Dear Mr. Gaskarth (5/?)

Jan 23, 2011 17:14

Titled: Dear Mr. Gaskarth (5/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex, Slight Merrikat, Olex (Alex and Oli)
Rating: NC-17
Dedications: sausajizz  , she requested this of me a while ago.
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys at all but the plot belongs to sausajizz   and myself


Jack walked back into the front doors of school, just in time to hear the first bell ring and he was present, sitting at their grey, slate table when Kyle walked in to take his seat. He was wearing a striped flannel paired with some tight skinnies, not unusual but there was something different; his cute little smile was nonexistent that day, replaced by a look of stressed sadness.

"Hey, Jack," he mumbled as he slumped back in his chair and Jack thought that that was unusual too - he'd usually sit with perfect posture.

"Uh, hey there," Jack greeted, laughing a bit at the comparison in his head of Kyle to the zombies in the movie he just saw. He didn't say any more, positive that the boy would share what was wrong immediately, so he was surprised when Kyle just sighed and leaning forward onto the surface of the table and laid his head down.

Jack didn't have time to ask him what was wrong before Alex was walking in and perching himself up on the front table with a big smile. Jack's bottom lip dropped open half an inch because he'd changed into a slim, deep red dress shirt, a pair of black dress pants and a tie. The only thing that he'd left the same was his black beanie. But Jack's bottom lip was only open half an inch so it wasn't like he was...gaping or anything.

It seemed that Alex was a step ahead of Jack already because he was staring intently at Jack with a little smirk on across his lips.

"You enjoy your movie?" Alex asked and the entire class seemed to follow his eyes, across the room to Jack who was now trying to casually hide the shade of pink across the tops of his cheeks.

"Immensely," he retorted and Alex gave him a little huffy laugh.

"Right. Pass up homework now; anyone who didn't complete it is staying after class to finish it." The class groaned at that and Jack nodded his head proudly because, he actually did his homework the night before. "And no, I don't care how late you are to lunch."

Kyle handed Jack his home work whom then passed theirs up to the front row.

"Nice turn out," Alex complimented as he shuffled through the papers. "Looks like the only ones that didn't turn their shit in are Kelly and Ryan. Nice job, everyone else." He paused for a second before taking his actual seat behind his desk. "I'm going to work on grading these while you all start on your in-class work that I put on the board."

Jack reached behind him for his backpack and went to pull out his English book but just grasped thin air. For a second, his heart skipped a beat because he wasn't sure where he'd left the book, but after a second of thinking about it, he pictured it sitting on the end table in his living room. He gave a little sigh because he definitely didn't want to ask for help but he stood anyway, walking over to Alex's desk and resting his hands on it's surface.

"Hey, I forgot my book at home," he admitted with a bit of an annoyed look on his face and Alex huffed a laugh.

"Really? Interesting," he hummed with a simple smile before going back to looking over papers.

"Can I borrow one?" Jack asked after a second of Alex's silence.

"What can I have in return?" the elder asked with out looking up, making a quick red dash across an incorrect answer on the paper.

Jack quirked an eyebrow and quickly dug into his pocket. "I have a stick of gum," he offered, becoming even more annoyed as the second of Alex's silence passed.

"That book costs about sixty dollars," Alex suggested, glancing up through his caramel bangs to look up at Jack with a cocky smile. "That had better be a goddamn awesome stick of gum."

"It is, I own it."


Jack was just bending down to place the books in his locker for the day when he saw a pair of grey and yellow sneaker under his locker door to the left. He craned his neck around the door to peer up at Zack with a curious look.

"Uhm, hey Jack," the younger mumbled, reaching back to rub at the back of his neck. "I, uh, I was just wondering if you were okay."

"Yeah," Jack agreed quickly, stuffing the books in and then shutting the door quickly. He stood then, meeting the boy's questioning eyes. "I went to a movie with Rian earlier."

"Oh, okay." He looked a little disappointed, stroking a hand through his own brown hair. "Sorry to bother you."

Jack was going to let him turn around and walk away, he was but honestly, the boy looked a little too broken. And no matter how awkwardly gay Zack had become in Jack's eyes, they were still best friends.

"Zack, I-" he started and the boy paused for a second, turning quickly to give Jack a chance to speak again. "You wanna come to mine tonight? We can get Taco Bell for dinner or something."

First, Zack grinned wide, nodding quick but after a second, the smile fell from his face.

"Jack, you don't have to feel bad if you don't like me," Zack said quietly, almost too quiet for the loud halls.

Jack let out a little sigh. "Look, it's not that I don't like you, it's just that," he paused, choosing his words carefully in favor of sparing the boy's feelings. "I just don't like you like you like me, I think."

Zack opened his mouth to say something but paused, lips hanging open before he shut it again. "Okay."

"But if you still wanna hang tonight, I'm up," Jack said, smiling warmly and reaching a hand out to place on Zack's shoulder.

Zack offered the same smile back. "Yeah, okay."


"So when did you figure it out?" Zack asked, perching himself up on Jack's bed, crossing his legs instantly as he made himself comfortable.

"Figure out what?" Jack asked, folding open his English book and pulling out the sheet of paper that Alex had assigned. He looked up at Zack he didn't get an answer. "Figure out that you're gay?"

Zack nodded a few times, scribbling down an answer on his own sheet of Algebra.

"Uhm, yesterday," Jack admitted, hanging his head a bit when Zack laughed.

"Are you serious?" he asked, reaching over and slapping Jack's arm when he nodded. "God, Jack! You're so blind. I've have the biggest crush on you since Freshman year."

Jack looked up at him, wide eyed and not even trying to hide the look of slight terror on his face. "What?"

Zack adverted his eyes quickly, a shade of pink highlighting his cheeks. He wasn't sure if he'd said something wrong, but he definitely regretted it instantly. "Well, yeah. I mean, you're" He stumbled a bit on his words, reaching up to play with his hair in nervousness.

"Oh, god. This has been going on a lot longer than I thought then," Jack said quietly and Zack looked a bit like a deer in head lights. He didn't answer, but instead, took his chances on scooting closer to Jack, placing a hand on the top of his leg and leaning in, pressing their lips together. The kiss was so light that it felt like it was nearly nonexistent, just a ghost of skin on skin. Jack's eyes went wide when he figured out what was happening, but he didn't pull away, instead, he just let Zack have his moment. It would, he was sure, be Zack's only chance anyway, he'd just wished that he hadn't taken it.

When the younger finally pulled away, he had a blissful smile across his features that didn't last long as he took in Jack's face, looking into his scared eyes. "How was that?" he asked hopefully, biting after on his lip so hard that he thought it would draw blood.

Jack let out a scared little huff before standing and opening the door to his room. "I think you should go."

dear mr. gaskarth, jalex, slash

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