lightly between the digits. Alex liked it too, letting out the smallest of moans and he subconsciously licked at his lips, eyes rolling back.

Jack began working the other hand up and down Alex's cock with a loose grip at first, just enough to tease him into challenging him.

"Is that right?" he asked innocently but only received an eye roll from the nurse.

"Come on, Jack, harder," Alex whispered, thick dark brows knotting together in a bit of frustration and Jack smirked, tightening his grip only a little as he worked it.

"I think you're gunna have to show me how," he teased and  Alex huffed in annoyance, taking Jack's cock in his own hand tightly.

"Like that," he whimpered, just resting his hand there without moving it but that still wasn't good enough for Jack it seemed.

"How?" Jack pushed with a look of fake confusion, trying to bite back a laugh at Alex's frustrated scowl. With all thoughts of messing around abandoned, the nurse lifted a leg, pulling Jack's hand away in favor of straddling Jack's head, pushing his cock against Jack's face in desperation.

"Just take it, kay?" he whimpered again, grinding down against Jack's mouth as he took the patient's cock into his hand roughly, beginning to work it. Jack opened his mouth to let out a little moan, lips catching the bottom of Alex's cock along the way, leading to a chain effect of moaning and whimpers.

"Yeah, Jack. Like that," Alex said, mistaking the accidental touch for Jack's teasing and he ground down a little more, craving the friction it brought. Jack rolled his eyes with a silent laugh, opening his mouth, licking a stripe down the shaft and across the soft skin on the nurse's balls. He sucked one into his mouth, just soft at first, working his tongue around it in gentle swipes.

Alex let out a little "uhn", pushing his lower half down more as he craned his head around to watch what he was doing. If he could form sentences then, he'd say that he hadn't seen anything much hotter than watching Jack's wet slicked mouth work one of Alex's balls. He was going to say something, but that plan went to shit when he started to feel his brain swimming around in his skull.

He didn't get a chance to just relax and let Jack do all the work before his patient was thrusting up, grinding into Alex's face, desperate for the attention.
 Alex took in a gaspy breath when he felt Jack's cock twitch against his cheek, blushing a little as he sat up again. He was quick to take Jack's length into his mouth, working it like a pro for a few seconds before popping it back out to admire it for a second.

"You're hung, babe," he said with a little laugh as he leaned down again to take it in, letting it slide as far back as he could this time before swallowing around it hard. Jack was completely speechless for a second, letting his eyes roll back in his head and pausing with Alex's - now throbbing - cock in his mouth. He was suddenly snapping out of it though when Alex hummed around his dick, ushering for him to get back to work.

He rolled his eyes a little as this was seemingly a game for them now, seeing who could suck so good that the other had to pause. This was easily the hottest sexual encounter he'd ever had - hands down.

"Jack, come on!" Alex pleaded with a bright red face, completely ignoring the string of drool that was slipping out of his mouth and down his chin and neck.

Jack placed both hands on the tops of the nurse's ass cheeks, pushing down and ultimately sliding Alex's cock back into his mouth and down his throat. Before the top could say anymore, he was swallowing hard around the length like he was forcing down a big pill and Alex yelped at the white hot sensation that came with it. The action had not only brought his stomach rolling but had it twisting in and writhing in pleasure. His cock felt like it was on fire - literally on fire but it hurt so damn good.

He could blame such intense feeling on the fact that it had been months since his guy had touched him like that - no - touched him at all.

"Fuck," he growled and thrusted down into Jack's mouth hard and letting his eyes roll back in his head at the heavenly sound of Jack's gagging.

The patient shot him a look taking one hand from Alex's ass cheek and shoving the forefinger of it into hole, hard. It went in dry and rough and it had the nurse biting back a scream of pain, teeth clutching to his bottom lip for dear life.

"Jack, ow," he whimpered, not even able to finish his sentence before the digit of the boy below him was flicking gently at Alex's prostate. He worked it there for a second, rubbing it gently against the sweet spot and Alex had pretty much given up on Jack's cock, giving in to his own selfish needs.

"Jack," he growled again in the most animalistic voice the patient had ever heard. Jack was going to comment on how hot it actually sounded but didn't, not having time to say anything before he felt Alex coming and hard judging by the roar of pleasure that he let escape through his teeth.

Jack swallowed it down like a good boy before pulling his finger out of the nurse's ass and pushed him away. He gasped in a desperate breath for air, only realizing then that he'd actually needed it. He let himself relax, reveling in the relief that the new oxygen brought as he tried to slow his breathing. Alex was climbing off him then, standing over the patient as he grabbed his stethoscope from the floor.

Jack wasn't paying attention to him until he heard the snapping of latex gloves, eyes instantly glued on the rubber over skin as Alex toyed with him.

"You like these?" he teased, running the tip of his tongue over his front teeth as he pulled the gloves on over his hands.

Jack couldn't bring himself to speak, mouth dropping open as he watched one of Alex's rubber-clad hands grab the stethoscope from around his neck. He came at Jack with it, hover the cool pad of the doctor's utensil over the tip of Jack's hard cock and the patient bit back a long moan.

"You want?" Alex asked, leaning over him, teasingly moving the stethoscope close to Jack's skin and Jack nodded furiously.

"Yeah," he pleaded through clenched teeth as he felt his stomach wring out like a wet rag.

"Here." Alex grabbed Jack's cock with his gloved cover hand and held it straight before finally pressing the cool plastic of the tool to the tip of his dick, rubbing it in pressured circles.

Jack's eyes went wide as he gasped in a breath. He could swear that the simple contact was the best feeling he'd ever had and Alex pressed harder, rubbing it in.

"You like?"

Jack nodded again as the nurse pulled it off, moving around him on the patient's table to crouch in front of his hard cock, smiling up at Jack as he did.

"How do you feel about rubbing alcohol?" he asked, grabbing a bottle of it from the cabinets next to him when Jack's eyes blew up even wider.

Jack recalled a time when he'd come on the spot as a doctor prepped him for a shot. He'd fucking loved the strong chemical smell and this time wasn't different.

Alex tipped the bottle upside-down onto a cotton wipe before holding it up for Jack to see.


Jack nodded, taking it from him quickly before the nurse could touch him with it.

“Mine,” he growled, holding it a few inches from his nose and breathing it in in small doses.

Alex smirked. “I thought so. You are an odd one though; I’ve only seen medical kinks on the internet.”

He leaned forward a little more then, taking Jack’s cock into his mouth one last time and sucking the tip. He rubbed the flat of his tongue along the underside of it hard and Jack felt his leg muscles spasm, tighten and then relax quickly as he came. He tipped his head back, dropping the wet cotton strip onto his chest, he let his mouth hang open. All of his muscles followed suit of his legs, tightening painfully hard as he released. Pinpricks covered his entire lower half in waves of tingling for a second then before he completely relaxed, slumping back onto the patient’s table.

Alex let Jack’s cock out of his mouth then with a loud pop, giving a little giggle as he looked up at the completely exhausted boy. He grabbed a few paper towels from a stack on the counter before taking them over to Jack, first wiping off his wet mouth and under his eyes where moisture had collected, more than likely from coming so hard. Alex got dressed, putting back on his boxer briefs and then his scrubs.

Alex hummed in approval as Jack reached out limply and placed a hand on Alex’s chest, grabbing the material in his fist and pulling him close. The nurse took that as a a “come here” gesture and grabbed a chair, pulling it up  to the table and sitting. He leaned forward then, resting his chin on Jack’s arm and looking into his tired brown eyes. They shared a smile.

“How do you feel about dating a nurse?” Alex asked then, reaching a hand out and dragging his fingers through Jack’s sweat-slicked hair. The patient’s eyes went a little wider for a second and he picked up his head.

“What about your guy?”

“I like you better,” Alex admitted as he bit down on his bottom lip, smile turning a little naughty at the end. “And lucky for you, I like to bring my work home.”

oneshot, i'm your whore, jalex, slash

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